Golgota: Diferență între versiuni

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The possible source of the word Golgotha has been attributed variously. The name "Golgotha" could have been adopted since, historically, this place may have originally been a place of public executions where the skulls of the executed could be seen or, perhaps the name may have been derived from a neighboring cemetery, or it may have been connected with the shape of the ground, a hill which may have resembled a skull. According to tradition, Golgotha was the burial place of Adam's skull <ref>Rev. Dr. Nicon D. Patrinacos (M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon)). ''A Dictionary of Greek Orthodoxy - Λεξικον Ελληνικης Ορθοδοξιας''. Light & Life Publishing, Minnesota, 1984. pp.181</ref> and a shrine exists at this site. The location was identified in 326 AD by Empress [[Helen]], the mother of [[Constantine the Great]]. It was on the northwest side of the ancient city.<ref>[http://www.gospel-mysteries.net/golgotha.html Golgotha]</ref>
The possible source of the word Golgotha has been attributed variously. The name "Golgotha" could have been adopted since, historically, this place may have originally been a place of public executions where the skulls of the executed could be seen or, perhaps the name may have been derived from a neighboring cemetery, or it may have been connected with the shape of the ground, a hill which may have resembled a skull. According to tradition, Golgotha was the burial place of Adam's skull <ref>Rev. Dr. Nicon D. Patrinacos (M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon)). ''A Dictionary of Greek Orthodoxy - Λεξικον Ελληνικης Ορθοδοξιας''. Light & Life Publishing, Minnesota, 1984. pp.181</ref> and a shrine exists at this site. The location was identified in 326 AD by Empress [[Elena]], the mother of [[Constantine the Great]]. It was on the northwest side of the ancient city.<ref>[http://www.gospel-mysteries.net/golgotha.html Golgotha]</ref>
The [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] is built around the ground venerated by Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians as "Golgotha" (known in the West as ''the Hill of Calvary'') which the [[New Testament]] records Jesus Christ was crucified {{citation|Good idea to add the Biblical reference when found}}.
[[Biserica Sfântului Mormânt (Ierusalim)]] pe locul pe care [[tradiţia]] creştină l-a considerat a fi "Golgota", menţionat cu acest nume în [[Noul Testament]] ca loc al crucificării lui Iisus.
[[Image:GalgothaStNickDC.JPG|right|thumb|150px|Galgotha - St. Nicholas Cathedral, Washington, D.C.]]
[[Image:GalgothaStNickDC.JPG|right|thumb|150px|Reprezentarea iconică Golgota - Catedrala Sf. Nicolae, Washington, D.C.]]
==Reprezentarea iconică "Golgota"==
==Reprezentarea iconică "Golgota"==

Versiunea de la data 24 iunie 2011 21:08

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Golgota (gr. Κρανιου-τοπος (Kraniou Topos); lat. Calvariae Locus; aramaică Gûlgaltâ; sl. паннихида, pannikhída - "locul căpăţânii") este locul unde a fost crucificat Iisus, situat în afara zidurilor vechiului Ierusalim. Uneori "Golgota" este şi numele unei reprezentări iconice a crucificării Mântuitorului.


The possible source of the word Golgotha has been attributed variously. The name "Golgotha" could have been adopted since, historically, this place may have originally been a place of public executions where the skulls of the executed could be seen or, perhaps the name may have been derived from a neighboring cemetery, or it may have been connected with the shape of the ground, a hill which may have resembled a skull. According to tradition, Golgotha was the burial place of Adam's skull [1] and a shrine exists at this site. The location was identified in 326 AD by Empress Elena, the mother of Constantine the Great. It was on the northwest side of the ancient city.[2]

Biserica Sfântului Mormânt (Ierusalim) pe locul pe care tradiţia creştină l-a considerat a fi "Golgota", menţionat cu acest nume în Noul Testament ca loc al crucificării lui Iisus.

Reprezentarea iconică Golgota - Catedrala Sf. Nicolae, Washington, D.C.

Reprezentarea iconică "Golgota"

În bisericile ortodoxe, Golgota este o reprezentare iconică de mari dimensiuni a crucificării lui Iisus, situată în spatele sfintei mese a altarului. Mai rar, sunt reprezentaţi şi Maica Domnului şi Apostolul Ioan, ca în icoana crucificării. În anumite tradiţii locale, această reprezentare iconică este scoasă în mijlocul naosului când se fac parastase.

În timpul Săptămânii Patimilor Golgota este scoasă de preot sau de episcop în mijlocul bisericii spre închinare într-o procesiune de la utrenia din Vinerea Mare, în timp ce strana cântă de trei ori troparul:

Astăzi s-a răstignit pe lemn Cel ce a spânzurat pământul pe ape.
Cu cunună de spini a fost încununat Împăratul îngerilor.
Cu porfiră mincinoasă a fost îmbrăcat Cel ce îmbracă cerul cu nori.
Lovire peste obraz a luat Cel ce a liberat în Iordan pe Adam.
Cu piroane a fost pironit Mirele Bisericii.
Cu suliţa a fost împuns Fiul Fecioarei!

Închinămu-ne Patimilor Tale, Hristoase, arată-ne nouă şi slăvită Învierea Ta.


  1. Rev. Dr. Nicon D. Patrinacos (M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon)). A Dictionary of Greek Orthodoxy - Λεξικον Ελληνικης Ορθοδοξιας. Light & Life Publishing, Minnesota, 1984. pp.181
  2. Golgotha

A se vedea şi


  • Rev. Dr. Nicon D. Patrinacos (M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon)). A Dictionary of Greek Orthodoxy - Λεξικον Ελληνικης Ορθοδοξιας. Light & Life Publishing, Minnesota, 1984.
  • Wikipedia:Golgotha/

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