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(The New Testament Canon: traducere)
(The Old Testament Canon: traducere)
Linia 41: Linia 41:
Alternate names and notes for the books of the canon are given in parentheses.
Alternate names and notes for the books of the canon are given in parentheses.
=== The Old Testament Canon ===
=== Canonul [[Vechiul Testament|Vechiului Testament]] ===
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*[[Cartea Facerii|Facerea]] (''Geneza'')
*[[Cartea Ieşirii|Ieşirea]] (''Exodul'')
*[[Cartea Levitic|Leviticul]]  
*[[Cartea Numerilor|Numeri]]
*[[Cartea Deuteronom|Deuteronomul]]
*[[Book of Joshua|Joshua]] (Jesus Navi)
*[[Cartea lui Iosua|Iosua]] (sau ''Iisus Navi'')
*[[Cartea Judecătorilor|Judecători]]
*[[Book of Ruth|Ruth]]
*[[Cartea Rut|Rut]]
*[[I Kingdoms]] (I Samuel)
*[[Cartea I a Regilor|I Regi]] (I Samuil)
*[[II Kingdoms]] (II Samuel)
*[[Cartea II a Regilor|II Regi]] (II Samuil)
*[[III Kingdoms]] (I Kings)
*[[Cartea III a Regilor|III Regi]] (I Regi)
*[[IV Kingdoms]] (II Kings)
*[[Cartea IV a Regilor|IV Regi]] (II Regi)
*[[I Paraleipomenon]] (I Chronicles)
*[[Cartea I Paralipomena|I Paralipomena]] (I Cronici)
*[[II Paraleipomenon]] (II Chronicles)
*[[Cartea II Paralipomena|II Paralipomena]] (II Cronici)
*[[I Esdras]]
*[[Cartea I a lui Ezdra|I Ezdra]]
*[[II Esdras]] (Ezra)
*[[Cartea lui Neemia|Neemia]]
*[[Book of Nehemiah|Nehemiah]]
*[[Cartea III a lui Ezdra|III Ezdra]]  
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*[[Tobit]] (Tobias)
*[[Cartea lui Tobit|Tobit]] (Tobie)
*[[Cartea Iuditei|Iudita]]
*[[Book of Esther|Esther]] (16 chapters)
*[[Cartea Esterei|Estera]] (16 capitole?)
*[[I Maccabees]]
*[[Cartea I a Macabeilor|I Macabei]]
*[[II Maccabees]]
*[[Cartea II a Macabeilor|II Macabei]]
*[[III Maccabees]]
*[[Cartea III a Macabeilor|III Macabei]]
*[[IV Maccabees]]
*[[Cartea IV a Macabeilor|IV Macabei]]
*[[Psalms]] (151 in number)
*[[Cartea Psalmilor|Psalmi]] (151)
*[[Prayer of Manasseh]]
*[[Rugăciunea regelui Manase|Manase]]
*[[Book of Job|Job]]
*[[Cartea lui Iov|Iov]]
*[[Pildele lui Solomon|Solomon]] (a ''Proverbelor'')
*[[Ecclesiastes]] (The Preacher)
*[[Cartea Ecclesiastului|Eclesiastul]]  
*[[Song of Solomon]] (Song of Songs)
*[[Cântarea Cântărilor]]
*[[Wisdom of Solomon]]
*[[Cartea Înţelepciunii lui Solomon|Înţelepciunea lui Solomon]]
*[[Wisdom of Sirach]] (Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Sirach ''or'' Ecclesiasticus)
*[[Cartea Înţelepciunii lui Isus Sirah|Înţelepciunea lui Isus, fiul lui Sirah]] (''Ecclesiasticul'')
*[[Book of Hosea|Hosea]] (Osee)
*[[Cartea lui Osea|Osea]]  
*[[Book of Amos|Amos]]
*[[Cartea lui Amos|Amos]]
*[[Book of Micah|Micah]]
*[[Cartea lui Miheia|Miheia]] (''Mihea'')
*[[Book of Joel|Joel]]
*[[Cartea lui Ioil|Ioil]]
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*[[Book of Obadiah|Obadiah]] (Abdias)
*[[Cartea lui Avdie|Avdie]]  
*[[Book of Jonah|Jonah]]
*[[Cartea lui Iona|Iona]]
*[[Book of Nahum|Nahum]]
*[[Cartea lui Naum|Naum]]
*[[Book of Habakkuk|Habakkuk]] (Avakkum, Abbacum)
*[[Cartea lui Avacum|Avacum]] (''Habacuc'')
*[[Book of Zephaniah|Zephaniah]] (Sophonias)
*[[Cartea lui Sofonie|Sofonie]]  
*[[Book of Haggai|Haggai]] (Aggaeus)
*[[Cartea lui Agheu|Agheu]] (''Haggai'')
*[[Book of Zechariah|Zechariah]]
*[[Cartea lui Zaharia|Zaharia]]
*[[Book of Malachi|Malachi]]
*[[Cartea lui Maleahi|Maleahi]]
*[[Book of Isaiah|Isaiah]]
*[[Cartea lui Isaia|Isaia]]
*[[Book of Jeremiah|Jeremiah]]
*[[Cartea lui Ieremia|Ieremia]]
*[[Book of Baruch|Baruch]]
*[[Cartea lui Baruh|Baruh]]
*[[Lamentations of Jeremiah]] (Lamentations)
*[[Plângerile lui Ieremia]] (''Plângeri'')
*[[Epistle of Jeremiah]]
*[[Epistola lui Ieremia]]
*[[Book of Ezekiel|Ezekiel]]
*[[Cartea lui Ezechiel|Ezechiel]]
*[[Book of Daniel|Daniel]] (With additions of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, and Song of the Three Children)
*[[Cartea lui Daniel|Daniel]]  
*[[Cântarea celor trei tineri]]
*[[Istoria Susanei]]
*[[Istoria omorârii balaurului şi a sfărâmării lui Bel]]

Versiunea de la data 29 iulie 2009 23:11

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Sfânta Scriptură, ca mijloc de transmitere a Revelaţiei dumnezeieşti şi ca depozitară a Revelaţiei, cuprinde o dublă colecţie de cărţi: Colecţia Vechiului Testament şi Colecţia Noului Testament.

Vechiul Testament cuprinde revelaţia făcută de Dumnezeu prin patriarhii vechi şi prin prooroci, timp de aproximativ 1000 de ani (sec. XV - sec. V î.d.Hr.), fiind "călăuză spre Hristos" (Galateni 3: 24), pregătind venirea Lui.

Noul Testament cuprinde descoperirea supranaturală făcută nu prin trimişi ai lui Dumnezeu, ci prin Însuşi Dumnezeu Fiul (Evrei 1:1-2), pusă în scris ocazional de către unii dintre Apostoli sau ucenicii acestora. Cea mai mare parte a descoperirii făcute de Mântuitorul s-a transmis pe cale orală, fiind fixată în scris mai târziu, de către Sfinţii Părinţi ai primelor secole creştine.

Noul Testament desăvârşeşte descoperirea făcută de Dumnezeu prin Legea lui Moise (cuprinsă în Pentateuh - primele cinci cărţi ale Bibliei) şi prooroci, din perioada Vechiului Testament, după cuvintele Mântuitorului: "Să nu socotiţi că am venit să stric Legea sau proorocii; n-am venit să stric, ci să împlinesc" (Matei 5: 17).

Acest articol (sau părți din el) este propus spre traducere din limba engleză!

Dacă doriți să vă asumați acestă traducere (parțial sau integral), anunțați acest lucru pe pagina de discuții a articolului.
De asemenea, dacă nu ați făcut-o deja, citiți pagina de ajutor Traduceri din limba engleză.

The Holy Scripture is a collection of books written over multiple centuries by those inspired by God to do so. It is the primary witness to the Orthodox Christian faith, within Holy Tradition and often described as its highest point. It was written by the prophets and apostles in human language, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and collected, edited, and canonized by the Church. Above all, the Bible is a faith document.

The Nature of Scripture

The Scriptures both are the word of God and are about the Word of God, Jesus Christ. They are God's revelation of himself, the word of God in the words of men. The Bible is a witness to the revelation of God, and it is a part of the active and living Holy Tradition of the Church. Thus, if Tradition is the life of the Church, then the Scripture is the primary language of that life.

The Scripture—both Old and New Testaments—is fundamentally about Christ. It is Christocentric and Christological. The whole Bible presupposes the Incarnation and Resurrection of Christ. Indeed, the very purpose in writing the New Testament was because Christ had already risen from the dead—with the death of the Apostle James, the Church realized that the eyewitnesses were not always going to be with them, therefore the preaching of the eyewitnesses was written down.

The preaching of the apostles preceded the Scripture, so we must understand the Scripture as an expression of that preaching; the word of God had already gone out and established the Church, which served as the communal context for the Scripture's composition and canonization. Humanity naturally tends to preach before it makes a written record. Moses' word to the people of Israel after the Passover was first that they should tell their children. St. Mary Magdalene's first act upon learning of the Resurrection was to run and tell Peter. Only later did these events get recorded in writing.

The Presupposition of Faith

The Bible presupposes the faith of the reader. It is a faith document—not science, philosophy, history, archaeology, literature, ideology, or biography. Because of its origins and usage in the community of faith, it does not attempt to establish its own authenticity or to prove its basic assumptions. It was not intended as a logical proof for the existence of God or for the reality of that to which it attests.

Faith is the acceptance of a truth on the word of another, not guessing or direct knowledge from being an eyewitness. As St. John Chrysostom says, the Church would die if it were founded only on knowledge (i.e., direct experience); there must be those who take it on faith. Though in the Church's history many "empirical" experiences of Biblical revelation have been had by the saints, they are by no means the norm. Most Christians in this life will never directly witness the truths described in the Bible, and so they must read it with the eyes of faith.

The Integrity of Scripture

Because the Bible is a faith document, we must respect its integrity as the final revelation of the Orthodox Christian faith. We do not recognize any other writings as canonical Scriptures other than those listed below. Though the Bible does not constitute an all-sufficient summary of revelation, no new revelation has been given. Even if another document were to be unearthed which scholars all agreed came from the hand of Paul or Moses, it would not be added to the canon. Likewise, if an existing part of the canon were undeniably proven not to be from its traditionally ascribed author, it would not be removed from the canon.

The Purpose of Scripture

Holy Scripture exists for the reason that the Apostle John gives in John 20:30-31:

And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. (KJV)

That is, the Bible is written so that we might believe and be saved.


The Canon of Scripture

The Old Testament canon of Scripture is that of the Septuagint, which was the Bible of the apostles. Other Christian communions through the years have deviated somewhat from this apostolic canon which the Orthodox Church still uses. The canon of the New Testament was developed over the early centuries of the Church. Its first known listing in its final form is the Paschal Letter of St. Athanasius of Alexandria in A.D. 367.

Alternate names and notes for the books of the canon are given in parentheses.

Canonul Vechiului Testament

Vanonul Noului Testament

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