Istoria Bisericii – perioada de după marea schismă (1054-1453) (cronologie): Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: {{Traducere EN}} {{IstoriaBisericii-cronologie}} '''Istoria Bisericii''' este o parte importantă a credinţei creştine ortodoxe. Creştinii ortodocşi se definesc în mod deosebit ...)
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Versiunea de la data 14 octombrie 2009 17:56

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Cronologie a Istoriei Bisericii
Perioade Istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe (cronologie) (Articol rezumativ)
Perioade Perioada Noului Testament | Perioada apostolică (33-100) | Perioada pre-niceeană (100-325) | Perioada niceeană (325-451) | Perioada bizantină (451-843) | Perioda bizantină târzie (843-1054) | Perioada de după marea schismă (1054-1453) | Istoria Bisericii – perioada post-imperială (1453-1821) | Perioada modernă (1821-1917) | Perioada comunistă (1917-1991) | Perioda post-comunistă (1991-prezent) |
(Articole principale)

Istoria Bisericii este o parte importantă a credinţei creştine ortodoxe. Creştinii ortodocşi se definesc în mod deosebit prin continuitatea lor cu cei care au trăit înaintea lor, aceia care au fost primii care au primit şi propovăduit adevărul lui Iisus Hristos lumii, cu aceia care au ajutat la formularea şi exprimarea formulelor şi cultului de credinţă, şi cu aceia care au continuat să urmeze neschimbata, dar totuşi tot timpul dinamică, Sfânta Tradiţie a Bisericii Ortodoxe.

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Dumnezeu Tatăl
Iisus Hristos
Sfântul Duh
Istoria Bisericii
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Viața Bisericii
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Post-Imperial era (1453-1821)


  • Some of these dates are necessarily a bit vague, as records for some periods are particularly difficult to piece together accurately.
  • The division of Church History into separate eras as done here will always be to some extent arbitrary, though it was attempted to group periods according to major watershed events.
  • This timeline is necessarily biased toward the history of the Orthodox Church, though a number of non-Orthodox or purely political events are mentioned for their importance in history related to Orthodoxy or for reference.

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Published works

The following are published writings that provide an overview of Church history:

From an Orthodox perspective

From a Heterodox perspective

  • Cairns, Earle E. Christianity Through the Centuries: A History of the Christian Church. (ISBN 0310208122)
  • Collins, Michael, ed.; Price, Matthew Arlen. Story of Christianity: A Celebration of 2000 Years of Faith. (ISBN 0789446057)
  • Gonzalez, Justo L. A History of Christian Thought, Volume 3: From the Protestant Reformation to the Twentieth Century. (ISBN 0687171849)
  • Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, Volume 2: Reformation to the Present Day. (ISBN 0060633166)
  • Hastings, Adrian, ed. A World History of Christianity. (ISBN 0802848753)
  • Jones, Timothy P. Christian History Made Easy. (ISBN 1890947105)
  • Noll, Mark A. Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity. (ISBN 080106211X)
  • Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700). (ISBN 0226653730)
  • Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 4: Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700). (ISBN 0226653773)
  • Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 5: Christian Doctrine and Modern Culture (since 1700). (ISBN 0226653803)
  • Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church. (ISBN 156563196X)

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