Anatolie al Constantinopolului: Diferență între versiuni

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Our father among the [[saint]]s, '''Anatolius of Constantinople''' was Patriarch of the [[Church of Constantinople]] from 449 to 458. Although a member of the Alexandrian school, he condemned the [[heresy]] of [[Eutyches]] and [[Dioscorus of Alexandria|Dioscorus]]. He is commemorated by the Church on [[July 3]] .
Cel întru sfinți părintele nostru '''Anatolie de Constantinopol''' a fost [[patriarh]] al [[Constantinopol]]ului între anii 449 și 458. Deși făcea parte din tradiția școlii catehetice din Alexandria, Anatolie a condamnat erezia lui [[Eutihie de Constantinopol|Eutihie]] și [[Dioscor al Alexandriei|Dioscor]]. Este [[Praznic|prăznuit]] de [[Biserica Ortodoxă]] la data de [[3 iulie]].
Anatolius was born in Alexandria, Egypt. The date of his birth is unknown other than it was in the latter half of the fourth century. He was well educate, having studied philosophy. Anatolius was [[ordination|ordained]] a [[deacon]] by [[Cyril of Alexandria]]. Anatolius was present at the [[Third Ecumenical Council]] at [[Ephesus]] in 431, during which the holy Fathers condemned the false teaching of [[Nestorius]]. After the death of St. Cyril, he remained a deacon at Alexandria when the [[See]] of Alexandria was occupied by Pope Dioscorus.
Anatolie s-a născut în Alexandria, Egipt. Data exactă a nașterii sale nu este cunoscută, dar s-a născut în a doua jumătate a secolului al IV-lea. A primit o educație aleasă, studiind filosofia. Anatolie a fost [[Hirotonie|hirotonit]] [[diacon]] de sfântul [[Chiril al Alexandriei]]. În anul 431 Anatolie a fost prezent la [[Sinodul III Ecumenic]] (Efes), la care [[Sfinții Părinți]] au condamnat învățăturile greșite și înșelătoare ale lui [[Nestorie]]. După moartea sfântului Chiril, Anatolie a rămas în continuare diacon pe lângă [[scaun]]ul patriarhal al Alexandriei, ocupat de acum de papa Dioscor.  
In 449, with the support of the emperor Theodosius II Dioscorus and his followers convened a "[[Robber Council of Ephesus|Robber Council]]" at Ephesus, at which the Patriarch of Constantinople Flavian was [[deposition|deposed]]. Then, with the influence of Dioscorus with the emperor, Anatolius, who had been the apocrisiarius (representative) of Dioscorus, was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople.
In 449, with the support of the emperor Theodosius II Dioscorus and his followers convened a "[[Robber Council of Ephesus|Robber Council]]" at Ephesus, at which the Patriarch of Constantinople Flavian was [[deposition|deposed]]. Then, with the influence of Dioscorus with the emperor, Anatolius, who had been the apocrisiarius (representative) of Dioscorus, was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople.
Linia 16: Linia 16:
After a life of constant struggle against heresy and for truth, Patr. Anatolius died on July 3, 458, apparently at the hands of followers of Dioscorus.  
After a life of constant struggle against heresy and for truth, Patr. Anatolius died on July 3, 458, apparently at the hands of followers of Dioscorus.  
Patr. Anatolius made a large contribution to the literary treasury of the Orthodox Church. He composed liturgical [[hymn]]s for Sundays, for certain Feasts of the Lord (the Nativity and the Theophany of Christ), and for the [[martyr]]s: Ss. Panteleimon the Healer, [[George the Trophy-bearer|George the Victory-Bearer]], and [[Demetrius of Thessaloniki|Demetrius of Thessalonica]]). In the service books they are designated simply as "Anatolian" verses.
Patr. Anatolius made a large contribution to the literary treasury of the Orthodox Church. He composed liturgical [[hymn]]s for Sundays, for certain Feasts of the Lord (the Nativity and the Theophany of Christ), and for the [[martyr]]s: Ss. Panteleimon the Healer, [[George the Trophy-bearer|George the Victory-Bearer]], and [[Demetrius of Thessaloniki|Demetrius of Thessalonica]]). In the service books they are designated simply as "Anatolian" verses.
{{start box}}
{{start box}}
before=[[Flavian the Confessor|Flavian]]|
înainte=[[Flavian Mărturisitorul|Flavian]]|
title=[[List of Patriarchs of Constantinople|Patriarch of Constantinople]]|
titlu=[[Listă a patriarhilor de Constantinopol|Patriarh de Constantinopol]]|
after=Gennadius I}}
după=Ghenadie I}}
{{end box}}
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*[  OCA: St Anatolius the Patriarch of Constantinople]
*(en) [  OCA: St Anatolius the Patriarch of Constantinople]
*[[Wikipedia: Anatolius of Constantinople]]
*(en) [[Wikipedia: Anatolius of Constantinople]]
*[  Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Anatolius]
*(en) [  Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Anatolius]
*[ Anatolius of Constantinople]
*(en) [ Anatolius of Constantinople]
[[Category:Patriarchs of Constantinople]]
[[Categorie:Patriarhi de Constantinopol]]
[[en:Anatolius of Constantinople]]
[[en:Anatolius of Constantinople]]

Versiunea de la data 16 iunie 2011 10:02

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Cel întru sfinți părintele nostru Anatolie de Constantinopol a fost patriarh al Constantinopolului între anii 449 și 458. Deși făcea parte din tradiția școlii catehetice din Alexandria, Anatolie a condamnat erezia lui Eutihie și Dioscor. Este prăznuit de Biserica Ortodoxă la data de 3 iulie.


Anatolie s-a născut în Alexandria, Egipt. Data exactă a nașterii sale nu este cunoscută, dar s-a născut în a doua jumătate a secolului al IV-lea. A primit o educație aleasă, studiind filosofia. Anatolie a fost hirotonit diacon de sfântul Chiril al Alexandriei. În anul 431 Anatolie a fost prezent la Sinodul III Ecumenic (Efes), la care Sfinții Părinți au condamnat învățăturile greșite și înșelătoare ale lui Nestorie. După moartea sfântului Chiril, Anatolie a rămas în continuare diacon pe lângă scaunul patriarhal al Alexandriei, ocupat de acum de papa Dioscor.

In 449, with the support of the emperor Theodosius II Dioscorus and his followers convened a "Robber Council" at Ephesus, at which the Patriarch of Constantinople Flavian was deposed. Then, with the influence of Dioscorus with the emperor, Anatolius, who had been the apocrisiarius (representative) of Dioscorus, was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople.

Since he had been associated with Dioscorus, Anatolius was under suspicion of favoring Eutychianism (Leo, Epp. ad. Theod. 33 ad Pulch. 35). But, after his consecration Anatolius publicly condemned the teachings not only of Eutyches, but also those of Nestorius. He also subscribed to the letters of Cyril against Nestorius and of Pope Leo I against Eutyches (Leo, Epp. 40, 41, 48). At a local Council in Constantinople in 450 Patr. Anatolius condemned the heresy of Eutyches and Dioscorus as he zealously set about restoring the purity of Orthodoxy.

With Pope Leo, he requested the emperor Marcian to summon a general council against Dioscorus and the Eutychians. At the council in Chalcedon in 451, Anatolius presided in conjunction with the Roman legates (Labbe, Conc. Max. iv.; Evagr. H. E. ii. 4, 18; Niceph. H. E. xv. 18). The Fathers of the Chalcedon Council affirmed the dogma about the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ, "perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, true God and true man, made known in two natures without mingling, without change, indivisibly, inseparably" (Greek: "asynkhutos, atreptos, adiairetos, akhoristos").

The council also passed the famous 28th canon that affirmed the canon of theSecond Ecumenical Council that placed Constantinople on an equal footing in dignity with Rome (Labbe, iv. 796; Evagr. ii. 18), and that the churches of Asia Minor, Greece, and the Black Sea region, including new churches that might arise in these regions, were placed under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople.

After a life of constant struggle against heresy and for truth, Patr. Anatolius died on July 3, 458, apparently at the hands of followers of Dioscorus.


Patr. Anatolius made a large contribution to the literary treasury of the Orthodox Church. He composed liturgical hymns for Sundays, for certain Feasts of the Lord (the Nativity and the Theophany of Christ), and for the martyrs: Ss. Panteleimon the Healer, George the Victory-Bearer, and Demetrius of Thessalonica). In the service books they are designated simply as "Anatolian" verses.

Casetă de succesiune:
Anatolie al Constantinopolului
Precedat de:
Patriarh de Constantinopol
Urmat de:
Ghenadie I
