Metodie I al Constantinopolului
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Cel între sfinţi părintele nostru Metodie I a fost Patriarh de Constantinopol la mijlocul secolului al IX-lea.
Metodie a fost ales ca patriarh de Împărăteasa Teodora după caterisirea patriarhului iconoclast Ioan al VII-lea Grămăticul. El a purtat o politică moderată faţă de iconoclaști pe timpul când cinstirea icoanelor se reîntorcea în Biserică. Praznicul său este sărbătorit la data de 14 iunie.
Metodie s-a născut în Siracuza din Sicilia, în ultima decadă a secolului al VIII-lea, într-o familie înstărita care l-a trimis la Constantinopol spre a-și continua educația și pentru a obține o funcție la curtea imperială. Când a ajuns la Constantinopol, Metodie a fost convins de un călugăr să urmeze o viaţă monahiceasca. A intrat în mănăstire pe insula Chios, unde mai târziu a devenit și stareţ
Early in the ninth century Leo V the Armenian, an iconoclast, became emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire and renewed the persecutions against the iconodules that included most of the monastic community. Patriarch Nicephorus I was deposed in 815 for resisting the iconoclastic laws and was banished from the city. Methodius apparently was sent as an envoy by Patr. Nicephorus to Rome in 815 to report on the situation to Pope Paschal. Methodius remained in Rome until the assassination of Emperor Leo in 820. Upon his return to Constantinople in 821, Methodius was arrested by the regime of the iconoclast Emperor Michael II, scourged, and sent into exile to Antigoni in Propontis. In 828, Methodius was released by Michael just before his death.
Emperor Theophilus, himself also an iconoclast, succeeded Michael in 829 and renewed the persecutions. Methodius confronted the emperor but was scourged and then confined in the palace. Finding Methodius firm in his beliefs under such punishment, Theophilius attempted to use argument during which Methodius was able to somewhat persuade Theophilius, who lessened the persecutions before his death in 842.
With the death of Theophilius, the situation changed greatly. The widow of Theophilius, Empress Theodora, a strong defender of the veneration of icons, became regent for her son Michael III. She re-established the conditions of the Seventh Ecumenical Council of 787. Patriarch John VII, an iconoclast would not repent his heresy and was deposed. Methodius was elected in his place. He summoned a synod at Constantinople in 842 that confirmed the deposition of John VII and his succession.
On March 11, 843, the restoration of the images was celebrated in a triumphal procession from the Church of Blachernae to Hagia Sophia, and thus established the holy day for the Orthodox Church that is celebrated each year on the first Sunday of Great Lent known as the "Triumph of Orthodoxy", the day upon which is read the "Synodikon of Orthodoxy" that was complied by St. Methodius.
St. Methodius reposed on June 14, 847 in Constantinople.
Metodie I al Constantinopolului | ||
Precedat de: Ioan al VII-lea |
Patriarh de Constantinopol 843-847 |
Urmat de: Ignatie I |
- Îndreptătorule al Ortodoxiei, învăţătorule al dreptei cinstiri de Dumnezeu şi al curăţiei şi luminătorule al lumii, podoaba călugărilor cea de Dumnezeu insuflată, Metodie înţelepte, cu învăţăturile tale pe toţi i-ai luminat. Alăută duhovnicească, roagă-te lui Hristos Dumnezeu să mântuiască sufletele noastre.
Condac, glasul al 2-lea:
- Pe pământ te-ai nevoit ca un fără de trup şi cerurile ai moştenit, Metodie, ca cel ce ai apărat până la margini închinăciunea icoanelor, că în dureri şi osteneli peste seamă petrecând, n-ai încetat, cu îndrăzneală mustrând pe cei ce se leapădă de icoana lui Hristos.
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