Adrian și Natalia

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Versiunea din 13 februarie 2010 13:39, autor: Sîmbotin (Discuție | contribuții) (Martiriul)
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Sfinţii mucenici Adrian şi soţia sa Natalia au trăit în Nicomedia (Asia Mică); ei şi-au dat viaţa pentru credinţa creştină la începutul secolului al IV-lea. Prăznuirea lor în Biserica Ortodoxă este pe 26 august.


Adrian (latin. Hadrianus) după o carieră militară de succes, a ajuns să facă parte din Garda Herculiană a împăratului roman Galerius Maximianus (305-311).

La începutul secolului al IV-lea, împăratul Diocleţian reformase imperiul instaurând tetrarhia (cei patru tetrarhi fiind Diocleţian insuşi, Maximian, Galerius Maximianus şi Constantin Chlorus - tatăl Sfântului Constantin cel Mare). Bucurându-se de mare încredere în faţa lui Diocleţian, mai ales după victoria pe care o repurtase împotriva perşilor, Galerius Maximianus l-a determinat pe acesta să promulge o serie de 4 edicte (decrete) împotriva creştinilor în anii 303-304, edicte care au declanşat cea mai mare persecuţie din istoria imperiului împotriva acestei religii.

După ce a început această mare persecuţie împotriva creştinilor, Adrian a întâlnit un grup de martiri în lanţuri (23 la număr, se spune în Minei; 33 conform altor surse ) şi i-a întrebat cum de pot astfel de chinuri doar pentru credinţa lor. Ei au răspuns că ei suferă pentru a câştiga lucrurile bune pregătite de Dumnezeu pentru cei care au suferit de dragul Lui: "Lucruri, pe care ochiul nu le-a văzut, urechea nu le-a auzit, şi la inima omului nu s-au suit; aşa sunt lucrurile pe cari le-a pregătit Dumnezeu pentru cei ce-L iubesc" (1 Corinteni 2, 9). Auzind aceste cuvinte, Adrian a fost cuprins de harul divin şi a spus oficialilor romani prezenţi acolo să scrie şi numele său pe lista acelor martiri, fiind arestat pe loc. Când soţia sa, Natalia, a auzit că Adrian a fost închis la un loc cu ceilalţi martiri, s-a dus în fugă la temniţă. Ea era născută din părinţi creştini, dar se temea să mărturisească cuiva credinţa sa în Hristos, văzând cumplita prigonire ce se facea creştinilor de către păgâni. După ce a auzit că soţul ei a crezut în Hristos şi că s-a alăturat sfinţilor mucenici, a avut şi ea îndrăzneala să arate că este creştină. Natalia, intrând în temniţă, a căzut la picioarele bărbatului său şi i-a sărutat lanţurile cu care acesta era legat; după care, implorându-i pe ceilalţi martiri să se roage lui Dumnezeu şi pentru soţul ei, s-a întors acasă, aşa cum îi ceruse Adrian.

Chiar înainte de ziua stabilită pentru martiriu, Adrian a mituit gărzile ca să-l elibereze temporar şi s-a dus acasă, pentru a-i spune Nataliei că a sosit momentul final şi a-şi lua rămas bun de la ea. Când l-a văzut venind, Natalia a presupus că el l-a negat pe Hristos şi astfel a fost eliberat - ea a refuzat să-i deschidă uşa, mustrându-l că a fost un laş. Când a aflat în cele din urmă adevărata natură a eliberării sale temporare, ea şi-a schimbat tonul, încurajându-l pe Adrian şi însoţindu-l la tribunalul imperial.

When Adrian appeared before the emperor and confessed Christ, he underwent a first beating, and then was stretched on the ground and suffered a second beating on his stomach, which lacerated his stomach so that his intestines were visible. His hands and feet were then cut off. It is not clear if he died from these tortures, or was beheaded to finish him off more quickly.

The bodies of the martyrs were then taken up to be burned, but Natalie managed to steal one of her husband's severed hands from the pile. Guarding it as a precious relic, she kept it in her cloak and even anointed herself with the blood. The fire that was supposed to burn the relics was miraculously put out by a sudden shower of rain, and a Christian named Eusebius was able to retrieve the relics, place them on a ship, and transport them for burial to Argyroupolis, a town near Byzantium. Some time later, Natalia visited the tomb where she gave up her soul to God and was herself subsequently buried.

Unele controverse istorice

St. Nicodemus bases his account in the Synaxarion on a Greek life from a manuscript in the Great Lavra on Mount Athos. He places the martyrdom in A.D. 298 and attributes it to the Emperor Maximianus during his second period. The identification and chronology present some difficulties. Firstly, although there may have been limited harassment of Christians this early, the Great Persecution did not begin until A.D. 303. Secondly, the martyrdom is said to have occurred at Nicomedia, in Asia Minor; in that case the emperor responsible was probably the Caesar of the East, Galerius, whose full name was Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, rather than the emperor more commonly known as Maximian, the Augustus Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus who ruled in the western part of the Roman Empire during the same period. Thirdly, St. Nicodemus says that the martyrdom occurred in the second period of Maximian, which could conceivably mean after Galerius was promoted from Caesar (junior emperor) to Augustus (senior emperor) when Diocletian retired in 305. It is, however, also possible that the date of 298 is correct: Galerius was appointed Caesar in 293, publicly disgraced by Diocletian after his failure in a campaign against the Sassanids on the Eastern border of the Empire, and then redeemed himself with a victorious campaign against them in 297. The "second period" mentioned by St. Nicodemus would then be the time after his triumph over the Sassanids. His influence with Diocletian then increased, and it is possible that he had already began to persecute Christians in 298.

It is unclear from the accounts in the Synaxarion and Menaion whether Adrian was already a Christian when he encountered the martyrs. His apolytikion may suggest that he was still a pagan.

Another St. Adrian is commemorated the same day. St. Nicodemus says that he was a son of the emperor Probus (d. 276) and brother of the bishop of Byzantium Dometius. He was martyred in 313 under the emperor Licinius in Nicomedia, then buried by his brother in Argyroupolis, where his namesake Adrian already lay buried.


The hymns of the saints emphasize the cooperation of Adrian and Natalia and exalt them as a model married couple. In some hymns, e.g., the third sticheron of Vespers, Natalia is contrasted favorably with Eve, as exhorting her husband to godliness rather than tempting him to sin. She is also likened to the wise pilot of a storm-tossed ship (her husband), bringing him safely into the heavenly harbor (fourth sticheron of Lauds).

Troparion (Tone 4) [1]

Your holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, O Lord,
Through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God.
For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries,
And shattered the powerless boldness of demons.
Through their intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion - (Tone 4)

Martyr of Christ, Adrian,
You kept the words of your godly and devoted wife Natalia in your heart.
With her you accepted every kind of suffering and obtained the crown of victory!


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