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Pavle (Stojcevic) al Serbiei

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Prea Sfinţitul Pavle (Stojcevic) de Serbia (în limba sârbă: Његова светост Павле по милости Бо-ијој православни Архиепископ пећки, Митрополит београдско-карловачки и Патријарх српски) patriarhul actual al Bisericii din Serbia. Titlul întreg al Prea Sfinţiei Sale este Arhiepiscop de Peć, Mitropolit de Belgrade şi Karlovci, şi patriarh al sârbilor.


Pavel s-a născut în 11 septembrie 1914, ca fiu al lui Stefan şi Ana Stojcevic (Стефан и Ана Стојчевић), în satul Kučani, din regiunea Donji Miholjac, în Slavonija. A fost botezat cu numele de Gojko (Гојко).

A absolvit cu rezultate foarte bune liceul Al Patru-lea Gimnaziu de Băieţi din Blegrad în 1929. A absolvit seminarul din Sarajevo în 1935 şi Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă din Belgrad în 1940. A făcut studii postuniversitare Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă a Universităţii din Atena din 1955 până în 1957. În timpul şederii În Grecia, a studiat Noul Testament şi a aprofundat liturgica, ceea ce face ca patriarhul să fie cel mai prolific scriitor de liturgică din Biserica Serbiei. Prin răbdarea sa şi activitatea prolifică din domeniul teologiei, Facultatea de Teologie a Bisericii Ortodoxe Sârbe i-a decernat Prea Fericitului un doctorat onorific în teologie.

Între anii 1944 şi 1955 a fost călugăr la Mănăstirea Rača, îndeplinind diverse ascultări. În anul şcolar 1950/51 pe atunci arhidiaconul Pavel a fost numit lector la Seminarul din Prizen, funcţie pe care a păstrat-o până la alegerea sa în scaunul patriarhal.

A fost tuns în monahism în 1948 şi în acelaşi an a fost hirotonit ca ierodiacon. În 1954 a fost hirotonit la ieromonah şi ridicat la rangul de protosinghel. A fost ridicat la rangul de protosinghel în 1957 de către Episcopul Emilian de Slavonia. În 29 mai 1957, Adunarea Sfântă a Episcopilor l-a ales pe Arhimandritul Pavel ca Episcop de Raska-Prizen.

Episcop de Raska-Prizren

From that day to the present, he has faithfully shared in the plight of his suffering people. Bishop Pavle wrote and warned of the present exodus of Serbs from Kosovo, the attacks of the Albanians on Serbian monasteries, the rape of nuns, and terrorizing of pedestrians, the desecration of Serbian cemeteries and overall suffering of the Orthodox in Kosovo and in Metohija. In 1989, the then Bishop Pavle was personally beaten by several Albanian youths in Kosovo. The extent of his injuries required nearly three months of hospitalization. However, in the spirit of Christian forgiveness, he refused to press charges.

It is not without reason that Patriarch Pavle has been referred to as a "saint who walks." The simplicity of his lifestyle and his personal humility have found favor by all of those who are familiar with this virtuous man. Each of the bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church have an automobile, which they use to travel through their dioceses. The one exception has been Patriarch Pavle. When asked why he never obtained an automobile, he replied: "I will not purchase one until every Albanian and Serbian household in Kosovo and Metohija has an automobile."

His Holiness has published Devich, The Monastery of St. Joanikije of Devich (1989), and Questions and Answers to the Church Reader (1988). For the past 20 years, he has been responsible for the column in the Glasnik of the Serbian Patriarchate known as Questions and Answers, dealing with liturgical and sacramental questions. Through his efforts the Holy Synod published the new version of Srbljak in 1968. He also coordinated the reproduction of liturgical studies Christian Feasts by M. Skabalanovich, published originally in Kiev in 1915 in six volumes. The most monumental contribution of H. H. Patriarch Pavle was the translation of the New Testament published in 1984 under his supervision. This was the first official Serbian translation of the New Testament approved by the Serbian Orthodox Church. If all Bishop Pavle's works were published, there would be thousands of pages and many volumes. Patriarch Pavle exemplifies simplicity in his lifestyle and is the embodiment of humility and personal holiness, a most worthy helmsman to guide the "Ship of the Church" in these troubled times.

Patriarhatul său

In 1991, the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church elected Bishop Pavle as the 54th Serbian Orthodox Patriarch. Patriarch Pavle is also currently the oldest among all the patriarchs.

During his tenure as patriarch, Pavle has healed the schism with the Free Serbian Orthodox Church, now known as the New Gračanica Metropolitanate, and he has made efforts to heal the current schism in Macedonia with so-called Macedonian Orthodox Church, which is considered uncanonical by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and other Eastern Orthodox churches.

Patriarch Pavle continued building of Saint Sava Temple, wich is almost finished. Internal works will be proceded in future eight years.

Three new seminaries have been established: in Cetinje (1992), in Kragujevac (2000), and Foča (2001). The Orthodox Theological Faculty was restored at Belgrade University in 2004. His Holiness is very popular among people and often refeared as walking saint in press.

Patriarch Pavle visited several national churches. Patriarch Alexy of Russia, Patriarch Bartholomew I and several other Orthodox Church leaders had visted Patriarc Pavle and Church of Serbia. His Holiness was first Serbian Patriarch who wisited USA, 1992 and Australia 2004. Before him Patriarch German wisited USA but he was bishop at the moment. He visited Pope John Paul II 1991, and he was first Serbian Patriarch who met a Pope.

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Pavle (Stojcevic) al Serbiei

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