Evanghelie (liturgică)

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În Biserica Ortodoxă Evanghelia (gr. Εύαγγέλιον, Evangélion) sau Evangheliarul este un obiect al cultului liturgic. Evanghelia este considerată ca o icoană a lui Hristos, şi este cinstită ca şi icoanele.

Rol in Biserica

Traditional vorbind, Ortodoxia nu va acoperi niciodata Evanghelia in piele - pielea unui animal mort - deoarece cuintele lui Hristos sunt considerate a fi datatoare de viata. Pieile de animale amintesc de asemeni de Caderea omului, cand Dumnezeu le-a facut haine din piele lui Adam si Evei in urma neascultarii lor. 3:21). Sf. Apostol Pavel vorbeste despre Hristos ca "Noul Adam" (Corinteni 1, 15:22,47-49), si ortodocsii il percep pe Hristos ca venind sa imbrace lumea in hainele initiale de lumina pe care Adam si Eva le-au pierdut in Paradis. Dupa traditie, Evanghelia este imbracata in aur, elementul pamantesc care simbolizeaza cel mai bine gloria Raiului. Daca aurul nu este disponibil, ea poate fi imbracata si in panza.

Evanghelia se gaseste in mijlocul Sfintei Mese, din Altar, dupa cum si Sf. Cruce a Lui Hristos a fost asezata in mijlocul Pamantului. Aceasta pozitie a Evangheliei reprezinta de asemeni activitatea lui Hristos la Geneza (Altarul patrat reprezentand lumea vazuta). Evanghelia sta pe Antimis, care se afla tot timpul pe Altar, la fel cum si Hristos va ramane in Biserica pana la sfarsitul lumii. (Matei, 28:20).

Utilizare in timpul Liturghiei

Sfanta Liturghie incepe atunci cand preotul ridica Sfanta Evanghelie si face semnul Sfintei Cruci cu ea asupra Altarului. Evanghelia este purtata in procesiune in anumite momente, insotita de lumanari, cel mai frecvent in timpul Vohodului Mic[1] moment care precede citirea Apostolului si a Evangheliei. It is also carried in the Crucessions at Pascha and Theophany. After reading from the Gospel, the priest will bless the faithful with it. At Sunday Matins, after the Gospel reading, all come forward to venerate the Gospel Book and receive the blessing of the priest or bishop.

Use on other Occasions

Whenever an Eastern Christian goes to Confession he or she will confess before a Gospel Book and the Cross. In traditional Orthodox countries, when a person takes a vow or oath, he usually does so before a Gospel Book and Cross.

Near the end of the Sacred Mystery of Holy Unction, the person or persons that were anointed will kneel and the Gospel Book is opened and placed on their heads, with the writing down. While the chief priest says a special Prayer of the Gospel.

When a Bishop is Consecrated, he kneels, touching his forehead to the Altar, and the Gospel Book is opened and placed with the text down over his neck, while the consecrating bishops place their hands on the Gospel and say the Prayer of Consecration.

When a Synod of bishops meets, a Gospel Book is often enthroned in a prominent place to show that Christ Himself presides over the meeting.

When a priest or bishop is buried, he is buried together with a Gospel Book, as an indication of his vocation to preach the Gospel to all men.

Lectionary arrangement

The Gospel Book contains the readings that are used at Orthros, the Divine Liturgy, Moliebens, and other services. Among the Greeks the Gospel Book is laid out in order of the cycle of readings as they occur in the ecclesiastical year, with a section in the back providing the Gospel readings for Matins, Feasts and special occasions. In the Slavic usage, the Gospel Book contains the full text of the four Gospels in canonical order (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), with annotations in the margins to indicate the beginning and ending of each reading, and a table of readings in the back. Occasionally it will contain pre-arranged texts of the more complex composite readings, such as the Twelve Gospels read at Matins on Holy Friday.

A se vedea şi


  1. In ritualul bizantin, praporii si crucile procesionale sunt, si ele, folosite in timpul Vohodului Mic. In ritualul rasaritean (rusesc), crucile si stindardele procesionale sunt folosite doar atunci cand slujeste un episcop.


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