Prietenii Muntelui Athos

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Prietenii Muntelui Athos este o societate formată în 1990 de oameni care împărtășeau interesul comun pentru mănăstirile Muntelui Athos. Mitropolitul Kallistos de Diokleia (după numele laic Timothy Ware), este președintele societății. Printre membrii ei se numără prințul Filip, duce de Edinburgh, și Charles, prinț de Wales, posibilul moștenitor al tronului britanic.

The object of the society, as stated on its official web page, is officially described as:

the advancement of education of the public in the study and knowledge of the history, culture, arts, architecture, natural history, and literature of the Orthodox monasteries of Mount Athos and the promotion of the religious and other charitable work of the Holy Community and monasteries of Mount Athos.

In keeping with those objects, the society is empowered "to make grants, donations and other payments for the restoration or conservation of buildings or of works of art and books of educational or religious significance on Mount Athos within the above objects." To that end the society produces publications, arranges lectures, and organizes conferences and exhibitions devoted to Athonite themes.

Among the Society's publications are its annual bulletin (Friends of Mount Athos Annual Report) offering articles, book reviews and other features related to Mount Athos. It also publishes A Pilgrim's Guide to Mount Athos as well as a yearly directory of members.

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