Biserica Ortodoxă a Constantinopolului

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Patriarhia Ecumenică de Constantinopol
Întemeietor(i) The Apostles
Autocefalie/Autonomie declarată Traditional
Autocefalie/Autonomie recunoscută 692 by Quinisext Council
Primatul actual Patr. Theophilus
Sediu Constantinopol / Istambul, Turcia
Teritoriu principal Turcia
Posesiuni în afară toate parohiile greceşti din afara Greciei, Ciprului, Ierusalimului şi Alexandriei
Limbă liturgică Greek, English, Arabic
Tradiție muzicală Byzantine Chant
Calendar Julian
Populație estimată 130,000
Site oficial Ecumenical Patriarcate

The Church of Jerusalem is the mother church of all of Christendom, because it was in Jerusalem that the Church was established on the day of Pentecost with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus Christ. From Jerusalem the gospel of Christ was spread to the world.

As Christianity spread, and the persecutions of the Jews by Roman authorities in their homeland increased, causing the dispersion of many of the Christians from Jerusalem, the import of this church and its impact on the ongoing life of the whole Church diminished. As other churches gained ascendency, namely the Churches of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, and Antioch, the Church of Jerusalem was accorded a place of honor with them among the five original Christian patriarchates of the Christian world, called the Pentarchy.

The Church of Jerusalem remains the custodian of many of the holy sites in Jerusalem and environs, sometimes jointly with Roman Catholic or Coptic or Armenian Christians, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Lately there has been criticism of the church leadership by Palestinian faithful, who accuse the Greek-speaking and largely Greek-born leadership of squandering their money and treating their Arabic-speaking members as second-class faithful.

Following the recent deposition of Patriarch Irenaios I amidst scandals regarding the transfer of land to Jewish control, the Holy Synod of the church named as their temporary primate His Eminence Metropolitan Cornelius (Rodousakis) of Petra. On August 22, 2005, the Holy Synod unanimously elected the former Archbishop of Tabor, Theophilus, as the 141st Patriarch of Jerusalem.

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Biserici Ortodoxe autocefale și autonome
Biserici autocefale
Cele patru Patriarhate vechi: Constantinopol | Alexandria | Antiohia | Ierusalim
Rusia | Serbia | România | Bulgaria | Georgia | Cipru | Grecia | Polonia | Albania | Cehia și Slovacia | OCA*
Biserici autonome
Sinai | Finlanda | Estonia* | Japonia* | China* | Ucraina*
Bisericile autocefale sau autonome desemnate cu un * nu sunt universal recunoscute în cadrul comuniunii ortodoxe.