Biserica Ortodoxă a Constantinopolului
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Biserica Ortodoxă din Constantinopol este una din cele 14 sau 15 biserici autocefale, cunoscută şi sub numele de Patriarhie Ecumenică. Ea este condusă de Patriarhul Ecumenic, care are statut de primus inter pares ("primul dintre cei egali") în rândul episcopilor ortodocşi ai lumii. Actualul Patriarh Ecumenic este Prea Sfinţia Sa Bartolomeu I (Archontonis) al Constantinopolului, Arhiepiscop al Constantinopolului.
Bisericile locale ale Patriarhiei Ecumenice sunt cinci arhidioceze, trei biserici, treisprezece mitropolii şi o dioceză, fiecare din ele subordonîndu-se direct Patriarhului Constantinopolului fără vreo autoritate mediană. Mai mult, trei din cele cinci arhidioceze au mitropolii interne (în total 16), care sunt parte a respectivelor arhidioceze şi nu entităţi de sine stătătoare, ca celelalte mitropolii.
Peculiar prerogatives of the patriarchate
- Main article: Prerogatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
In history and in canonical literature (i.e. the Church's canons and traditional commentaries on them), the Ecumenical Patriarchate has been granted certain prerogatives (presbeia) which other autocephalous Orthodox churches do not have. Not all of these prerogatives are today universally acknowledged, though all do have precedents in history and canonical references. The nature of these prerogatives or even their very existence is hotly contested on canonical grounds by certain other Orthodox churches, particularly the Church of Russia.
The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of these prerogatives and their reference points:
- Equal prerogatives to Old Rome (Canon 3 of the Second Ecumenical Council, Canon 28 of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, Canon 36 of the Quinisext Council)
- The right to hear appeals, if invited, regarding disputes between clergy (Canons 9 and 17 of the Fourth Ecumenical Council)
- The right to ordain bishops for areas outside defined canonical boundaries (Canon 28 of the Fourth Ecumenical Council)
- The right to establish stavropegial monasteries even in the territories of other patriarchates (the Epanagoge, commentaries of Matthew Blastares and Theodore Balsamon)
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople | |
Întemeietor(i) | Apostle Andrew |
Autocefalie/Autonomie declarată | Traditional |
Autocefalie/Autonomie recunoscută | Traditional |
Primatul actual | Patriarch Bartholomew I |
Sediu | Istanbul, Turkey |
Teritoriu principal | Constantinople, most of Turkey, Mount Athos, Crete, parts of Northern Greece, the Dodecanese |
Posesiuni în afară | United States, Canada, Great Britain, Western Europe, South America, Central America, Australia, Southeast Asia |
Limbă liturgică | Greek, English |
Tradiție muzicală | Byzantine Chant |
Calendar | Revised Julian, Julian |
Populație estimată | 3,500,000 |
Site oficial | Church of Constantinople |
Structure of the patriarchate
- Archdiocese of Constantinople
- Metropolis of Chalcedon
- Metropolis of Gokceada and Bozcaada (Imbros and Tenedos)
- Metropolis of the Prince's Islands
- Metropolis of Derkos
- Archdiocese of Crete
- Metropolis of Gortyna and Arkadia
- Metropolis of Rethymna and Avlopotamos
- Metropolis of Kydonia and Apokoronos
- Metropolis of Lampi, Syvritos and Sfakia
- Metropolis of Ierapytna and Siteia
- Metropolis of Petra and Herronisos
- Metropolis of Kisamos and Selinos
- Metropolis of Arkalohorion, Kastelio and Vianno
- Archdiocese of America
- Metropolis of Chicago
- Metropolis of New Jersey
- Metropolis of Atlanta
- Metropolis of Denver
- Metropolis of Pittsburgh
- Metropolis of Boston
- Metropolis of Detroit
- Metropolis of San Francisco
- Archdiocese of Australia
- Archdiocese of Great Britain
- Metropolis of Rhodes
- Metropolis of Kos
- Metropolis of Karpathos and Kasos
- Metropolis of Leros, Kalymnos and Astypalaia
- American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese
- Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA
- Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
- Metropolis of Korea
- Metropolis of Canada
- Metropolis of Buenos Aires
- Metropolis of Mexico
- Metropolis of New Zealand
- Metropolitanate of Hong Kong
- Metropolis of France
- Metropolis of Germany
- Metropolis of Austria
- Metropolis of Belgium
- Metropolis of Scandinavia
- Metropolis of Switzerland
- Metropolis of Italy
- Metropolis of Spain
- Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America
- Russian Orthodox Exarchate in Western Europe
There are also two autonomous churchs whose primates are confirmed by Constantinople, but which are not hierarchically or administratively part of the patriarchate, the Church of Finland, and the Church of Estonia.
See also
External links
- Official website of the Patriarchate of Constantinople
- Eastern Christian Churches: Patriarchate of Constantinople by Ronald Roberson, a Roman Catholic priest and scholar
- The Origins and Authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church, by Demetrios J. Constantelos
- Caesaropapism?: Theodore Balsamon on the Powers of the Patriarch of Constantinople, by Paul Halsall
- Chalcedon Canon 28: Yesterday and Today, by Rev. John H. Erickson
- Constantinople and Rome: A Survey of the Relations between the Byzantine and the Roman Churches, by Milton V. Anastos
- Brief Historical Note Regarding the Ecumenical Patriarchate, from the official website
- Timeline
- Virtual tour
- History
- History - video
- Articles Critical of Actions of Positions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Biserici Ortodoxe autocefale și autonome |
Biserici autocefale |
Cele patru Patriarhate vechi: Constantinopol | Alexandria | Antiohia | Ierusalim Rusia | Serbia | România | Bulgaria | Georgia | Cipru | Grecia | Polonia | Albania | Cehia și Slovacia | OCA* |
Biserici autonome |
Sinai | Finlanda | Estonia* | Japonia* | China* | Ucraina* |
Bisericile autocefale sau autonome desemnate cu un * nu sunt universal recunoscute în cadrul comuniunii ortodoxe. |