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Biserica Ortodoxă din America

Versiunea din 5 decembrie 2007 12:06, autor: Cristianm (Discuție | contribuții) (Legături externe)
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Biserica Ortodoxă din America

Biserica Ortodoxă din America (OCA) este o biserică autocefală care are parohiile în principal în Statele Unite şi Canada (cu toate că are unele parohii în Australia şi în alte locuri). Oca a fost cunoscută iniţial sub numele de Biserica Greco-Catolică Ortodoxă Rusă din America, sau mai familiar Mitropolia. Înainte de aceasta a fost eparhia Nord-Americană a Bisericii Rusiei. Autocefalia OCA nu este recunoscută de majoritatea bisericilor ortodoxe autocefale.

Întâistătătorul actual al OCA este Fericitul Herman (Swaiko), Arhiepiscop din Washington şi New York, şi Mitropolit al Întregii Americi al Canadei.



Articolul principal: Istoria OCA

OCA a început prin cativitatea misionară a Bisericii Rusiei în Alaska şi în Insulele Aleutine desfăşurată de opt călugări ortodocşi care au sosit în Alaska în 1794. Ei fîceau parte din moştenirea misionară veche de secole a Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse care a dus Biserca Ortodoxă printre mongoli, fapt realizat de către călugării Hourg şi Varsanufie. Şi de către monahul Sfântul Ştefan din Perm (1340-96) care a călătorit în Kazan, de o parte a Munţilor Urali, în pădurile Siberiei pentru a duce ortodoxia păgânilor zirieni. şi de către călugării ruşi care au dus Biserica şi mai spre este, în cele din urmă stabilind o reţea de misiuni de-a lungul şi de-a latul Siberiei şi de-a lungul întregii coaste a Pacificului: în China (1686), Alaska (1794), Japonia (1861), şi Coreea (1898).

În timp ce Biserica din Alaska se dezvolta, imigranţii populau restul Americii de Nord. În 1860 a fost fondată o parohie la San Francisco de către ruşi, sârbii şi greci. Au fost înfiinţate parohii în tot teritoriul Statelor Unite. La sfârşitul secolului XIX şi începutul secolului XX, sediul Episcopiei Nord Americane a fost mutat la San Francisco şi apoi la New York. În această perioada au sosit valuri uriaşe de imigranţi din Europa Centrală, Estică şi de Sud şi din Orientul Mijlociu. Dar, indiferent de naţionalitatea acestora, toţi erau cuprinşi într-o singură episcopie sau jurisdicţie, care era sub ascultarea Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse.

În 1917, revoluţia bolşevică a tăiat aproape complet legăturile dintre bisericile din America de Nord şi Rusia. La începutul anilor 20, Patriarhul Tihon de Moscova a cerut tuturor bisericilor ortodoxe ruse din afara ţării să se guverneze autonom până când vor putea fi restabilite comunicaţiile obişnuite. (El a murit în 1925 şi a fost sanctificat de către Biserica Ortodoxă a Rusiei în 1989). La scurt timp după aceasta, un sinod al tuturor ierarhilor, preoţilor şi delegaţilor parohiilor a decis că Biserica din America de Nord nu mai poate menţine subordonarea administrativă faţă de Biserica Rusiei, în special deoarece Patriarhul Tifon fusese arestat. În plus, pierderea suportului financiar al imperiului destrămat s-a adăugat problemelor eparhiei.

At that time, some parishes which had been part of a single, multi-ethnic, North American diocese organized separate dioceses and placed themselves under various other mother churches, solidifying the current situation of multiple, ethnically-based, overlapping, jurisdictions in North America. Though the revolution in Russia helped to speed this fragmentation process along, it had already been occurring prior to 1917, as hundreds of Orthodox parishes in the US had been founded without any reference to the Russian presence, whose authority was not universally acknowledged.

From that point until the restoration of relations with Moscow in the 1960s, the Metropolia entered twice into union with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (see ROCOR and OCA), finally breaking with the latter body in 1946. Additionally, in 1927, the bishops of the Metropolia attempted to create an autocephalous body known as the American Orthodox Catholic Church, which failed after only six years.

In the early 1960s, the Metropolia (as it was then known) resumed communication with the Patriarch of Moscow, and in 1970 full communion was restored. At that time, the Patriarch of Moscow officially granted the OCA autocephaly, or self-governing administrative status. The OCA's autocephaly is not currently recognized by all autocephalous Orthodox Churches, including the Church of Constantinople. Churches that do recognize its autocephaly are mainly those in former Communist lands (most of which had thus come under the influence of the Church of Russia), including the Church of Russia, the Church of Bulgaria, the Church of Poland, the Church of Georgia, and the Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia. According to apologists for OCA autocephaly, it is common for recognition of autocephaly to be granted belatedly; however opponents regard the grant as not being within the purview of Moscow's prerogatives (see Byzantine response to OCA autocephaly).

The OCA today

The OCA chancery, Oyster Bay Cove (Syosset), New York

In the United States, there are 12 dioceses and 623 parishes, missions, and institutions (456 of which are parishes). The ethnic dioceses extend into Canada, which also has one non-ethnic archdiocese. Altogether there are 91 Canadian parishes. The OCA has a Mexican Exarchate with nine parishes and missions, and there are five parishes in South America. In addition, there are two parishes in Australia under the OCA's canonical protection, one in Queensland and one in New South Wales.

There are three ethnically defined dioceses in the OCA: the Albanian (14 parishes), Bulgarian (19 parishes) and Romanian (92 parishes). These dioceses' geographic territory overlaps with the other dioceses of the OCA and they have under their care parishes with those ethnic associations. These dioceses are the result of smaller ethnic jurisdictions joining the OCA at some point in its history, usually after having broken from other bodies.

The OCA also has 27 monastic communities, six of which fall under the direct jurisdiction of the Metropolitan (i.e., are stavropigial). The largest of these monasteries are New Skete (Cambridge, New York) and St. Tikhon's Orthodox Monastery (South Canaan, Pennsylvania).

There are three seminaries operated by the OCA: St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary (founded 1937), St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (founded 1938), and St. Herman's Orthodox Theological Seminary (founded 1973). All three educate seminarians from multiple Orthodox jurisdictions, including those outside North America.

The OCA is a member of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA).

Since November of 2005, when a list of accusations were brought forward by Protodeacon Eric Wheeler, the former treasurer of the OCA, its administration has been the subject of allegations of financial misconduct. Internal investigations, audits, and other actions have since then been enacted in an attempt to address the allegations, including the firing and deposition of the OCA chancellor, the former Protopresbyter Robert S. Kondratick. The OCA News website, a privately operated site with no connection to the administration, has been publishing reports and editorials on the scandal since January of 2006, including allegations of division within the OCA's holy synod. In August 2007, the Diocese of the Midwest, which contributes to the OCA more funds than any other OCA diocese, began withholding its assessments to the central administration.[1]

Growth and membership figures

Altogether, estimates of OCA faithful number from about 28,000[2] to 1 million[3] to 2 million[4], depending on the report cited and method used for counting. The number of new parishes founded from 1990 to 2000 increased the overall parish number by about 12%, and new membership has been fairly equally divided between new immigrants, children of existing members, and converts to the faith. Overall, according to one report the trend during that decade held the population of OCA faithful in neither increase nor decline, but remaining steady.[5] According to another, however, that same decade saw a 13% decline.[6]


According to Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff, who is on the administrative committee of the OCA's Department of Evangelization and the board of directors of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center, the OCA's American contintental membership (i.e., not including Alaska, Canada, or the ethnic dioceses) "has been declining between 6 and 9% for nearly 20 years. The OCA's Census population in 1994 was 29,775; in 2004 it stood at 27,169."[7] Despite these sobering figures, however, the OCA's dioceses of the West and South, as well as many parishes in other dioceses, have reported steady growth.


According to Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and Los Angeles, the name of this jurisdiction is The Orthodox Church in America, and its acronym should be TOCA.[8] There has not yet been any official announcement from the central administration of the church, however, and the former uses (Orthodox Church in America and OCA) remain the most common both within and outside the jurisdiction.

According to the 1970 Tomos of Autocephaly granted by the Church of Russia, the name of this church body was originally The Autocephalous Orthodox Church in America.[9] According to the Statute of the Orthodox Church in America, adopted by the Second All-American Council in October 1971, the usage is The Orthodox Church in America at the beginning of sentences[10] and the Orthodox Church in America in the middle of sentences[11], thus seeming to imply that the capitalization of the in the name is not vital.


Episcopi titulari

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Lista întâistătătorilor şi episcopilor care au guvernat

  • Episcopul Joasaph (Bolotov) Episcop de Kodiak şi Vicar al Episcopiei de Irkutsk (1799)
  • Episcop Innocent (Veniaminov) de Alaska
    • Episcop de Kamchatka, şi Insulele Kurile şi Aleutian (1840-50)
    • Arhiepiscop de Kamchatka, şi Insulele Kurile şi Aleutian (1850-68)
  • Episcop Peter (Ekaterinovsky) Episcop de Novoarkhangelsk (Sitka) Vicar al Episcopiei de Kamchatka (1859-66)
  • Episcop Paul (Popov) Episcop de Novoarkhangelsk (Sitka), Vicar al Episcopiei de Kamchatka (1866-70)
  • Episcop John (Mitropolsky) Episcop al Aleutinelor şi Alaskăi (1870-77)
  • Episcop Nestor (Zakkis) Episcop al Aleutinelor şi Alaskăi (1878-82)
  • Episcop Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov) Episcop al Aleutinelor şi Alaskăi (1887-91)
  • Episcop Nicholas (Adoratsky) Episcop al Aleutinelor şi Alaskăi (1891)
  • Episcop Nicholas (Ziorov) Episcop al Aleutinelor şi Alaskăi (1891-98)
  • Episcop Tikhon (Belavin) de Moscova
    • Episcop al Aleutinelor şi Alaskăi (1898-1900)
    • Episcop al Aleutinelor şi Americii de Nord (1900-05)
    • Arhiepiscop al Aleutinelor şi Americii de Nord (1905-07)
  • Arhiepiscop Platon (Rozhdestvensky) Arhiepiscop al Aleutinelor şi Americii de Nord (1907-14)
  • Arhiepiscop de Evdokim (Meschersky) Arhiepiscop al Aleutinelor şi Americii de Nord (1914-18)
  • Arhiepiscop de Alexander (Nemolovsky) Arhiepiscop al Aleutinelor şi Americii de Nord (1919-22)
  • Mitropolit Platon (Rozhdestvensky) Metropolitan of All America and Canada (1922-34)
  • Mitropolit Theophilus (Pashkovsky) Arhiepiscop de San Francisco, Mitropolit al Întregii Americi şi al Canadei (1934-50)
  • Mitropolit Leonty (Turkevich) Arhiepiscop de New York, Mitropolit al Întregii Americi şi al Canadei (1950-65)
  • Mitropolit Ireney (Bekish) Arhiepiscop de New York, Mitropolit al Întregii Americi şi al Canadei (1965-77)
  • Arhiepiscop Sylvester (Haruns) Arhiepiscop de Montreal şi Canada, Guvernator temporar al Bisericii Ortodoxe din America (1974-77)
  • Mitropolit Theodosius (Lazor)
    • Arhiepiscop de New York, Mitropolit al Întregii Americi şi al Canadei (1977-80)
    • Arhiepiscop de Washington, Mitropolit al Întregii Americi şi al Canadei (1981-2002)
  • Mitropolit Herman (Swaiko)
    • Arhiepiscop de Washington, Mitropolit al Întregii Americi şi al Canadei (2002-2005)
    • Arhiepiscop de Washington and New York, Mitropolit al Întregii Americi şi al Canadei (2005-Present)

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