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Marcian (împărat)

Versiunea din 14 noiembrie 2009 07:01, autor: Sîmbotin (Discuție | contribuții) (Viaţa)
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Binecredinciosul împărat Flavius Marcianus sau Marcian (392 - ianuarie) a fost împărat al Imperiului Roman de Răsărit (Bizantin) între anii 450 si 457. După urcarea sa pe tronul imperial, a convocat în anul 451 al patrulea Sinod Ecumenic la Calcedon pentru a rezolva controversele religioase datorate ereziei monofizite. Marcian şi soţia sa, împărăteasa Pulcheria, au fost canonizaţi de Biserica Ortodoxă; ei sunt pomeniţi în fiecare an pe 17 Februarie.


Marcian s-a născut în Tracia sau Iliria, în anul 392. În tinereţe, şi-a început cariera militară ca simplu soldat. A servit timp de nouăsprezece ani sub conducătorii alani Ardaburius și Aspar, care erau în slujba imperiului, luând parte la războaiele împotriva vandalilor şi perşilor. În anul 431, Marcian a fost luat prizonier de vandali în lupta de lângă Hippo Regius. Adus în faţa regelui vandal Genseric (428-477), el a fost eliberat, după ce a jurat să nu mai ridice niciodată armele împotriva vandalilor. În timp, a avansat în gradele militare.

După aceasta a fost făcut căpitan al gărzii imperiale, iar mai târziu tribun și senator. La moartea lui Teodosiu II s-a căsătorit cu sora acestuia, Pulcheria.

Through the influence of these generals he became a captain of the guards, and was later raised to the rank of tribune and senator. On the death of Theodosius II (408–450) he was chosen as consort by the latter's sister and successor, Pulcheria, and called upon to govern an empire greatly humbled and impoverished by the ravages of the Huns.

Upon becoming Emperor, Marcian repudiated the embarrassing payments of tribute to Attila the Hun (434–453), which the latter had been accustomed to receiving from Theodosius II in order to refrain from attacks on the eastern empire. Aware that he could never capture the eastern capital of Constantinople, Attila turned to the west and waged his famous campaigns in Gaul in 451 and Italy in 452 while leaving Marcian's dominions alone.

Marcian reformed the finances, checked extravagance, and repopulated the devastated districts. He repelled attacks upon Syria and Egypt in 452, and quelled disturbances on the Armenian frontier in 456. The other notable event of his reign is the Council of Chalcedon (451), in which Marcian endeavoured to mediate between the rival schools of theology.

Marcian generally ignored the affairs of the western Roman Empire, leaving that tottering half of the empire to its fate. He did nothing to aid the west during Attila's campaigns, and, living up to his promise, ignored the depredations of Geiseric even when the Vandals sacked Rome in 455. It has recently been argued, however, that Marcian was more actively involved in aiding the western Empire than historians had previously believed and that Marcian's fingerprints can be discerned in the events leading up to, and including, Attila's death. [1]

Shortly before Attila's death in 453, conflict had begun again between him and Marcian. However, the powerful Hun King died before all-out war broke out. In a dream, Marcian claimed he saw Attila's bow broken before him, and a few days later, he got word that his great enemy was dead.

În anul 451, împărătul Marcian a convocat la Calcedon al patrulea Sinod Ecumenic. Principalele rezultate obţinute la acest Sinod au fost cele referitoare la rezolvarea controversele religioase datorate ereziei monofizite şi la organizarea vizibilă a Bisericii.

Marcian died in 457 of disease, possibly gangrene contracted during a long religious journey.

Despite his short reign and his writing off of the west, Marcian is considered one of the best of the early Byzantine emperors.

Marcian şi soţia sa, împărăteasa Pulcheria, au fost canonizaţi de Biserica Ortodoxă ca sfinţi, fiind comemoraţi (pomeniţi) pe data de 17 Februarie.

Casetă de succesiune:
Marcian (împărat)
Precedat de:
Theodosius II
Împărat Roman (Bizantin)
Urmat de:
Leo I



  1. See Michael A. Babcock, The Night Attila Died: Solving the Murder of Attila the Hun, Berkley Books, 2005.

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