Constantin al XI-lea Paleologul

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Constantin al XI-lea Paleologul

Drept-credinciosul Împărat Constantin al XI-lea Paleologul (grec.: Κωνσταντίνος ΙΑ' Δραγάσης Παλαιολόγος, sau Kōnstantinos XI Dragasēs Palaiologos), a fost ultimul împărat al Imperiului Roman de Răsărit (Bizantin). A domnit din 1449 până la 29 mai 1453, când a murit ca un martir creştin, apărând eroic zidurile Constantinopolului.


Constantin s-a născut la Mystra în anul 1404, fiind al patrulea din cei 7 fii ai împăratului Manuel al II-lea din dinastia Paleologilor, care a domnit între 1392-1425. A primit o educaţie aleasă, inclusiv în domeniul militar.

He was trained as a soldier and in 1441 conquered the Morea Peninsula of Greece. It had long been under the Frankish principality of Achaia. Constantine was crowned Emperor January 6, 1449 AD succeeding his brother. A little less than five years later in 1453 AD he was killed during the final assaults by the Turkish Sultan, Mehmed II on Constantinople. Constantine, with some 8,000 Greeks, Venetians, and Genoese, had faced 150,000 Turkish besiegers under the Sultan, and after almost two months of heroic defense, directed by the emperor, the city and the empire fell. Constantine died fighting with the last of his men.[1]. Going back to Augustus and the ancient Roman Empire, he was the 138th and last Roman Emperor.

Saintly Status

Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholics consider Constantine XI a saint, but he has not been officially recognized as such. One of the reasons for this was that in the centuries of Ottoman rule, any effort on the part of the Orthodox Church to officially glorify Constantine XI as a saint would have been seen as an act of rebellion, and hence decidedly ill-advised. After the Greek War of Independence (1821-1831), when the Greek Orthodox Church once again had freedom to act, an official act of glorification was thought to be superfluous, on account of longstanding veneration as a saint and martyr, specifically, a national martyr or ethnomartyr, (Greek: Eθνομάρτυρας).

However, the erection of the statue of "Saint Constantine XI the Ethnomartyr" in the square in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens, with the formal blessing of the Church authorities, appears to be a semi-official act of recognition. His feast falls on 29 May.[2].

The Russian Menologion indicates commemoration days for the Emperor on May 29 and May 30. The entry under May 30 is as follows: ‘On this day we commemorate the suffering of the right-believing Emperor Constantine under the ungodly Turkish King, who himself became ruler.’ The entry for May 29 reads simply: ‘Emperor Constantine, who suffered under the Turks.’[3].


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