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Versiunea din 11 iulie 2009 22:44, autor: Kamasarye (Discuție | contribuții) (inlocuire cu continutul corect de la Odovanie/Leavetaking)
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The leavetaking (Greek: ἀπόδοσις (apodosis); Slavonic: отдание (otdaniye)) (also known as apodosis or conclusion) of a feast is the final day a feast is celebrated in the Church. In most cases it follows an afterfeast. On the leavetaking, most elements of the festal services are appointed to be served again. In the western rite, the Octave of a feast has a similar use.

Pascha and most First and Second Class feasts have leavetakings. See the Afterfeast article for the specific dates of these leavetakings.

In addition, four Third Class Feasts have leavetakings.

See Also
