Mănăstirea Zografu (Muntele Athos)
The Holy Monastery of Zographou is located on the southwestern side of the Athos Peninsula in northern Greece. The monastery is dedicated to St. George. According to tradition, the monastery was founded during the tenth century by three Bulgarian brothers, the monks Moses, Aaron, and John from Ohrid. While the monastery initially was inhabited by Bulgarian, Greek, and Serbian monks, since 1845 the monks are only Bulgarians. Zographou is ranked ninth in the hierarchical order of the twenty monasteries located on the Mount Athos peninsula.
The earliest record of the Zographou is from 980. During its early years the monastery was well supported by Bulgarian rulers, especially Ivan Asen II and Ivan Alexander. Zographou also received land endowments from the Byzantine emperors and Serbian and Romanian rulers.
As were many of the Athonite monasteries at the time Zographou suffered from raids by the pirates in the Mediterranean Sea, especially during the thirteenth century when the peninsula was ruled by Frankish forces after they had conquered Constantinople in 1204. In 1275, Catalan pirates made a major raid for plunder on the monastery, a raid in which 26 monks were killed and the monastery burnt down. Reconstruction of the buildings started later in the century, aided financially by Emperor Adronicus II Palaeologus.
Further major construction in the monastery began in the sixteenth century, with many of the existing buildings dating from the middle of the eighteenth century. The south and east wings were built in 1750 and 1758 respectively. A small church was built in 1764 and a larger one in 1801. The north and west wings were built in late nineteenth century and with the construction of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church and bell tower major construction was completed in 1896.
At present all monks in the monastery are Bulgarian, and all services are in Bulgarian.
Ctitorii ei fondatori sunt trei frati; Moise, Aron si Ioan, din neamul împăratului Iustinian, originar din Ohrida (Macedonia). Acesti trei frati au sihăstrit aci într-o desime mare de copaci, căutând si găsind locul au zidit M-rea de o frumusete nespusă pe la începutul sec. X, sub împăratul Leon cel Intelept 886-912. Nestiind ei ce nume să-i dea, au făcut rugi fierbinti si cu post mare, cu lacrimi s-au rugat, să le descopere Dumnezeu ce nume să-i dea. Deci au luat o icoană nezugrăvită si punând-o în fata bisericii s-au rugat să le arate lor D-zeu în aceea icoană chipul care să fie. Iar după câtăva vreme uitându-se ei la icoană au văzut strălucind ca un soare luminos chipul marelui mucenic Gheorghe. Bucurie cerească au cuprins sufletele lor, luând-o au pus-o în biserică unde se face minuni. Auzind la Constantinopole, a venit un arhiereu care s-a îndoit si punând degetul sub ochiul drept al chipului Sf. Gheorghe a zis: Aceasta este zugrăveală făcută cu minune? Dar vrând să ia mâna, n-a mai putut căci degetul a rămas lipit asa că a fost nevoie să i-l taie, care se vede si astăzi la icoană.
Pe vremuri când au stăpânit Latinii, din ordinul Papei de la Roma s-a făcut prăpăd. Apoi a fost zidită din temelie de Stefan cel Mare domnul Moldovei, 1502. Apoi Alexandru Voievod si Vasile Lupu. Cantemir, i-a dăruit în 1698, M-rea Căpriana (Basarabia) si M-rea Dobrăvătul (Vaslui).
The collection in the monastery library preserves a significant presentation of Bulgarian culture. It contains manuscripts from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, including copies of the passionals of Naum of Ohrid and St. Petka. Additionally, the library contains 388 manuscripts in Slavic and 126 in Greek, as well as some 10,000 printed books.
The monastery also has two miraculous icons of St. George as well as icons of the Virgin of Akathistos and the Virgin Epakouousa. In addition, the monastery has other heirlooms and ecclesiastical vessels.
Mai are două icoane făcătoare de minuni. Una din ele a fost dăruită de Stefan cel Mare. A mai dăruit un steag care pe o parte are icoana Sf. Gheorghe, iar pe cealaltă, stema Moldovei.
Sfinte moaste: Talpa Sf. Stefan cel Nou, o parte din moastele Sf. Nichita Romanul, Sf. Ignatie si multi altii.
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Categorii > Locuri > Ortodoxia pe țări > Ortodoxia în Grecia > Mănăstiri din Grecia
Categorii > Locuri > Ortodoxia pe țări > Ortodoxia în Grecia > Muntele Athos
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Categorii > Spiritualitate > Ascetism
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Categorii > Viața Bisericii > Monahism > Mănăstiri
Categorii > Viața Bisericii > Monahism > Mănăstiri
Categorii > Viața Bisericii > Monahism > Mănăstiri