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127 de octeți adăugați, 25 august 2014 22:11
*Teodosie, prieten cu sfântul [[Ioan Gură de Aur]];
*Acacius, prieten cu sfântul [[Chiril al Alexandriei]];
*Sf. Servianus, omorât de monofiziți în 452sau 453, prăznuit la [[21 februarie în unele sinaxare]] după Martirologiul Roman<ref></ref>;
*Ioan de Schitopolis (cca. 536–550), supranumit și „Scolasticul”, care a scris mai multe lucrări împotriva ereziei monofizite; his major one's a treatise written ca. 530, defending the theory of "dioenergism",[2] against his contemporary Severus of Antioch. Another work attacked the heretic Eutyches, one of the founders of Monophysitism. We have some data about him by Photius, learned bishop of Byzantium. Hans Urs von Balthasar suggested than John was the author of much of Maximus the Confessor's scholia.<ref></ref>;
*Theodore, who about 553 was compelled to sign an anti-origenist profession of faith, still preserved (Le Quien, "Oriens christianus." III, 681-94).
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