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Teodoret din Cir

5 octeți șterși, 5 mai 2012 13:36
corect. leg. int.
{{Traducere EN}}
'''Teodoret din Cir''' (cca. 393 – cca. 457) a fost un influent scriitor și teolog creștin, episcop de Cir (Siria) în anii 423-457). A jucat un rol de seamă în disputele teologice din secolul al V-lea.
Theodoret's sources are in dispute. According to Valesius these were mainly Socrates and
Sozomen; Albert Guldenpenning's thorough research placed Rufinus first, and next to him, [[Eusebius of CaesareaEusebiu de Cezareea]], [[Athanasius of Alexandria|Athanasius]], Sozomen, [[Sabinus]], [[Philostorgius]], [[Gregory the TheologianGrigorie Teologul|Gregory NazianzenGrigorie de Nazianz]], and, least of all, Socrates. N. Glubokovskij counts Eusebius, Rufinus, Philostorgius, and, perhaps, Sabinus.
The ''Religious History,'' with an appendix on divine love, contains the biographies of thirty (ten living) ascetics, held forth as religious models. It is a document of remarkable significance for understanding the complexities of the role of early monastics, both in society and in the church; it is also remarkable for presenting a model of ascetic authority which runs strongly against Athanasius's ''Life of Antony''. Upon the request of a high official named Sporacius, Theodoret compiled a ''Compendium of Heretical Accounts'' (''Haereticarum fabularum compendium''), including a heresiology (books i-iv) and a "compendium of divine dogmas" (book v), which, apart from [[Origen]]'s ''De principiis'' and the theological work of [[John of Damascus]], is the only systematic representation of the theology of the [[Church Fathers|Greek Fathers]].
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