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Teodoret din Cir

21 de octeți șterși, 4 mai 2012 22:30
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{{Traducere EN}}
'''Teodoret din Cir''' (cca. 393 – cca. 457) was an influential author, theologian, and Christian [[bishop]] of Cyrrhusa fost un influent scriitor și teolog creștin, Syria episcop de Cir (Siria) în anii 423-457). He played a pivotal role in many early [[Byzantine]] church controversies that led to various ecumenical acts and schismsA jucat un rol de seamă în disputele teologice din secolul al V-lea.
Theodoret stands out prominently in the [[hristologie|hristologice]] controversies aroused by [[Chiril al Alexandriei]]. Teodoret shared in the petition of [[Ioan I al Antiohiei]] to [[Nestorie]] to approve of the term ''Theotokos'' ("mother of God"), and upon the request of John wrote against Cyril's ''[[anatema|anateme]]''.
He may have prepared the Antiochian symbol which was to secure the emperor's true understanding of the [[Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed|Nicene Creed]], and he was a member and spokesman of the deputation of eight from Antioch called by the emperor to [[Chalcedon]]. To the condemnation of Nestorius he could not assent. John, reconciled to Cyril by the emperor's order, sought to bring Theodoret to submission by entrenching upon his [[eparchyeparhie]].
Theodoret was determined to preserve the peace of the Church by seeking the adoption of a formula avoiding the unconditional condemnation of Nestorius, and toward the close of 434 strove earnestly for the reconciliation between the Eastern churches. But Cyril refused to compromise and when he opened his attack (437) upon [[Diodorus of TarsusDiodor din Tars]] and Theodore, John sided with them and Theodoret assumed the defense of the Antiochian party (c. 439). [[Domnus II]], the successor of John, took him as his counselor. After the death of Cyril, adherents of the Antiochian theology were appointed to bishoprics. [[Irenaeus of Tyre]] the friend of Nestorius, with the cooperation of Theodoret, became bishop of Tyre, in spite of the protests of [[Dioscorus of Alexandria]], Cyril's successor, who now turned specially against Theodoret; and, by preferring the charge that he taught two sons in [[Jesus ChristIisus Hristos|Christ]], he secured the order from the court confining Theodoret to Cyrrhus.
Theodoret now composed the ''Eranistes'' (see below). In vain were his efforts at court at self-justification against the charges of Dioscurus, as well as the countercharge of Domnus against [[Eutyches]] of [[Apollinarism]]. The court excluded Theodoret from the [[Second Council of Ephesus]] in 449 because of his antagonism to Cyril. Here, because of his ''Epistle 151'' against Cyril and his defense of Diodorus and Theodore, he was condemned without a hearing and [[excommunication|excommunicated]] and his writings were directed to be burned. Even Domnus gave his assent.
Theodoret was compelled to leave Cyrrhus and retire to his [[monastery]] at Apamea. He made an appeal to Pope [[Leo the GreatLeon cel Mare]], but not until after the death of [[Theodosius Teodosie al II-lea]] in 450 was his appeal for a revocation of the judgments against him granted by imperial edict. He was ordered to participate in the [[Fourth Ecumenical CouncilSinodul IV Ecumenic|Council of ChalcedonSinodul de la Calcedon]], which created violent opposition. He was first to take part only as accuser, yet among the bishops. Then he was constrained ([[October 26octombrie]], 451) by the friends of Dioscurus to pronounce the ''anathema'' over Nestorius. His conduct shows (though hindered from a statement to that effect) that he performed this with his previous reservation; namely, without application beyond the teaching of two sons in Christ and the denial of the ''theotokos''. Upon this he was declared [[orthodoxy|orthodox]] and rehabilitated.
The only thing known concerning him following the Council of Chalcedon is the letter of Leo charging him to guard the Chalcedonian victory (''PG'', lxxxiii. 1319 sqq.). With Diodorus and Theodore he was no less hated by the [[Monophysitism|Monophysite]]s than Nestorius himself, and held by them and their friends as a [[heretic]]. The [[Three-Chapter Controversy]] led to the condemnation of his writings against Cyril in the [[Fifth Ecumenical Council|Second Council of Constantinople]] (553).
== Traduceri ==
* Translations of Theodoret's writings can be found in [[Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers]]. A bilingual edition of the Eranistes was published by Oxford University Press in 1974
*Bilingual editions (Greek text with parallel French translation) of several of the texts mentioned above have been published in recent years in ''Sources Chrétiennes''.
*[ Greek Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Graeca, with analytical indexes and concordances made on the whole writings]
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