324 de modificări
*''The Spiritual Rebirth of Europe'' (1917)
*''Orations on the Universal Man'' (1920)
*''Thoughts on Good and Evil'' (1923)- ''Cugetări despre bine şi rău'', Ed. Sophia, Bucureşti, 2006
*''Homilias, volumes I and II'' (1925)
*''[[Prologue from Ohrid]]'' (1926)- ''Prologul de la Ohrida'', Ed. Egumeniţa, Galaţi, 2005
*''The Faith of Educated People'' (1928)
*''The War and the Bible'' (1931)- ''Războiul şi Biblia'', Ed. Sophia, Bucureşti,
*''The Symbols and Signs'' (1932)
*''"Immanuel"'' (1937)
*''The Religion of Njegos''
*''Speeches under the Mount''
*''The Faith of the Saints'' (1949) (an Orthodox [[Catechism]] in English)- ''Credinţa Sfinţilor - Catehism al Bisericii Ortodoxe'', Ed. Sophia, Bucureşti*''Cassiana - the Science on Love'' (1952)- ''Cassiana'', Ed. Christiana, Bucureşti
*''The Only Love of Mankind'' (1958)
*''The First Gods Law and the Pyramid of Paradise'' (1959)