'''Liturgical colorsCulorile liturgice''' are those specific colors which are used for sunt culorile folosite la [[veşminte]], la acoperămintele de la ''altar'', [[vestmentproscomidiar]]s, [[altaranalog]] covers, and [[analogiontetrapod]] şi alte [[obiecte liturgice]] covers within the context of services of the Churchdin biserică în contextul [[slujbe]]lor dumnezeieşti. The symbolism of colors may serve to underline moods appropriate to a season of the Culorile pot să aibă un simbolism specific unor perioade/[[timpuri liturgice]] sau unor [[Church Calendar|liturgical yearsărbători]] or may highlight a special occasion.
There is a distinction between the colour of the vestments worn by the [[clergy]] and their [[cassock]]s, which with a few exceptions does not change with the liturgical seasons.
==Byzantine practicePractica bizantină==
The [[Typikon]] itself does not specify a complex color scheme for vestments, but only for light or dark vestments. Many clergy who follow Byzantine practice have adopted the more complex color scheme that was developed in Slavic practice, but you will also see many diverse colors used in vestments that do not easily fit into the that scheme.
==Slavic practicePractica slavă==
{{Cleanup|This section needs to combine its two articles into a whole.}}
Slavic practice was influenced by western liturgical practice, and developed a fairly complex color scheme, though there are a number of variations based on regional or local customs.