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Biserica Ortodoxă din America

84 de octeți adăugați, 20 noiembrie 2007 14:04
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{{Traducere EN}}
[[Image:OCA logo.jpg|right|The Orthodox Church in Biserica Ortodoxă din America]]
The '''Orthodox Church in America''' (OCA) is an [[autocephaly|autocephalous]] church with parishes mainly in the United States and Canada (though it has some parishes in Australia and elsewhere). The OCA was formerly known as the '''Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in America''', or more informally, the '''Metropolia'''. Previous to that, it was the North American Diocese of the [[Church of Russia]]. The OCA's autocephaly is not currently recognized by most of the other autocephalous Orthodox churches.
The current [[primate]] of the OCA is His Beatitude [[Herman (Swaiko) of Washington and New York|Herman (Swaiko)]], Archbishop of Washington and New York, and Metropolitan of All America and Canada.
{{churchBiserică|name= Orthodox Church in Biserica Ortodoxă din America|founder= Ss. [[Herman of de Alaska]], [[Innocent of de Alaska]], [[Alexis of de Wilkes-Barre]]|independence=1970 ("temporary selfauto-governmentguvernare temporară" in în 1924) |recognition= 1970 by de către [[Church of RussiaBiserica Ortodoxă Rusă]] |primate=[[Herman (Swaiko) of de Washington and şi New York|Metropolitan Mitropolitul Herman]]|
hq=Syosset, New York|
territory=United States and Statele Unite ale Americii (USA) şi Canada|possessions= MexicoMexic, South Americade Sud, Australia|language=Englishengleză, [[Church Slavonicslavona bisericească]], Spanishspaniolă|music=[[Russian Chantcântarea rusească]], [[Byzantine Chantcântarea bizantină]] (in some ethnic diocesesîn unele dioceze)|calendar=[[Revised Julian Calendarcalendarul iulian îndreptat|Revised Julianiulian îndreptat]], [[Julian Calendarcalendarul iulian|Julianiulian]]|population=între 30,.000 to şi 1,.000,.000|
website=[ Orthodox Church in America]
*[[ROCOR and OCA]]
== External links ==
* [ Orthodox Christians for Accountability], a website critical of the OCA's administration
[[CategoryCategorie:JurisdictionsJurisdicţii|America - OCA]]
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