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Mănăstirea lui Eftimie

Versiunea din 4 septembrie 2014 19:53, autor: Inistea (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: {{Traducere EN}}'''Mănăstirea lui Eftimie''', sau '''Lavra lui Eftimie''', a fost o mănăstire ctitprită de sfântul Eftimie cel Mare în anul 420 și situată în pustia I...)
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Mănăstirea lui Eftimie, sau Lavra lui Eftimie, a fost o mănăstire ctitprită de sfântul Eftimie cel Mare în anul 420 și situată în pustia Iudeii in what is present day West Bank Palestine. The monastery consisted of a number of cave like cells situated around a central church. During the fifth century, the monastery was the most important and central among the monasteries of Palestine.


The monastery was founded in 420 by Euthymius the Great. It was located on the road through the Judean Desert from Jerusalem to Jerioch in Adummim, present day Ma'ale Adummim, the place traditionally associated with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke10:30-37). The church at the monastery was dedicated by Juvenal, Bishop of Jerusalem, on May 7, 428.

After the death of St. Euthymius on January 20, 473, the monastery under went a number of changes. A new church and ceonobium were built over the old one, while the old church was converted into a refectory. In 482, the new church was consecrated by Patriarch Martyrius of Jerusalem and the monastery became known as the Monastery of St. Euthymius.

The invasions of Palestine by the Persians and Arabs in the seventh century reduced activity at the monastery. By the twelfth century the monastery was abandoned.


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