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2.709 octeți șterși, 28 februarie 2012 14:55
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{{Traducere ENÎn curs}}'''Vulgata''' este o traducere a [[Sfânta Scriptură|Sfintei Scripturi]] în limba latină, făcută la sfârşitul secolului al IV -lea şi începutul secolului al V-lea. Traducerile Această traducere şi adaptările latine ale Vulgatei au fost făcute şi dirijate de sfântul pentru limba latină i se datorează [[sfânt]]ului [[Ieronim]], la cererea papei [[Damasus I al Romei]].
Termenul de ''Vulgata'' pentru această traducere a Bibliei [[Biblie]]i provine de la expresia latină folosite folosită în mod curent pentru a o desemna, şi anume : ''versio vulgata'', care însemnă "traducerea înseamnă „traducerea folosită în mod obişnuit"obişnuit”<ref>Adjectivul ''vulgata'' nu are nici o conotaţie negativă sau scoborâtoare în limba latină, ci el însemnând doar "obişnuită" „obişnuită” sau "curentă"„curent”. La fel, în expresia cunoscută azi "limba drept „limba latină vulgară"vulgară”, adjectivul "vulgară" „vulgară” nu are o conotaţie negativă, ci se referă la limba folosită în mod curent.</ref>. '''Vulgata''' a devenit în timp cea mai cunoscută şi cu autoritate traducere a Sfintei Scripturi în limba latină în [[Biserica Romei]].
==Background==Versions of the Scriptures in Latin were used as early as the second century, although the Church then in the West was largely Greek. References to these early Latin texts are found in the works of [[Ciprian al Cartaginei]] and ''Vulgata'' a devenit în timp cea mai cunoscută şi cu autoritate traducere a Sfintei Scripturi în limba latină pentru [[TertulianBiserica Romei]]. These Old Latin translations, however, were considered to be crudely done and "provincial"; that is, not authentic. As Christians in Italy and the West became more Latin-speaking, the provincial texts were looked down upon by the more polished Romans. A standard Latin Bible for the church in the West became more pressing.
Pope [[Damasus I al Romei|Damasus I]] was determined to produce such a standard. In 382, Damasus commissioned Jerome to produce the Vulgate by revising and newly translating in Latin the various translations then in use, using Greek texts as a base. Initially, Jerome produced a revision of the [[Noul Testament]]. Then, he followed with the text of the [[Vechiul Testament]] based upon the Greek [[Septuaginta]]. He began with the [[Psaltirea]] in 384, of which the first version was called the Roman Psalter. This version was soon corrupted by text from the Old Latin translations, and Jerome began another version in 387 that became known as the Gallican Psalter.==Istoric==
About 390, after completing the translation of much, if not all, of the Old Testament based upon the Septuagint, he began a version based upon existing Hebrew texts. By 405 he had translated much of the Old Testament based upon the Hebrew. This version, however, was not accepted by many, including Augustine, who felt the Septuagint was slighted and was as equally inspired as the Hebrew text.
Manuscripts of Jerome's Latin Scriptures slowly replaced the Old Latin versions in popularity, although not without corruption of the text, nor with consistent versions in all places. Over the ensuing centuries, attempts were made to stay corruption of the manuscript texts, but with limited success. These attempts to limit corruption came periodically: in the sixth century; again in the eighth, by [[Alcuin]], the abbot of St. Martin's at Tours; and in the succeeding centuries. With the advent of the printing press the situation did not improve, as the printed Vulgate Bibles seemed to perpetuate inferior texts.
In 1590, Pope Sixtus V sponsored a revision of the Vulgate Bible, the Sixtus edition printed by the Vatican press, that was to be the standard for the Roman Church. In 1592, Clement VIII recalled the Sixtus Vulgate and replaced it with the Clementine Vulgate as the Vatican edition. This version remained the official version of the Roman Church until 1979. The current official Latin version of the Bible is the '''Nova Vulgata''', which was commissioned in 1965 by Pope Paul VI and promulgated by Pope [[John Paul II]].
[[Categorie:Sfânta Scriptură]]
[[Categorie:Vechiul Testament]]
[[Categorie:Istoria Bisericii]]
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