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3.090 de octeți adăugați, 13 februarie 2020 11:31
fără descrierea modificării
*„sobornicească” - este traducerea (inexactă) în [[Crezul|Crez]] în limba română a grecescului ''katholiki'' (care are în principal sensul de „deplinătate a credinței”);
*„sobornicitate” - sobornicitatea este o însușire a Bisericii prin care se arată că este destinată să cuprindă toată lumea.
* Soborul of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers, [[November 8]]
* Soborul of the Myriads of Holy Angels (''Synaxis of the Myriangelon''), [[January 11]]
* Soborul of the Archangel Gabriel, [[March 26]] and [[July 13]]
* Soborul of the Most Holy Mother of God, [[December 26]]
* [[Soborul of the Baptist|Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John]], [[January 7]]
* Soborul of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Twelve [[Apostles]], [[June 30]]
* Soborul of the [[Seventy Apostles]], [[January 4]]
* Soborul of the [[Three Holy Hierarchs]], [[January 30]]
* Soborul of All Saints, the Sunday following Pentecost
* Soborul of the Holy Unmercenaries, [[November 7]]
* Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the [[First Ecumenical Council]], [[May 29]], and also on the Seventh Sunday of Pascha
* Memorial Saturday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, on the Seventh Saturday of Pascha
* Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the [[Second Ecumenical Council]], [[May 22]]
* Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the [[Third Ecumenical Council]], [[September 9]]
* Commemoration of the Holy 165 Fathers of the [[Fifth Ecumenical Council]], [[July 25]]
* Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the [[Sixth Ecumenical Council]], [[January 23]]
* Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the [[Seventh Ecumenical Council]], on the [[Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council]]
* [[Soborul of the Hierarchs of Moscow]], [[October 5]]
* [[Soborul of the Saints of Rostov]], [[May 23]]
* [[Soborul of All Saints of Siberia]], [[June 10]]
* Soborul of the Hierarchs of Kazan, [[October 4]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Kostroma, [[January 23]]
* Soborul of the Hierarchs of Novgorod, [[February 10]]
* Soborul of the Venerable Fathers of Optina, [[October 11]]
* Soborul of all Saints of Pskov, Third Sunday after Pentecost
* Soborul of the Saints of Radonezh, [[July 6]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Ryzan, [[June 10]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Smolensk, [[July 23]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Solovki Monastery, [[August 9]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Tula, [[September 22]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Vladimir, [[June 23]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Volhynia, [[October 10]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Vyatka, [[October 8]]
* [[Soborul of the Martyrs of Butovo]], 4th Saturday after Pascha
* Soborul of the venerable fathers of the Kiev Caves Lavra, [[February 26]]
* [[Soborul of Monastic Fathers who are venerated in the Near Caves of St Anthony|Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Near Caves]], [[September 28]]
* [[Soborul of those whose relics repose in the Far Caves of St Theodosius|Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves, whose relics repose in the Far Caves of the Venerable Theodosius]], [[August 28]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Belarus, [[June 14]]
* Soborul of the Saints of Georgia, [[December 11]]
* Soborul of the Serbian Hierarchs, [[August 30]]
* Soborul of All Saints of Alaska, [[September 24]], also [[December 12]]
* Soborul of the Saints of North America, [[June 17]]
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