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Naș (botez)

1 octet adăugat, 7 iulie 2014 12:33
De la introducerea [[pedobaptism|pedobaptismului]], părintele spiritual își asumă o obligație importantă, împreună cu părinții, de a-i asigura copilului o educație bazată pe legile [[Biserica Ortodoxă|Bisericii Ortodoxe]] și pe viaţa lui [[Hristos]]. Sarcina de a conduce un copil pe calea cea bună și de a-l educ educa după legea lui Dumnezeu este, probabil, cel mai mare lucru în viață. Sf. [[Teofan Zăvorâtul]] zice că nu există lucrare mai sfântă. <ref name="101-G"/>
<blockquote>While it is an honor to be asked to be a godparent, one should make sure that the potential sponsor will be committed to the responsibility. The role must be honored and not taken lightly. Every godparent will be accountable to [[God]] as to whether or not he or she has fulfilled their duties. Prospective godparents must know their faith, or at least be in the process of learning their faith and be committed to a life in Christ. One problem today is that people who are called upon to be godparents do not know their faith and are not regular participants in the life of the Church. This is also true for some parents. Consequently a child who is baptized may never know anything about [[Jesus Christ]] and the [[Orthodox Church|Church]]. In the early Church heavy emphasis was placed on the educating of the faithful and those who desired to come into the Christian faith. As Christianity spread in a [[Paganism|pagan]] world, the need to teach individuals before their baptisms became crucial. The systematic instruction, which was a preparatory stage for baptism was and is called "[[catechism]]."<ref name="101-G"/></blockquote>
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