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558 de octeți adăugați, 7 noiembrie 2007 12:55
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The '''PentarchyPentarhia''' consisted of the five ancient este un sistem de organizare bisericească a Bisericii primului mileniu, cuprinzând cel cinci partriarhii zise tradiţionale sau vechi: [[patriarchateBIserica Romei|Roma]]s of the undivided Church of the first millennium of her history, including the Churches of [[Church of RomeBiserica Ortodoxă a Constantinopolului|RomeConstantinopol]], [[Church of ConstantinopleBiserica Ortodoxă a Alexandriei|ConstantinopleAlexandria]], [[Church of AlexandriaBiserica Ortodoxă a Antiohiei|AlexandriaAntiohia]], şi [[Church of AntiochBiserica Ortodoxă a Ierusalimului|AntiochIerusalim]]. Sistemul Pentarhiei, precum şi ordinea canonică în diptice a celor cinci patriarhii au fost formulate şi fixate în timp, and la mai multe [[sinoade ecumenice]] sau locale:*[[Sinodul II Ecumenic]] - canoanele ...*[[Sinodul IV Ecumenic]] - canoanele ...*[Church of Jerusalem|Jerusalem[Sinodul VI Ecumenic]]- canoanele ... Potrivit acestei ordini canonice episcopul de Roma se află in aceasta pozitie nu in virtutea vreunui primat asupra Bisericii universale, ci ca primul intre egali ("primus inter pares").
These major centers of early Christianity, founded by the [[apostles]], were looked to by their respective regions as leaders in Church life, and eventually their [[bishop]]s came to be regarded as the [[primate]]s of their areas. The members of the Pentarchy all participated in some form in the first eight [[Ecumenical Councils]], from 325 to 880. Their relationship with each other, despite various periods of rivalry and dispute, was generally in terms of fraternal equality and conciliarity.
[[CategoryCategorie:Church HistoryIstoria Bisericii]][[CategoryCategorie:JurisdictionsJurisdicţii]]
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