14.992 de modificări
{{start box}}{{succesiune|înainte=[[Adrian I al Romei|Adrian I]]|titlu=[[Listă a episcopilor Romei|Popă al Romei]]|aniNote=795 - 816|după=Ștefan al V-lea}}{{end box}}<references />
'''Pope Leo''': Such doubtless is our judgement: and we by all means urge that ye for your parts adhere to the same.’<ref>Ibid.</ref>
*[http://www.orthodoxengland.org.uk/saintsl.htm Leo III June 12]
*''A Harmony of Anglican Doctrine with the Doctrine of the Catholic and Apostolic Church of the East'', 1846, pp. 137-141.
{{start box}}
înainte=[[Adrian I al Romei|Adrian I]]|
titlu=[[Listă a episcopilor Romei|Popă al Romei]]|
ani=795 - 816|
după=Ștefan al V-lea}}
{{end box}}