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Personalități creștine din Schitopolis
==Personalități creștine din Schitopolis==
Scythopolis had a Christian community headed by a bishop even before the Edict of Milan of 313. When the Roman province of Palaestina Secunda was set up in the 4th century with Scythopolis as its capital, the bishopric became the metropolitan see of the province. Mai mulți episcop episcopi de Schitopolis sunt cunoscuți<ref>După:</ref>:*Patropnilus, Bishop Patrophilus of Scythopolis was an intimate friend of Arius and his adherents, assisted at whom he welcomed when exiled to Palestine in 323. A supporter of Arianism, he took part in the First Council of Nicaea in (325 ) and at various councils of the Arians till until 360. Cruel Sozomen and fanaticalSocrates Scholasticus say that in 354-5 he acted together with Acacius of Caesarea (Caesarea was then the metropolitan see for both Scythopolis and Jerusalem) to depose Bishop Maximus of Jerusalem, he ill treated who supported the Catholic bishops exiled Nicene Creed, and to Scythopolisreplace him with Cyril of Jerusalem, especially Stwhom they wrongly thought to be an Arian. [3] He also supervised the exile of Eusebius of Vercellito Scythopolis - Eusebius calls him his "jailer". In 359 he was a member of a delegation sent to Emperor Constantius II to protest against depositions of Arian clergy by Basil of Caesarea.[4] He was deposed by the Council of Seleucia in 359 and died soon after; . Philostorgius mentions that in 361 his body was disinterred and his remains were desecrated by bones scattered during the pagans in 361pagan reaction under Julian. [5]*Philip and AthanasiusFilip și Atanasie, both Ariansarieni;*Saturninus, present at the Council of Constantinople in prezent la [[Sinodul II Ecumenic]] (Constantinopol, 381);*TheodosiusTeodosie, friend of St. John Crysostomprieten cu sfântul [[Ioan Gură de Aur]]; *Acacius, friend of St. Cyril of Alexandriaprieten cu sfântul [[Chiril al Alexandriei]];
*St. Servianus, killed by Monophysites in 452, honoured on 21 February;
*JohnIoan de Schitopolis (cca. 536–550), supranumit și „Scolasticul”, care a scris mai multe lucrări împotriva ereziei monofizite; his major one's a treatise written ca. 530, defending the theory of "dioenergism",[2] against his contemporary Severus of Antioch. Another work attacked the heretic Eutyches, one of the founders of Monophysitism. We have some data about him by Photius, who wrote in defence learned bishop of Byzantium. Hans Urs von Balthasar suggested than John was the Council author of much of ChalcedonMaximus the Confessor's scholia.<ref></ref>;
*Theodore, who about 553 was compelled to sign an anti-origenist profession of faith, still preserved (Le Quien, "Oriens christianus." III, 681-94).
*Sfântul mucenic Procopie (prăznuit la [[8 iulie]]), care aparținea clerului cetății, după cercertările hagiologului <ref>H. Delehaye, "Les Légendes hagiographiques", Paris, 1905, 144-6</ref>;
*Asterius, comentator al Psalmilor în secolul al IV-lea și citat cu laude de sfântul Ieronim;
*Sfântul [[Chiril din Schitopolis]], monah și istoric al monahismului în Palestina vremii sale.  In the sixth century there were four churches at Scythopolis*sfinţii părinţi Afrodisie, dedicated to St. ThomasLeontie, St. JohnAntonie, St Procopius, and St. BasilMel, Valerian şi Macrovie şi a local martyr. Many monks lived in the town and its environsmulţimii celor ce împreună cu ei au mărturisit în Schitopoli, occupied in making baskets and fans from the palms in the neighboring forests în Palestina (4 mai)*Sfântul Vasile și sfinţii şaptezeci de Mucenici din Schitopolis (Sozomen, "Hist. ecclés.", VIII, 1328 iunie și 5 iulie)*Sfânta muceniță Marato fecioara (12 noiembrie); with them the four Tall Brothers took refuge when expelled from Egypt by the patriarch Theophilus for so called origenist ideas.
*Chiril din Shictopolis*În secolul al VI-lea existau la Schitopolis patru biserici, închinate sfinților Toma, Ioan de Schitopolis, Procopie și Vasile (5 iulie și 28 iunie). Many monks lived in the town and its environs, occupied in making baskets and fans from the palms in the neighboring forests (Sozomen, "Hist. ecclés.", VIII, 13); with them the four Tall Brothers took refuge when expelled from Egypt by the patriarch Theophilus for so called origenist ideas.
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