6.119 modificări
rectif. leg. int., minore
*[[Crucea de binecuvântare|Cruce]] (de binecuvântare)
*[[Cathedra]] (tronul episcopal)
*[[Cârja]] episcopală
*[[Ripide]]le, meaning ''six-wingedcele cu şase aripi'' (also called ''fans'', ''ripidia'').
==Legături externe==
*en: [http://www.theologic.com/oflweb/inchurch/guidedtour.htm Welcome to the Orthodox Church: A Guided Tour] by Deacon Daniel Swires*en: [http://members.optusnet.com.au/amborodin/royal_doors_and_sanctuary.htm Royal Doors and Sanctuary] and [http://members.optusnet.com.au/amborodin/holy_altar.htm The Holy Altar] from the website of the Blessed Virgin of Vladimir Parish (ROCA), in Brisbane, Australia
[[Categorie:Obiecte liturgice|*]]