Pe plan religios, Teodora a fost o iconodulă convinsă, persecutându-i pe inconoclaști și pe paulicieni. Când fratele ei, Bardas, a devenit Caesar, Teodora a intrat în conflict cu el, dar și cu Mihail al III-lea, care a trimis-o la mănăstire împreună cu fiica sa, Tecla, în anul 855. A fost asasinată din ordinul împăratului Vasile I Macedoneanul.
Theophilus maintained the restored iconoclastic policies initiated by Leo V in 813 after the first period of restoration of veneration under [[Irene of Athens|Empress IreneIrina Împărăteasa]] in the late eighth century. Theodora, however, secretly was a strong believer in veneration of icons. Upon the death of Theophilus in 842, Theodora came to power as the regent for her son Michael and ended the iconoclastic policies of her husband in 843 with the backing of a church [[synod|councilsinod]]. The proclamation of 843 restoring veneration of icons initiated the feast of the [[Sunday of OrthodoxyDuminica Ortodoxiei|Triumph of OrthodoxyTriumful Ortodoxiei]] that has since been celebrated by the Orthodox Church each year on the first Sunday of [[LentPostul mare]].
She ably governed the empire, including replenishing the treasury and fending off an attempted invasion by the Bulgarians. As Michael grew older, he came under the influence of his uncle Bardas, who undermined the authority of Theodora. In 855, he finally displaced Theodora from her regency and sent her to the Monastery of St. Euphroyne, where she died around the year 867.
In 1460, the Turks gave her [[moaște]] to the people of Kerkyra (Kephalonia).
==Legături externe==