4.112 modificări
*'''Januaryianuarie:''' Victor the priestpreotul, Hieromartyrsfinţit mucenic, [[January 8ianuarie]]; [[Cyril of Chiril de Kazan|CyrilChiril]], metropolitan of mitropolit de Kazan, new hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[January 26ianuarie]];
*'''Februaryfebruarie:''' Basil Vasile Nadezhnin, Priest in Moscowpreot din Moscova, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[February 6februarie]]; [[Barlaam of Varlaam de Perm|BarlaamVarlaam]] archbishop of arhiepiscop de Perm, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[February 7februarie]]; [[Onisimus of Onisim de Tula|OnisimusOnisim]], bishop of episcop de Tula, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[February 14februarie]]; Anna the martyrAna muceniţa, [[February 26februarie]];
*'''Marchmartie:''' Olga the New Hieromartyr, noua muceniţă sfinţită, [[March 1martie]]; Vyacheslav Viacheslav (Leontiev) of din Nizhegorod, Priest and new hieromartyrpreot şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[March 4martie]]; BasilVasile, priest and New Hieromartyrpreot şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[March 11martie]],
*'''Aprilaprilie:''' NicholasNicolae, Priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[April 18aprilie]]; TheodosiusTeodosie, bishop of episcop de Kolomensk, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[April 20aprilie]];
*'''Maymai:''' Peter the priestPetru preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[May 12mai]]; Abercius, archbishop of arhiepiscop de Zhitomir, Vladimir Zagarsky, Priestpreot, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[May 15mai]]; Victor the New Hieromartyrnoul mucenic sfinţit, [[May 19mai]]; *'''iunie:''' Gherman Riaschentsov, nou mucenic sfinţit, [[8 iunie]]; Alexandru Kharkovsky episcopul, Anthony, Varsanufie şi Iosif, noi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[12 iunie]]; Partenie episcopul, nou mucenic, [[19 iunie]];
*'''Julyiulie:''' Demetrius the priestDimitrie preotul, new hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 4iulie]]; James archbishop of arhiepiscop de Barnaul and with him Peter and John priestsşi cei împreună cu el Petru şi Ioan preoţi, new hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, Theodore and John the martyrsTeodor şi Ioan mucenicii, [[July 16iulie]]; Alpheus the deaconAlfeu diaconul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 24iulie]]; Sergius the priestSerghie preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 26iulie]] BasilVasile, Anastasia, HellenElena, ArethaAreta, JohnIoan, JohnIoan, John and Ioan şi Mavra the martyrs, mucenicii, [[July 28iulie]]; Vladimir, JohnIoan, ConstantineConstantin, priestspreoţi, hieromartyrssfinţiţi mucenici, and Anna and Elizabeth the martyrsşi Ana şi Elizabeta muceniţele, [[July 31iulie]];
*'''Augustaugust:''' DemetriusDimitrie, the priestpreotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 1august]]; Platon the New Hieromartyrnoul mucenic sfinţit, [[August 2august]]; Michael the New HieromartyrMihail nou mucenic sfinţit, Simeon and Demetrius the Martyrsşi Dimitrie mucenicii, [[August 4august]]; AlexanderAlexandru, PeterPetru, MichaelMihail, JohnIoan, Demetrius and Alexis priestsDimitrie şi Alexie, Elisey deaconpreoţi, New HieromartyrsElisei, and Athanasiusdiacon, Hieromartyrnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, şi Atanasie, sfinţit mucenic, [[August 7august]]; Nicholas the priestNicolae preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 8august]]; Athanasius the priestAtanasie preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 10august]]; BasilVasile, LeonidasLeonida, John and Nicholas the priestsIoan şi Nicolae preoţii, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[August 12august]]; Seraphim Serafim (Zvezdinsky), bishop of episcop de Dmitrov, NicholasNicolae, Iacob, Jacob the priests and Alexis the deaconpreoţi şi Alexie diaconul, New Hieromartyrnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[August 13august]]; Eleutherius of Eleuterie de Chimkent (Kazakhstan), the Schemaschi-archimandritearhimandritul, Vladimir and Nicholas priestsşi Nicolae, New Hieromartyrspreoţi, Eleupherianoi mucenici sfinţiţi, Eleuferia, Eudokia and Theodoreşi Teodora, the martyrsmuceniţele, [[August 14august]]; Alexander the priestAlexandru preotul, Anna and Jacob the martyrsşi Iacob mucenicii, [[August 16august]]; DemetriusDimitrie, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 17august]]; GregoryGrigorie, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, and şi Eugene and Michael new martyrsşi Mihail, noi mucenici, [[August 18august]]; PaulPavel, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 21august]]; Alexis archbishop of Alexie, arhiepiscop de Omsk, Theodore bishop of Teodor, episcop de Penza, John bishop of Ioan, episcop de Velikoluk, and with themşi împreună cu ei, BasilVasile, Gabriel, AlexanderAlexandru, Mihail, MichaelIlarion, HilarionIoan, JohnHieroteu şi Teodor, Hierotheus and Theodore priestspreoţi, hieromartyrssfinţiţi mucenici, [[August 22august]] Paul and John priestsPavel şi Ioan, preoţi, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[August 23august]]; Nectarius Nectarie (Trezvinsky), bishop of episcop de Yaransk, Victor, Peter and Petru şi Roman Medved of Moscowdin Moscova, New Hiero-confessornou sfinţit mărturisitor, priests and new hieromartyrs, Demetrius the Martyrpreoţi şi noi mucenici sfinţiţi, Dimitrie mucenicul, [[August 26august]]; JohnIoan, John priest and MethodiusIoan, New Hieromartyrspreot şi Metodie, noi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[August 27august]]; BasilVasile, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 28august]]; Paul the priestPavel preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, Theodore and Teodore şi Elizaveta, the Martyrsmucenicii, [[August 30august]]; Michael and Myron priestsMihail şi Miron, preoţi, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[August 31august]];
*'''September:''' Tatiana and Natalia, Virgin-martyrs, [[September 1]]; Damascene, bishop of Starodub, Herman, bishop of Vyaznikov, Ephimius, John, John, Vladimir, Victor, Basil, Theodore, Peter, Stephen, Stephen, the priests, New Hieromartyrs, Paul and Ksenia the martyrs, [[September 2]]; Alexis and Elias, priests, New Hieromartyr, [[September 3]]; Gregory (Lebedev) Bishop of Shliserburg, Sergius (Druzhinin) Bishop of Narva, New Hieromartyrs, Paul, John, Nicholas, Nicholas, John, Nicholas, Alexander, Peter and Michael priests, New Hieromartyrs, Stephen, Martyrs Basil, Peter, Stephen and Alexander the Hieromartyrs, [[September 4]]; Alexis, archbishop of Velikoustiuzh, New Hieromartyr, Euthymius the Martyr, [[September 5]]; Constantine, John and Vsevolod, priests, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 6]]; Eugine, metropolitan of Gorky, Stephan, Eugine, Nicholas and Pakhomius, Gregory, Basil priests, and Leo, New Hieromartyrs [[September 7]]; Demetrius, New Martyr, priest, [[September 8]]; Zaharias, archbishop of Voronezh, Basil, Sergius, Joseph, Alexis priests, New Hieromartyrs, and Basil the Martyr, [[September 9]]; Ismail, Eugine, John, Constantine, Peter, Basil, Gleb, Basil, John, Nicholas, Palladius priests, Meletius and Gabriel, New Hieromartyrs, Symeon and Tatiana, the martyrs, [[September 10]]; Karp (Elb), Priest, hieromartyr, [[September 11]]; Blessed Alexis of Elnat and Zharki, near Kineshma, Theodore, John, Nicolas priests, New Hieromartyrs, and Martyr Alexis [[September 12]]; Stephan, Alexander priests and Nicholas deacon, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 13]]; Nicolas, priest, New Hieromartyr, [[September 14]]; John, Jacob, Peter priests and Nicholas deacon, New Hieromartyrs, Mary and Ludmila the Martyrs, [[September 15]]; Gregory Raevsky, priest, New Hieromartyr, [[September 16]]; Amphilius, bishop of Krasnoiarsk, John, Boris, Michael, Vladimir, Benjamin, Constantine, priests, New Hieromartyrs, and Sergius the Martyr, [[September 18]]; Nilus priest, new hieromartyr and Mary the Virgin-martyr, [[September 19]]; Theoktist and Alexander priests, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 20]]; Theophan, (Tuliakov), metropolitan of Lipetsk and Belo-Russia, Mavrikius, Valentin, Alexander, John, Andrew, Peter, John, priest, New Hieromartyr, Basil and Vladimir the Martyrs, [[September 21]]; Arsenius the archbishop, John the priest, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 23]]; Andrew and Paul priests, New Hieromartyrs, Hieromartyr Vitaly and Martyrs Basil, Sergius and Spiridon, [[September 24]]; Athanasius, Alexander, Demetrius priests, New Hieromartyrs, John and Nicolas the martyrs, [[September 26]]; Peter, metropolitan of Krutitsa, Theodore the priest, new hieromartyrs, [[September 27]]; Hilarion and Michaela the Martyrs, [[September 28]]; Peter, Viacheslav, Peter, Symeon, Basil priests, New Hieromartyrs, Seraphim deacon, Alexandra, Alexis, Matthew, Apollinaris, the martyrs, [[September 30]];