4.112 modificări
→1919 - 1936
===1919 - 1936===
*1919 Death of Saints of Moartea Sfinţilor din Tartu: Platon (Kulbush) bishop of episcop de Tallinn, Michael Mihail (Bleive) and Nicholas şi Nicolae (Bezhanitsky) [[January 1ianuarie]]; Andrew Andrei (Zimin), Archpriestprotopop, his wife Lydiasoţia sa Lidia, his mother-in-law soacra sa Domnica, his two daughters and his servant cele două fice ale sale şi slujnica Maria, of din Ussurisk , [[January 6ianuarie]]; Nicholas Nicolae, Theodore and Teodor şi Vladimir priests, Hieromartyrspreoţi, mucenici sfinţiţi, [[January 11ianuarie]]; John priest Ioan, preot, Hieromartyrmucenic sfinţit, [[January 16ianuarie]]; Michael the priestMihail preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[January 18ianuarie]]; Basil and Vasile şi Gabriel the priestspreoţii, [[February 13februarie]]; NicholasNicolae, Saint sfânt [[May 5mai]]; Nicholas and Peter the priestsNicolae şi Petru preoţii, new hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[June 7iunia]]; Nicolas, priest and New Hieromartyrpreot şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[March 13martie]]; AlexanderAlexandru, the New Hieromartyr and priestnoul mucenic sfinţit şi preot, [[March 17martie]]; Paul Pavel (Voinarsky) the Priest and brothers Paul and preotul şi fraţii Pavel şi Alexis Kiryan, of the Crimeadin Crimeea, new martyrsnoi mucenici, [[March 29martie]]; MitrophanMitrofan, archbishop of arhiepiscop de Astrakhan, LeontyLeontie, bishop of episcop de Enotaeva, and those with himşi cei împreună cu ei, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[June 23iunie]]; Juvenal the deaconIuvenal diaconul, [[July 20iulie]]; Eudocia Eudochia (Shikova) and Novices şi novicele Daria (Timolina), Dar'ia (Siushinskaya), and şi Maria of de la Diveyevo, New Martyrsnoi muceniţe, [[August 5august]] Basil and Parthenius priests; Vasile şi Partenie, New Hieromartyrspreoţi, noi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[September 3septembrie]]; NicolasNicolae, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[September 19septembrie]]; HermanGherman, bishop of episcop de Volskşi Mihail preotul, and Michael the priest, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[September 27septembrie]]; EugraphusEugraf, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[November 24noiembrie]]; JohnIoan, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[December 2decembrie]]; Vladimir, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[December 9decembrie]]; TikhonTihon, archbishop of arhiepiscop de Voronezh and with him şi, ]mpreun[ cu el, 160 martyred priestsde preoţi care au primit moarte mucenicească, [[December 27decembrie]]; Nicolas the priest, New HieromartyrNicolae preotul,nou mucenic sfinţit.
*1919-1922 [[w:GrecoRăzboiul greco-Turkish War turc (1919-1922)|GrecoRăzboiul greco-Turkish Warturc]]; [[w:Pontic Greek GenocideGenocidul grecilor pontici|Pontic Greek GenocideGenocidul grecilor pontici]] eliminates the Christian population of duce la dispariţia populaţiei creştine din Trebizond.*1920 Zenobius priest Zenobie, Hieromartyrpreot, mucenic sfinţit, [[January 10ianuarie]]; John and Leontius priestsIoan şi Leontie, preoţi, noi mucenici sfinţiţi, Constantin, diacon şi, new hieromartyrsîmpreună cu el, Constantine deacon and with them 5 Martyrsmucenici, [[January 29ianuarie]]; [[ Silvester of Silvestru de Omsk and şi Pavlodar|SilvesterSilvestru]] (Olshevsky), bishop of episcop de Omsk and şi Pavlodar, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[February 13februarie]], Methodius the new hieromartyr and Metodie noul mucenic sfinţit şi Anastasia AndreyevnaŞireyevna, foolnebună-forpentru-Christ Hristos [[March 1martie]], Vladimir the priestpreotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[March 24martie]]; [[Nektarios of AeginaNectarie din Eghina]]; Evmenios of de la Mănăstirea Koudouma Monastery, [[July 10iulie]]; Martyr Alexander the priestMucenicul Alexandru, preotul, [[December 28decembrie]]; MichaelMihail, priest and New Hieromartyrpreot şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[May 11mai]]; Vladimir, priest New Hieromartyrpreot, nou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 14august]], NicholasNicolae, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[September 2septembrie]]; Andrew and TheophanAndrei şi Teofan, priestspreoţi, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[September 3septembrie]]; MichaelMihail, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[October 1octombrie]]; Michael Mihail Lektorsky Archpriest in , protopop în Kuban, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[October 28octombrie]]; AndrewAndrei, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[December 3decembrie]]; Vladimir, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, and Ephrosiaşi Efrosia, Virginmuceniţă-martyrfecioară, [[December 9decembrie]]; AlexanderAlexandru, priestpreot, new hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, and Johnşi Ioan, Martyrmucenic, [[December 13decembrie]];*1921 Joseph Hieromartyr and with him Iosif, mucenic sfinţit şi 37 Martyrsde mucenici împreună cu el, [[January 5ianuarie]]; [[Methodius of Metodie de Petropavlovsk|MethodiusMetodie]] bishop of episcop de Petropavlovsk, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[February 4februarie]]; Demetrius priest and Anatolius the Martyrs Demetrie, preot şi Anatolie Mucenici [[February 6februarie]]; [[Lyubov of de Ryazan]], foolnebun-for Christpentru-Hristos, [[February 8februarie]]; GregoryGrigorie, priest and New Hieromartyrpreot şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[March 13martie]]; Simon Shleev, bishop of episcop de Ufa, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 6iulie]]; Seraphim Serafim Bogoslovsky, Theognostus, and others of şi alţii din Alma-Ata, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[July 16iulie]]; Archimandrite Sergius, and those with themArchimandrit Serghie şi cei împreună cu el, New-Martyrsnoi mucenici, [[August 13august]]; Vladimir amd Michael priestsşi Mihail, New Hieromartyrspreoţi, noi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[September 3septembrie]]; Priest Preot John Maslovsky of de Verkhne-Poltavka, Amur, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[September 7septembrie]]; AndrewAndrei, GregoryGrigorie, GregoryGrigorie, John priestsIoan, preoţi, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[September 15septembrie]]; Michael the priestMihail, New Hieromartyrpreot, nou mucenic sfinţit, [[October 14octombrie]]; MathewMatei, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[December 2decembrie]];*1922 Paul and John priestsşi Ioan preoţi, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, PeterPetru, NicholasNicolae, AuksentiusAcsentie, Sergius and Serghie şi Anastasia the Martyrs, mucenicii, [[April 27aprilie]]; BasilVasile, Alexander and Christopher and MacariusAlexandru şi Christofor şi Macarie, New Hieromartyrs and Martyr Sergiusnoi mucenici sfinţiţi şi mucenicul Serghie, [[May 13mai]]; Alexius Alexie Mechev, priest of Moscowpreot din Moscova, [[June 9iunie]]; [[Benjamin Beniamin (Kazansky) of de Petrograd and şi Gdovsk|Benjamin Beniamin (Kazansky)]], Metropolitan of Mitropolit de Petrograd and şi Gdovsk, b. născut 1873, [[July 31iulie]]; Anatole Anatolie al II -lea (Potapov, the "YoungerTânărul"), of de Optina, New Hiero-confessornou mărturisitor sfinţit, [[July 30iulie]]; Sergius the ArchimandriteSerghie arhimandritul, George and John of şi Ioan de Petrograd, new hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[July 31iulie]]; Mtr. Mitropolitul [[Chrysostomos Hrisostom (Kalafatis) of Smyrnade Smirna]], ethnomartyr mucenic etnic <ref>Metropolitan and ethnomartyr Mitropolitul şi mucenicul etnic [[Chrysostomos Hrisostom (Kalafatis) of Smyrnade Smirna]] was canonise in a fost canonizat în 1993</ref> torturedtorturat, d.[[September 9septembrie]] (fd. stil vechi [[August 27august]]); Michael the Blessed of Mihail Binecuvântatul din Chernigov, New Martyrnou mucenic, [[November 8noiembrie]];*1923 [[Alexis of Alexie de Teklati|AlexisAlexie]] (Shushania), hieromonk of ieromonah de Teklati, Georgia, venerablecuvios, [[January 18ianuarie]]; JohnIoan, priest and New Hieromartyrpreot şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[March 8martie]], Seraphim Serafim Nikolsky, Hieroschemamonkieroschimonah, new hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[May 31mai]]; Agafangel (Preobrazhensky) of de Yaroslavl, [[October 3octombrie]], NicholasNicolae, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[September 3septembrie]];*1924 Antonina, Abbess of Stareţă de Kizliar, New Hieromartyrnouă muceniţă sfinţită, [[March 1martie]]; Jonah Iona Atamansk, priest of preot din Odessa, [[May 17mai]]; Nazarius, metropolitan of mitropolit de Kutaisi, Georgia, with Priestcu preot-martyrs Herman, Hierotheusmucenici Gherman, and Hieroteu şi Simon, and Archdeacon Bessarionşi arhidiaconul Vissarion, new hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[August 14august]]; Euthymius priestEutimie preot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, with împreună cu 4 martyrsmucenici, [[September 3septembrie]]; [[Arsenios the CappadocianArsenie Capadocianul]], [[November 10noiembrie]]; *1925 [[Tikhon of MoscowTihon de Moscova]], (b. născut 1865), [[March 25martie]]; [[Gregory of metropolis of Thessaloniki and Grigorie al mitropoliei de Tesalonic şi Heraclea|GregoryGrigorie]] (Kallidis) metropolis of Thessaloniki and mitropolit de Tesalonic şi Heraclea, [[July 25iulie]]; Anatole Anatolie (Kamensky), archbishop of arhiepiscop de Irkutsk, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[September 20septembrie]]; Anna the MartyrAna muceniţa, [[September 28septembrie]]; St. Sfântul [[Jonah of ManchuriaIona din Manciuria]], Bishop of Episcop de Hankou (bn. 1922), [[October 7octombrie]]; *1926 [[Macarius of MoscowMacarie de Moscova|MacariusMacarie]], metropolitan of Moscowmitropolit de Moscova, apostle to the apostolul poporului Altai, [[February 16februarie]]
*1927 [[Ambrose (Khelaia) of Georgia|Ambrose]] the Confessor, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, [[March 16]]; Matthew, Hieromonk of Yaramsk in Vyatka, [[May 14]] Alexander, priest, New Hieromartyr, [[July 25]]; Victor the hegumen, with brotherhood, Martyrs of Zelenetsk, [[November 11]];
*1928 Benjamin (Kononov) the Archimandrite and Nicephorus (Kuchin) the Hieromonk of Solovki, New Hieromartyrs, [[April 4]]; Nektarius Venerable of [[Optina Monastery]], [[April 29]]; Hierotheus, bishop of Nikolsk, New Hieromartyr, [[May 31]]; Innocentius the Hieromartyr [[December 24]], Lydia, and with her, soldiers Alexei and Cyril, New Martyrs, [[July 20]]; Maximus the martyr, [[July 31]]; Alexis, venerable hiero-schemamonk of Zosima Hermitage, [[September 19]]; Rachel, schem-anun of Borodino Convent, [[September 27]];
*1936 [[Theoktista of Voronezh|Theoktista]] Michailovna, fool-for-Christ of Voronezh, the New Martyr, [[February 22]]; Nicholas Kedrov the Priest, new hieromartyr, [[May 15]], Heraclius the confessor, New Hieromartyr, [[May 28]]; Agapitus the confessor, Venerable, [[July 5]]; Matrona Belyakova, fool-for-Christ of Anemnyasevo, New Confessor, [[July 16]]; Peter, metropolitan of Krutitsa, New Hieromartyr, [[August 29]]; Gregory the Cross-bearer, New Martyr, [[November 6]]; Victor, the Martyr, [[December 18]];
*1936-37 Many Russian Orthodox Clerics die in Joseph Stalin's [[w:Great Purge|Great Purge]].
*'''January:''' Victor the priest, Hieromartyr, [[January 8]]; [[Cyril of Kazan|Cyril]], metropolitan of Kazan, new hieromartyr, [[January 26]];