9 modificări
*'''Februarie:''' [[Petru din Petrograd |Petru]] (Skipetrov) din Petrograd, Protopop, Nou sfinţit mucenic, [[1 februarie]]; Michael Lisitsyn , preotul din Ust-Labinskaya, Rusia, Iosif Smirnov protoiereul, Ioan Kastorsky diaconul, Vladimir Ilinsky preotul, mucenici sfinţiţi şi Ioan Perebaskin mucenicul, [[februarie 22]];
*'''AprilAprilie:''' Peter and Prokhor the MartyrsPetru şi Prohor mucenicii, [[April 11aprilie]]; Sergius Serghie (Trofimov) of Nizhnidin Nijni-Novgorod, the New Martyr, and one with himnoul mucenic şi cei împreună cu el, [[April 14aprilie]]; JohnIoan, priest and New Hieromartyrpreotul şi noul sfinţit mucenic, [[April 17aprilie]]; Bessarion the priestVisarion preotul, New Hieromartyrnoul mucenic sfinţit, [[April 18aprilie]]; John the priestIoan preotul, New Hieromartyrnoul mucenic sfinţit, [[April 21aprilie]]; Eustaphius the priestEustahie preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[April 22aprilie]]; Egor (George), Priest of preot din satul Spas Chekriak village, RussiaRusia, New Hieromartyrnou sfinţit mucenic, [[April 23aprilie]]; John the priest and the new hieromartyr, and his childrensIoan preotul şi noul mucenic sfinţit şi copii săi, Martyrs Nicholas and Petermucenicii Nicolae şi Petru, [[April 26aprilie]];
*'''MayMai:''' Archpriest Philosoph Ornatsky with his sons Protopopul Filosof Ornatski cu fii săi Boris and Nicholasşi Nicolae, New Hieromartyrsnou muecnic sfinţit, in în St. Petersburg, [[May 31mai]]
*'''JuneIunie:''' [[Andronik of Andronic de Perm|Andronicus]], archbishop of Arhiepiscop de Perm, [[Basil of Vasile de Chernigov|BasilVasile]] Archbishop of Arhiepiscop de Chernigov and Peter the priestşi Petru preotul, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[June 4iunie]]; AlexanderAlexandru, Alexis, AlexanderAlexandru, ValentineValentin, BenjaminBeniamin, ViktorVictor, AlexanderAlexandru, PaulPavel, Vladimir, Ignatius, MichaelIgnatie, NicholasMihail, PaulNicolae, AlexanderPavel, Nicholas the priestsAlexandru, Gregory the deaconNicolae preoţii, New HieromartyrsGrigorie diaconul, and Athanasius and Alexsander the martyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi şi Atanasie şi Alexandru mucenicii, [[June 7iunie]]; Joseph the priestIosif preotul, New Hieromartyrnoul mucenic sfinţit, [[June 14iunie]]; Alexander the priestAlexandru preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 13iunie]]; Amos the priestpreotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 15iunie]]; Hermogenes Ermogen (Germogen), bishop of episcop de Tobolsk, EuphremiusEufremie, Michael and Peter priestsMihail şi Petru preoţii, hieromartyrs, and Martyr Constantinemucenici sfinţiţi şi mucenicul Constantin, [[June 16iunie]]; Aberkius priest and Nicanderpreotul şi Nicşier Nicşier, New Hieromartyrsnou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 17iunie]]; Sergius Serghie Florinsky, priest in preot din Estonia, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 19iunie]]; John the New HieromartyrIoan noul mucenic sfinţit, [[June 21iunie]]; GennadiusGhenadie, priest, new hieromartyrpreot şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 22]]; AlexanderAlexandru, Alexis, Peter priestsPetru, New Hieromartyrspreoţi şi noi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[June 23iunie]]; Nicholas and Basil the priestsNicolae şi Vasile preoţii, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[June 25iunie]]; GregoryGrigorie, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 26iunie]]; Gregory Grigorie Nikolsky Priest of , preot din Kuban, Alexander and Alexandru şi Vladimir priests, New Hieromartyrspreoţi, noi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[June 27iunie]]; [[Kirion al II -lea (Sadzaglishvili) of de Georgia|Kirion al II-lea]], (bn. 1855), catholicos catolicos-patriarch of Georgiapatriarh al Georgiei, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 27iunie]]; BasilVasile, deacon and New Hieromartyrdiacon şi nou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 28iunie]]; TimothyTimotei, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[June 30iunie]]
*'''JulyIulie:''' Arcadius the priestArcadie preotul, new hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 1iulie]]; Nilus of de Poltava, Hieromonkieromonah, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 4iulie]]; [[Elizabeth the New MartyrElizabeta Noua Mucenică|Grand Duchess ElizabethMarea Ducesă Elizabeta]], and Nun Barbaraşi călugăriţa Varvara, [[July 5iulie]]; Paul the priestPavel preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 7iulie]]; Alexander and Theodore priestsAlexandru şi Teodor preoţii, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[July 8iulie]]; Constantine the priestConstantin preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 9iulie]]; Peter and Stephen priestsPetru şi Ştefan preoţii, Gregory and Nestor deaconsGrigorie şi Nistor diaconii, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[July 10iulie]]; ConstantineConstantin, priestpreotul, new hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 14iulie]]; Tsar Ţarul [[Nicholas Nicolae al II of Russia-lea al Rusiei]] murdered together with his wife omorât împreună cu soţia sa [[Alexandra Romanov|Alexandra]] and his childrensşi copii săi, [[July 17iulie]]; Appolinarius the new hieromartyrs Apolinarie nou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 18iulie]]; Constantine the and Nicholas priestsConstantin şi Nicolae preoţii, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[July 20iulie]], Michael the priestMihail preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 22iulie]]; AmbroseAmbrozie, bishop of episcop de Sarapul, priests preoţii Plato and Panteleimon the new hieromartyrsşi Pantelimon noii mucenici sfinţiţi, [[July 27iulie]]; Nicholas the deaconNicolae diaconul, new hieromartyrnoul mucenic sfinţit, [[July 28iulie]]; John the deaconIoan diaconul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[July 30iulie]]
*'''August:''' Viacheslav the deaconViaceslav diaconul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 3august]]; JosephIosif, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 8august]]; ViacheslavViaceslav, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 10august]]; BarlaamVarlaam, abbot of stareţ la Mănăstirea ,,Belogor St. Nicholas” monastery, and brotherhoodSfântul Nicolae” şi obştea de călugări: hieromonks Sergiusieromonahii Serghie, Ilia, ViacheslavViaceslav, IosaphIoasaf, JohnIoan, AnotyAnotie, hierodeacons Mikheyierodiaconi Miheia, BessarionVesarion, MathewMatei, EuphemiaEufimie, monks Barnabascălugări Varnava, DemetriusDimitrie, SabbasSava, HermogenusErmogen, ArcadiusArcadie, EuphemiaEufimie, btothers Johnfraţii Ioan, JacobIacob, PeterPetru, another Jacobalt Iacob, AlexanderAlexandru, TheodoreTeodor, another Peteralt Petru, SergiusSerghie, AlexisAlexie, New Hieromartyrsnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 12august]]; JohnIoan, Ioasph and ConstantineIoasaf şi Constantin, priestspreoţi, New Hieromartyrsnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 13august]]; Mathew and Alexis the MartyrsMatei şi Alexie Mucenicii, [[August 14august]]; Stephen the priestŞtefan preotul, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 16august]]; Alexis the priestAlexie preot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 17august]]; AugustineAugustin, Archimandrite of arhimandrit la Mănăstirea Orans Monastery, Nicholas of NizhniNicolae de Nijni-Novgorod, the Proto-priestprotopop şi 15 oameni împreună cu el, and 15 people with them New Martyrsnoi mucenici, [[August 18august]]; AlexanderAlexandru, priestpreot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 21august]]; Ephraim Efraim (KuznetsovKuzneţov), bishop of episcop de Selenginsk, MacariusMacariue, bishop of episcop de Orlov, JohnIoan, Alexis, and John Alexie şi Ioan Vostorgov, the priestspreoţi, new hieromartyrsnou mucenic sfinţiţi, [[August 22august]]; Aristoclius, elder of Moscowmai mare din Moscova, Venerablecuvios, [[August 24august]]; Michael Mihail Voskresensky and Stephen şi Ştefan Nemkov, priests, and those with thempreoţi şi cei împreună cu ei, in Nizhniîn Nijni-Novgorod, New Hieromartyrsnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 27august]]; Archimandrite Sergius arhimandrit Serghie (ZaytsevZaiţev) and hieromonks Laurecnce şi ieromonahii Laurenţiu (Nikitin), Seraphim Serafim (Kuz'min), hierodeacon Theodosius ierodiacon Teodosie (Alexandrov), monks Leontius călugării Leontie (Kariagin), StephenŞtefan, brothers Gregory fraţii Grigorie (Timofeev), Hylarion Ilarion (Pravdin), John Ioan (Sretensky), Sergius Serghie (Galin), of de la Mănăstirea Zilantov Monastery of din Kazan, [[August 28august]]; Peter priestPetru preot, New Hieromartyrnou mucenic sfinţit, [[August 30august]]; Alexander priest and Alexandru preot şi Vladimir deacondiacon, New Hieromartyrsnoi mucenici sfinţiţi, [[August 31august]]
*'''September:''' Barsunuphius, bishop of Kyrilov, John priest, Seraphima, Abbess of Therapontov Convent, and Anatole, Nicholas, Michael and Philip, hieromartyrs, [[September 2]]; Pimen (Belolikov) bishop of Vernensk and Semirechensk, Sergius, Basil, Philip, Vladimir priests, New Hieromartyr, Meletius the martyr, [[September 3]]; Demetrius, priest, New Hieromartyr, [[September 6]]; Peter and Michael, priests, Alexander the deacon, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 7]]; Gregory the priest and Aleksander the deacon, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 9]]; Nicholas and Victor priests, Hieromartyrs, [[September 11]]; John the priest, New Hieromartyr, [[September 14]]; John, priest, New Hieromartyr, and Eudocia the martyr, [[September 15]]; Paul, Theodosius, Nicodemus and Seraphim, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 17]]; Alexis and Peter, priests, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 18]]; Constantine (Golubev), priest in Bogorodsk, and two others with him, New Martyrs, [[September 19]]; Alexander, Alexis, Constantine, John priests, New Hieromartyrs, [[September 21]]; Basil, deacon, New Hieromartyr, [[September 24]]; Demetrius, priest, New Hieromartyr, [[September 27]]; Prokopius, priest, New Hieromartyr, [[September 30]];