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243 de octeți șterși, 25 noiembrie 2009 10:38
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*30 ''c,'''''Death and Resurrection of Lord Jesus [[Christ]] the [[Son of God]].''' <ref>30AD is thought to be the most accurate dating of the death, resurrection and Pentecost amongst academics and has been used for this article in lieu of 33AD.</ref>
<!----*25-30 ''Other New Testament personalities:'' (requires chronological referencing)**The 'sisters' of Christ: Maria <ref>Source: Gospel according to Phillipus</ref>, Lysia and Lydia <ref>Source: History of Joseph the Carpenter</ref>, Maria or Anna, Salomé <ref>Source: Epiphanus </ref>, Matthew 12:50 and Mark 3:32-34.
**Herodius daughter: Salomé (or Salome), <ref>Source: The Jewish Antiquities of Josephus </ref>, appears in Matthew 14 and Mark 6.
**Syrophoenician woman: Justa <ref>Source: The 3rd-century pseudo-Clementine homily</ref> and her daughter Berenice (Gr. Βερνίκη), appears in Matthew 15 and Mark 7.
** Soldier pierces [[Christ]] with a spear John 19:34, [[Longinus the Centurion]], <ref>No name is given for this soldier in the gospels, however, the name is found in the pseudopigraphal [[Gospel of Nicodemus]] (appended to the apocryphal [[Acts of Pilate]]). In tradition, his name was ''Cassius'' prior to his conversion.</ref> died end 1st century in Cappadocia, [[October 16]].
** Man offers [[Christ]] vinegar Matthew 27:48, Stephaton, <ref>The source of his name is attributed to the ''Codex Egberti'', tenth century</ref>
===Apostolic Era (30-100)===
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