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126 de octeți adăugați, 5 aprilie 2009 12:36
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'''Arie''' (c.250-336) a fost un [[eretic]] de la începutul secolului al IV-lea , [[teolog]] şi [[preot]], care învăţa că [[Fiul lui Dumnezeu ]] nu a fost din veşnicie, că Fiul a fost o fiinţă creată şi subordonat lui [[Dumnezeu Tatăl]]. This belief was considered Această învăţătură a heresyfost considerată de Biserică ca fiind o [[erezie]], called numită [[Arianismarianism]]. that was condemned by the Ecumenical Council at , şi condamnată de [[NiceaSinodul I Ecumenic]] in de la Niceea în anul 325. YetControversa teologică a continuat însă câţiva zeci de ani, the controversy over the heresy continued after the Council as Arius returned to the favor of the Emperorfiind susţinută uneori de împărat. Only the unusual death of AriusDoar după moartea fulgerătoare a lui Arie în anul 336, followed a year later by the death of Constantineurmată de moartea lui [[Constantin cel Mare]] în anul 337, temporarily overshadowed the controversycontroversele au scăzut în intensitate.
Arius was apparently of Lybian and Berber descent, born about 250 in North Africa. His father is known as Ammonius. Arius grew up in Alexandria, Egypt at the time the city was the center of Christian scholarship. These also were the times when a theological explanation of the relationship between the Father and Son was being developed. Thus, Arius' teachings became one of the views that were proposed during these ''Christological'' controversies.
Arius was a pupil of Lucian of Antioch, a celebrated Christian teacher and [[martyr]]. In 306, Arius sided with Meletius, another Egyptian schismatic, against the [[Bishop]] of Alexandria, Peter. But, their dispute was soon reconciled and Peter [[ordination|ordain]]ed Arius a [[deacon]]. Later, having fallen out again with Peter, Arius gained the friendship of Peter's successor, Achillas, who ordained Arius a [[priest]] in 313, thus giving Arius an official status. Apparently, Arius also had hopes of succeeding Achillas as [[patriarch]] of Alexandria. It was under Bishop Achillas that Arius first became controversial as reported by the historian Socrates Scholasticus. This occurred when Arius presented his syllogism :''If the Father begat the Son, he that was begotten had a beginning of existence. From this it is evident that there was a time when the Son was not. It therefore necessarily follows that he had his substance from nothing''.
The death of Arius and then that of Constantine a year later led to a lull in the controversy, but the ‘'Christological'' controversies would continue for several more centuries.
==External linksLegături externe==
*[ Wikipedia Arius] (NOT RECOMMENDED-non historical/orthodox view)
*[ Catholic Encyclopedia]
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