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23 de octeți adăugați, 11 ianuarie 2009 18:56
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'''AriusArie''' was a fost un [[hereticeretic]] of the early fourth century who taught that the Son of God was not eternalde la începutul secolului al IV-lea care învăţa că Fiul lui Dumnezeu nu a fost din veşnicie, that the Son was că Fiul a created being, and was subordinate to God the Fatherfost o fiinţă creată şi subordonat lui Dumnezeu Tatăl. This belief was considered a heresy, called [[Arianism]]. that was condemned by the Ecumenical Council at [[Nicea]] in 325. Yet, the controversy over the heresy continued after the Council as Arius returned to the favor of the Emperor. Only the unusual death of Arius, followed a year later by the death of Constantine, temporarily overshadowed the controversy.
Birocrați, interwiki, renameuser, Administratori
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