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Luca (Voino-Iasenețki) de Simferopol și Crimeea

3.340 de octeți șterși, 20 noiembrie 2020 18:07
Medic, om de știință, episcop, închisoarea
{{Traducere EN}}[[Image:Agios Loukas.jpg|right|thumb|230px| Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) of Sfântul ierarh Luca, arhiepiscop de Simferopolși Crimeea]] Sfântul [[ierarh ]] '''Luca al Crimeii''', cum este cel mai cunoscut în literatura ortodoxă de limbă română, după numele civil Valentin Feliksovici Voino-Iasenețki, s-a născut la [[14 aprilie]] 1877 și a murit la [[11 iunie]] 1961 la Simferopol (în URSS).
Doctor of Medicineîn Medicină, Professorprofesor universitar și cercetător reputat (Premiul de Stat, and State Prize winnerîn URSS), since din 1944 he was the Archbishop of a fost Arhiepiscop de Tambov and și Michurinsk, and later of iar mai târziu Arhiepiscop de Simferopol and the Crimeași Crimeea. While he was serving the church as an [[Archbishop]]Deși era cleric și episcop, he was also practicing as sfântul Luca a surgeon and taught and published many books and articles on regional anesthesia and surgery. He is now known to be a world-famous pioneering surgeoncontinuat să practice medicina în calitate de chirurg și să publice cărți și articole despre specialitățile lui, anestezia locală și chirurgia.
In November of În noiembrie 1995 he was announced as a este proclamat [[SaintSfinți|Sfânt]] by the de Biserica Ortodoxă din Ucraina și proslăvit de [[Ukrainian Orthodox ChurchBiserica Ortodoxă Rusă]], and was officially glorified by the la 25 mai 1996. [[Church of RussiaPraznic|Patriarchate of RussiaPrăznuirea]] lui în [[May 25Biserica Ortodoxă]], 1996. He is commemorated by the church se face la [[June 11iunie]] n.s. / [[May (29]] o.s. the anniversary of his falling asleep in the Lordmai după vechiul calendar), data la care a adormit în Domnul.
[[Image:LukeSimferopol2.jpeg|right|thumb|430px|St Luke Sf. Luca (Voino-Yasenetsky) of de Simferopolși Crimeea]]Born with the name Valentine Felixovitch VoinoSfântul Luca s-Yassentsky on [[April a născut la 14 aprilie (27]], aprilie după vechiul calendar) 1877 in la Kerch (east Crimeaestul Crimeii), his family members were civil servants to Lithuanian and Polish Kingsși a primit numele de Valentin Felixovitch, în familia Voino-Yassentsky ai cărei membrii slujiseră familiilor regale lituaniene și poloneze. The family was impoverished over time but Saint Luke remembers that he received his religious inheritance from his pious fatherFamilia lui a sărăcit de-a lungul timpului, dar copiii au primit o educație religioasă de la tatăl lor credincios. His first true understanding of the Christian faith came from the Dar adevărata înțelegere a credinței creștine va veni prin [[New Noul Testament]] given to him at his high school graduation by his principalpe care la primit cadou de la dirigintele lui la absolvirea liceului.
He had an outstanding secular training. Having exceptional drawing abilities, he graduated the Academia de Arte Frumoase din Kiev Academy of Fine Arts.<ref group="note">[ National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture].</ref> He decided however against pursuing art in favor of a career where he could help people who suffer, and chose to be a physician.
In 1903 at the age of 26, he graduated from Great Prince St. Vladimir Medical School at the [[w:Kiev University|University of Kiev]], and for a long time worked as a local district physician. An extraordinary medical student, he excelled at anatomy. His superior knowledge of anatomy served him throughout his surgical career.
Out of compassion to the blindness that beggars were experiencing due to [[w:Trachoma|trachoma]], Saint Luke studied ophthalmology at the Kiev ophthalmologic clinic. In a very short time he acquired a significant amount of ophthalmologic training. His knowledge of this subspecialty helped him treat not only his trachoma patients, but many other serious eye conditions as well.
During his early career he published many scientific treatises and eventually became the head surgeon and professor of surgery at the hospital in [[w:Tashkent|Tashkent]] in March 1917. In October, Lenin took over the government and civil war erupted in Tashkent in January 1919. Lenin’s government disfavored any religious witness. Valentine was under constant threat, especially when treating party members but he refused to operate under any circumstances without the Icon of the [[Mother of God]]. His results were outstanding.
<blockquote>“I ought to tell you that what God did to me as amazing and incomprehensible...My pursuing surgery completely satisfied the goal I always had to serve the poor and the suffering, to dispose all my strength for the comfort of their pains, and to help them in their needs.”</blockquote>
===Hirotonirea și persecuția===
[[Image:Лука (Войно-Ясенецкий).jpg|right|thumb|Bishop LukeEpiscopul Luca, în 1923.]]
Despite the dangers from the Lenin regime he fearlessly attended theological discussions arranged by [[Archpriest]] Mikhail Andeev. During this period when [[clergy]]men and pious people would prove their faith in [[blood]], providence led the Archpriest to invite Valentine to the [[priest]]hood. Thus in 1921 at the age of 44 Valentine was [[Ordination|ordained]] a priest. For two years, this exceptional individual was active not only in his pastoral work but in public and scientific activity.
===Medic, om de știință, episcop, închisoarea===
Noting Fr. Valentine’s spiritual gifts, prior to his departure from Tashkent (arrest and exile to Siberia), in 1923 Bishop of Ufa Andrew (Ukhtomsky) administered [[monasticism|monastic]] [[tonsure]] and facilitated his consecration as [[Bishop]].<ref group="note">When consecrated [[Bishop]], he was given the name [[Apostle Luke|Luke]] after the Apostle who similarly, in addition to being a physician and [[evangelist]], was a talented [[iconographer]].</ref> Almost immediately Saint Luke was sent to the first of his three imprisonments.
Due to his talent as a surgeon there would always be placement at a remote medical facility where the attending colleagues would be astounded that a professor with such impeccable academic credentials would be subservient to the whims of the local civil authorities. Despite the criticisms of lesser surgeons Saint Luke would practice his medical skills. With the grace of God he amazed his colleagues with excellent medical outcomes in ophthalmologic and surgical cases that others deemed incurable.
In 1926, Bishop Luke returned to Tashkent, but in 1930 was again arrested and sentenced to three years of exile.
Upon his release, he once again returned to Tashkent, and spent his time in medical practice. As a physician and professor he trained many students and colleagues in the art of surgery, and as a scientist he found the time to publish many articles. A fruit of this work was the appearance in 1934 of his book ''"[ Notes on Purulent Surgery]"'',<ref group="note">''“[ Essays on the Surgery of Pyogenic Infections],”'' or ''“Purulent Surgery Essays,”'' published in 1934.</ref> which laid the foundation for an entire medical specialty. For that work, Bishop Luke was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medical Science in 1936, and his work continues to be used in medicine to this day. This monograph and the subsequent revisions was the “gold standard” reference for his colleagues at the time.
As a capable [[hierarch]] he strengthened the [[parish]]es and supported priests and church councils. As Saint Luke’s surgical and pastoral popularity would increase, the communist authorities would transfer him. When blatant injustices would be committed against Christians and fellow political prisoners he would initiate hunger strikes.
In 1937, Vladyka was arrested, and spent more than two difficult years undergoing tortuous interrogation and humiliation.<ref group="note">On [[December 5]], 1937, after being sleep deprived and interrogated for three weeks he broke down in a state of hallucination and signed a confession that he was a counterrevolutionary.</ref> Nonetheless, resting his hope in the Lord, he courageously endured those trials, not only refusing to agree to false accusations against him, but engaging in active protests – refusing to eat, and sending complaints to the highest authorities against the prosecutors’ illegal actions. He would say to his fellow prisoners,
<blockquote>“They demand that I remove my ryassa. I will never do so. It, my ryassa, will be with me to my very death… I help people as a physician, and I help them as a servant of the Church….”</blockquote>
The people who met him during his ordeals bore witness to his true character. As Ca medic s-a physician he was purtat ca un [[Saint titles|UnmercenaryDoctor fără de arginți]] and never asked for money treating all his patients with immense loveși nu a niciodată bani pentru tratarea pacienților cu o mare dragoste. He shared his patients’ pain and anguish for he saw each person as an image of God, unique and unrepeatable.
In 1940, Bishop Luke was sentenced to five years of exile in the Krasnoyarsk area. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (World War II), Bishop Luke offered the authorities his services as a doctor, and in 1941 was appointed consultant to the hospitals of Krasnoyarsk.
In 1942, Vladyka was elevated to the rank of [[Archbishop]] and appointed to the Krasnoyarsk kathedra, which at the time did not have a single church. Through Archbishop Luke’s efforts, in 1943 a church was opened in a suburb of Krasnoyarsk. He wrote to Patriarch [[Sergius I (Stragorodsky) of Moscow|Sergius]]:
<blockquote>“All of Eastern Siberia, from Krasnoyarsk to the Pacific Ocean, gave no sign of church life…If life… If churches in various parts of the Krasnoyarsk area are not opened in the near future, there is a risk that the people will lapse into religious savagery....”</blockquote>[[Image:St. Luke Archbishop of Simferopol 2.jpg‎|right|thumb|StSf. Luke Archbishop of Luca, Arhiepiscop de Simferopol]]
In 1944, the archbishop was appointed to the kathedra in Tambov.
In 1946, for outstanding scientific work in the area of medicine, he was awarded the “[[w:“Stalin Award” (USSR State Prize|Stalin Award]]” ) for all his scientific publications. He donated almost all of the money to help children who had suffered as the result of the War.
Also in 1946 Vladyka was appointed to the kathedra of Crimea, where at first he combined archpastoral service with medical assistance to the people, but later dedicated himself to Church service, zealously working to build up Christ’s vineyard, something that, under the conditions of life under Communist authorities, then demanded great courage and faith.
===Moartea și înmormântarea===
[[Image:The Reliquary of St. Luke of Simferopol in Sagmata Monastery.jpg‎|right|thumb|The Reliquary of StRacla Sf. Luke in Luca la Simferopol]]
Towards the end of his life he was worried if it would be permitted to chant “Holy God” at his funeral. He last celebrated the [[Divine Liturgy]] on the feast of the [[Nativity]] of Christ in 1960, and his last sermon was on Forgiveness Sunday. His repose was [[June 11]], 1961, the day of commemoration for “All Saints who shone forth in the Land of Russia”.
The government made every effort to make Saint Luke’s funeral as inconspicuous as possible. Buses were provided to hurry the funeral procession along the side-streets to the gravesite so there would be little fanfare and recognition. God had different plans for Saint Luke and a popular uprising occurred at the funeral. The faithful refused to be hurried. They boldly ignored, at peril to life and limb, the roadblocks to the central corridors. The mayor was angered because of the roses spread on the roads, and flung a basket away claiming that the roses were litter and trash on the streets.<ref group="note">He soon after had a very ugly death.</ref> To the dismay of the government and to avoid an uprising, they conceded to allow the funeral to proceed for three and a half hours without interference. The roads were full and cars stopped everywhere. People had climbed on balconies, onto rooftops of houses. Such a funeral was a tribute of honor. The authorities wanted a silent event. It was witness to God’s Glory that throughout the walk there was a constant chant of ''“Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal have mercy on us”.''
Saint Luke’s prayers to have “Holy God” chanted at his funeral during the atheistic times were answered!
Sinodul Bisericii Ortodoxe din Ucraina (aflată în jurisdicția Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse) a recunoscut evlavia populară a credincioșilor față de arhiepiscopul Luca și a propus în 1995 canonizarea lui ca sfânt. Pe 17 martie 1996 rămășițele pământești ale arhiepiscopului Luca au fost deshumate, în cadrul unei ceremonii la care au participat mai 40.000 de persoane, și răspândeau o mireasmă plăcută, iar inima lui a fost găsită neputrezită. Trei zile mai târziu, pe 20 martie 1996, moaștele sale au fost mutate în Catedrala „Sf. Treime” din Simferopol.
Arhiepiscopul Luca al Crimeii a fost [[Canonizare|canonizat]] de [[Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă]] la 25 mai 1996. Ziua sa de prăznuire este 29 mai/11 iunie (calendarul iulian [vechi]/calendarul gregorian [nou]).<ref>[[orthodoxwiki:Luke_(Voino-Yasenetsky)_of_Simferopol_and_Crimea|Article about St. Luke in orthodoxwiki]]</ref>
[[Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române]] a hotărât în ședința de lucru din 28-29 septembrie 2012 includerea din anul 2013 a Sfântului Ierarh Luca, Arhiepiscopul Crimeii în calendarul creștin ortodox român, cu ziua de prăznuire la 11 iunie, considerându-l un „model de ierarh și medic creștin care se bucură deja de cinstire deosebită în multe Biserici Ortodoxe”.<ref>{{Citation | url=| title=Sfântul html„Sfântul Sinod a aprobat noul Regulament pentru organizarea și funcționarea Comisiei de pictură bisericească a Patriarhiei Române| newspaper=Române”, în Ziarul Lumina| author=Biroul de presă al Patriarhiei Române | date=din 30 septembrie 2012 | accessdate=12 mai 2019}}.</ref>
În prezent, moaștele Sf. Luca se află în Catedrala Sfintei Treimi din Simferopol, dar unele părticele au fost răspândite în alte biserici ortodoxe din întreaga lume: mănăstirile Sagmata și Dovra din Grecia, capela [[Spitalul de Urgență Floreasca|Spitalului Clinic de Urgență Floreasca]] și Biserica Șerban Vodă din București etc.<ref>{{Citation | url=| title=Sărbătorirea „Sărbătorirea Sfântului Ierarh Luca al Crimeei în Capitală| newspaper=Capitală” în Ziarul Lumina| date=din 12 iunie 2018 | accessdate=12 mai 2019 |author = Ioan Bușagă}}.</ref> Credincioșii ortodocși din întreaga lume manifestă evlavie față de Sfântul Luca și sunt consemnate numeroase minuni atribuite mijlocirii sale.<ref>{{Citation | url=| title=Noi „Noi minuni ale doctorului fără de arginți din Crimeea| newspaper=Crimeea” în Ziarul Lumina| date=din 11 iunie 2017 | accessdate=12 mai 2019 |author = Ionuț Aurelian Marinescu}}</ref>
{{start box}}
{{successionsuccesiune|beforeînainte=Innoсent Inochentie (Pustynsky)|titletitlu=Bishop of Tashkent and Episcop de Tașkent și Turkestan|yearsani=1923-1927|afterdupă=Sergius Serghei (Lavrov)}}{{successionsuccesiune|beforeînainte=Anthony Antonie (Milovidov)|titletitlu=Archbishop of Arhiepiscop de Krasnoyarsk and și Yeniseysk|yearsani=1942-1944|afterdupă=Bartholomew Bartolomeu (Gorodtsov)}}{{successionsuccesiune|beforeînainte=Gregory Grigorie (Chukov)|titletitlu=Archbishop of Arhiepiscop de Tambov and și Michurinsk|yearsani=1944-1946|afterdupă=Joasaph Ioasaf (Zhurmanov)}}{{successionsuccesiune|beforeînainte=Joasaph Ioasaf (Zhurmanov)|titletitlu=Archbishop of Arhiepiscop de Simferopol and Crimeași Crimeea|yearsani=1946-1961|afterdupă=Alypius Alipie (Khotovitsky)}}
{{end box}}
* Эти высшие чины ведут борьбу с самыми твердыми, с самыми верными слугами Христовыми – со святыми, с праведными. И трудна, чрезвычайно трудна эта задача их, ибо именем Христовым отражают святые и праведные все нападения их.
'''In Greek''' (loose translation)
:"Παιδιά μου πολύ σας παρακαλώ,
:Ντυθείτε με την πανοπλία που δίνει ο Θεός για να μπορέσετε να αντιμετωπίσετε τα τεχνάσματα του διαβόλου.
:Δεν μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πόσο πονηρός είναι.
:Δεν έχουμε να παλέψουμε με ανθρώπους, αλλά με αρχές και εξουσίες, δηλαδή με τα πονηρά πνεύματα.
:Τον διάβολο δεν τον συμφέρει να δεχθεί κανείς την ύπαρξή του, να σκέφτεται και να αισθάνεται ότι είναι κοντά στον άνθρωπο.
:Ένας κρυφός και άγνωστος εχθρός είναι πιο επικίνδυνος από έναν ορατό εχθρό.
:Ο πόσο μεγάλος και τρομερός είναι ο στρατός των δαιμόνων.
:Πόσο αμέτρητο είναι το μαύρο τους πλήθος!
:Αμετάβλητα, ακούραστα, μέρα και νύχτα, επιδιώκουν να σπρώξουν όλους εμάς που πιστεύουμε στο όνομα του Χριστού, να μας παρασύρουν στό δρόμο της απιστίας της κακίας και της ασέβειας.
:Αυτοί οι αόρατοι εχθροί του Θεού,εχουν βάλει ως μοναδικό τους σκοπό μέρα και νύχτα να επιδιώκουν την καταστροφή μας.
:Όμως μη φοβάστε,πάρτε δύναμη από το όνομα του Ιησού"
'''English Translation from Greek passage'''
:But do not be afraid, take power from the name of Jesus.”
==The Troparion of St. Luke Archbishop of SimferopolImnografie==:'''''Troparion of StTroparul Sf. Luke of Simferopol Luca al Crimeii - Tone 1Glas 5''':''O herald of the way of salvationPe lauda doctorilor şi mândria Simferopolului,'' : ''confessor and archpastor of the Crimean flockpe alesul ierarh al lui Hristos şi ocrotitorul Mănăstirii Dovra,'' : ''faithful keeper of the traditions of the fathers,'' : ''unshakeable pillar and teacher of Orthodoxy,'': ''pray unceasingly to Christ our Saviour'': ''to grant salvation and strong faith to Orthodox Christianspe Sfinţitul Luca Doctorul să-l lăudăm cu imnuri duhovniceşti şi cu sfinte cântări,'' : ''O holy hierarch Luke,'': ''physician wise in God.''<ref>Archdeacon Vasily Marushchak. ''[http://wwwcă izvorăşte din belşug darurile vindecă The Blessed Surgeon: The Life of Saint Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol]''. 2nd Edition. [[St. John of San Francisco Monastery (Manton, California)|Divine Ascent Press]], 2008. (Contains the life and service of St. Luke)</ref> ==Notes==<references group="note" />
==Further Reading==
* Canadian Orthodox Messenger (OCA, Archdiocese of Canada). ''[ Lives of the Saints: Saint Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol]''. (Glorified 17-19 March 1996). New Series 14:1 Winter 2002/2003. pp.13-15.
==External linksLegături externe=='''WikipediaÎn limba română'''* [[whttps:Luka Voyno//|Luka Voynoierarh-Yasenetsky]] luca-arhiepiscopul-crimeei* [[w:Pyogenic infection|Pyogenic infection]]'''OtherÎn alte limbi'''
* Photographs of St. Luke Archbishop of Simferopol []
* Dr. Alexander Roman. [ Saints of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church: New Martyrs and Confessors of the Soviet Yoke]. (''List of glorified Ukrainian Orthodox New Martyrs and Confessors'').
* V Kogan. ''[ Two letters of V.P. Filatov to V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky]''. In '''Agapit.''' January 1996, Issue 4, pp.65-69. (''History, 20th Century; Portraits; Religion and Medicine; Ukraine'')
* [ "Science and Religion"] An article by St Luke on the compatibility of science and religious faith.
* {{(fr icon}} ) Orthodoxologie. ''[ Saint Archevêque Luc ( Voino-Yasenetsky) de Simféropol].'' Dimanche 27 Juillet 2008.* {{el icon}} (gr) ''[ Ὁ Ἅγιος Λουκᾶς Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Κριμαίας].'' 11 Ιουνίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.* {{el icon}} (gr) "Ρωμηοσύνη". ''[ Η Μ.Κ.Ο. "ΡΩΜΗΟΣΥΝΗ" ΣΥΜΜΕΤΕΧΕΙ ΣΕ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΑΓΙΟ ΛΟΥΚΑ ΤΟΝ ΙΑΤΡΟ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΥΠΡΟ].'' 24-10-2008 (Γρηγοριανόν); 11-10-2008 (Ιουλιανόν). * {{el icon}} (gr) [ Αγιος Λουκάς Συμφερουπόλεως - Κριμαίας].
'''YouTube Videos (in Greek)'''
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[[Categorie:Bishops of Yeniseysk|Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)]]
[[Categorie:Bishops of Tambov|Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)]]
[[Categorie:Bishops of Simferopol and Crimea]]
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