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Damasus I al Romei

38 de octeți adăugați, 14 ianuarie 2011 15:57
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{{Traducere EN}}
Damasus was born about the year 305, probably in Lusitania, Hispania, now part of Portugal, although there is a possibility he was born in Rome. His father and mother's names were Antonius and Laurentia. Damasus grew up in Rome serving the church of the [[mucenic]] St. Laurence. He was the [[preot]] of the Church of San Lorenzo in Rome.
Damasus was deeply involved in the Christological disputes of the day. He convened two councils, in 368 and 369, that condemned [[Apolinarianism]] and [[Macedonianism]]. His efforts in the elimination of the last champions of the [[Council of Rimini]], were not successful until Auxentius was replaced in the see of Milan by [[Ambrose of Milan|Ambrose]]. His legates to the [[Second Ecumenical Council]] of 381 in Constantinople also voted to condemn these [[Erezie|erezii]]. In 382, Damasus entrusted the revision ([[Vulgate]]) of the Latin translation of the [[Sfânta Scriptură]] to the learned [[monk]] [[Jerome]], who had come to rome to attend a local council.
Abp. Arhiepiscopul Damasus reposed on s-a mutat la Domnul la [[11 decembrie]] 384.
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