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'''Apologetica''' (gr. απολογία și lat. ''apologeticum'' = apărare, justificare, răspuns) este o ramură a teologiei sistematice care încearcă dovedirea existenței lui [[Dumnezeu]] prin probe raționale sau argumente logice. Creație a [[Scolastică|scolasticii]], apologetica a fost introdusă în învățământul ortodox sub influența teologiei apusene, care a conceput două domenii diferite de cunoaştere : raţională şi teologică de unde şi separarea netă între filozofie, teologie, ştiinţă şi credinţă, raţionalism şi metafizică, logică şi [[spiritualitate]]. [[Anselm de Canterbury]] (1033—1109), «părintele scolasticii», care defineşte teologia ca fiind «fides quaerens intellectum» (credinţa care caută inteligibilitatea ei) foloseşte argumentul «ontologic» pentru a demonstra a priori acordul dintre raţiune şi credinţă (''In Proslogium'').
Atât în perioada [[apologeţi]]lor (părinţi din sec. II, care au luat apărarea creştinismului în disputa acestuia cu iudaismul şi păgânismul, ca, de pildă, [[Iustin Martirul]]), cit şi în cea [[patristică]], adevărul despre existenţa lui Dumnezeu nu se poate stabili pe baza aşa-ziselor argumente raţionale. Dumnezeu se dovedeşte în şi prin manifestările Sale, mai ales prin întruparea [[Logos]]ului, care constituie revelaţia plenară a lui Dumnezeu. O abordare conceptuală a misterului lui Dumnezeu este exclusă. Desigur, cunoaşterea raţională nu este eliminată, dar ea are limitele, parţialitatea şi ambiguităţile ei. Raţiunea inteligentă (gr. ''dianoia''), prin faptul că obiectivează lumea, oare devine centrul ei, rămâne «în afara» lui Dumnezeu. [[Gnoseologie|Gnoseologia]] părinţilor de tendinţă intelectualistă ([[Clement Alexandrinul]], [[Origen]], [[Evagrie]]) insistă asupra experierii directe a lui Dumnezeu, care este centrul oricărei cunoaşteri. Cunoaşterea în sens biblic se face cu mintea (gr. ''nous'') în mediul întâlnirii personale sau unirii cu Dumnezeu. În general, pentru [[Ortodoxie]], contemplaţia (gr. ''theoria'') nu se poate separa de experienţa nemijlocită, după cum vederea intelectului nu se separă de simţirea inimii. Se pare că separarea între logică şi teologie, între deducţia raţională şi experienţa mistică, stă la baza conflictului dintre [[Grigorie Palama]] şi [[Varlaam de Calabria]]. Pentru Varlaam, spiritul nu poate ajunge adevărul dumnezeiesc, dar trage concluzii apodictice din premise revelate printr-un proces logic, intelectual. Pentru Grigorie Palama, Dumnezeu nu e cunoscut prin acest proces logic, ci printr-o cunoaştere directă, care presupune purificare şi participare. O atitudine existenţială în folosirea intelectului este absolut necesară. Oricum, demonstrarea raţională a misterului lui Dumnezeu este de-a dreptul de neconceput pentru spiritul [[tradiţie]]i răsăritene, pentru care cunoaşterea lui Dumnezeu nu este un simplu exerciţiu intelectual, ci mai degrabă o experienţă spirituală profundă. În fond, cunoaşterea teologică este un act de transcendere spirituală şi de unire nemijlocită cu personalitatea lui Dumnezeu.
==Discuție despre întrebuințarea termenului==
The word "apologetics" is used eight times in the New Testament <ref> Acts 22:1; 25:16; I Cor. 9:3, II Cor. 7:11, Phil 1:7, II Tim. 4:16 and I Pet 3: 15 </ref> The verse most commonly associated as the basis of this:
: ''" ... but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence"'' (I Peter 3:15)
The Apostles and early Christians preached Christ crucified and resurrected as a veritable fact, and were not in need of any scientific and philosophical structures and dialectical subtleties. And preachers themselves, in the name of Christ, performed miracles through their faith. At first, Christianity was accepted only through faith, and only later did faith itself become an object of reflection. Appearing in a Judeo-pagan world, Christianity, in defending itself from attach, was forced to disclose the delusions of the pagans and Hebrews. It was necessary to prove to the pagans that the Christian God is the true God; and to the Hebrews that Christ is the Messiah promised by the prophets. In answer to the persecutions of the governing powers, the Christians had to refute defamation and prove that they not only were not injurious to the government, but on the contrary, were very useful, in consequence of the high moral basis of the new teaching. This explains the character of early Christian Apologetics, <ref> [Note: Excerpt from ''Orthodox Apologetic Theology'' by Ivan M. Andreyev, [[St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood]], 1995, p. 51-65] </ref>
This word is first found in the [[Epistle]] of the Holy [[Apostle]] [[Apostle Peter|Peter]] in which he instructs,
:''Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear'' - <small> ''Source:'' '''I Peter 3:15''' </small>
In Orthodox theology, term [[Apologetics]] is used in regards to defending the true faith against atheists, pagans, Jews and others. This defense, however, is done in a manner that is loving and in order to ''bear good fruits'' and should not be polemical or obsessive in manner, which in many cases is considered detrimental to the Apostolic Faith.
The earliest apologists were the Church Fathers. There apologies cover a wide range of topics including the Divine origin of the Church, Christ's Nature, Scripture, the Theotokos, miracles, Christian social interaction and the function of doctrine.
Orthodox Apologetics, however, has always tried to give an intellectual synthesis of both general and particular apologetic problems, using as a cornerstone the positive method of building the organically whole Christian worldview. The literature of Apologetics is unusually vast, diverse and almost boundless. But, from a strictly Orthodox point of view, a fully complete, whole and deeply absorbing textbook of Apologetics has not yet been prepared.
== List of apologetic work ==
=== Early Church Fathers (various topics) ===
The method adopted by the Church to resolve the vital differences of opinion concerning the meaning of the Scriptures was the ecumenical or universal councils, usually called and presided over by the Roman emperor. There were seven councils that were representative of the whole Christian Church and form the key "apologetics" for the Orthodox faith.
*Nicea (325), to settle the Arian dispute
*Constantinople (381), to assert the personality of the Holy Spirit and the humanity of Christ
*Ephesus (431), to emphasize the unity of Christ's personality
*Chalcedon (451), to state the relationship between the two natures of Christ
*Constantinople (553), to deal with the Monophysite dispute
*Constantinople (680), to condemn the Monothelites
*Nicea (787), to deal with problems raised by the image controversy
The next list of important apologetic works relate to the writings by the early Church Fathers. The following list follows a chronological listing of these.
* The [[Nicene Creed]]
* ''"The Fountain of Knowledge,"'' by St. John of Damascus (7th-century).
=== General topics ===
* Classical apologetics, ie. Proof in the existence of God (include Apologists like Augustine and Thomas Aquinas)
* the existence of the Holy Trinity.
* the relationship between the two natures of Christ / the Divine Nature of Christ / Monophysite.
* the humanity of Christ.
* the personality of the Holy Spirit.
* the Virgin Mary being honoured as "Theotokos" or "Panagia".
* the virginity of the Theotokos.
* the Theotokos and the saints as intercessors.
* the place of icons in orthodox worship
* and others ....
== Modern Apologies and Apologists ==
The most recent and most controversial '''apologetic''' is that of [[Ecumenism]] and will not directly be addressed in this section.
Among the various works on Apologetics written in the 19th and 20th centuries, worthy of note are:
* Ulrici (1806-1884), God and Nature;
* F. Hettinger (1819-1890), Apology of Christianity; and
* J. Ebrard (1818-1888), Apologetics.
* The (GOARCH) website has a list of ''Apologetics'', ''see [ GOARCH Modern Apologetics]''
=== The '''Da Vinci Code''' apologetics ===
# [ The Da Vinci Code] by [[Frederica Matthewes-Green]] ([[GOARCH]])
# [ The Da Vinci Code:Decoding the Agenda] by Rev. Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos, Th.D. ([[GOARCH]])
# [ The Da Vinci Code: The X-Files of Ancient Lies] by Rev. Frank Marangos, D.Min.,Ed.D. ([[GOARCH]])
=== Russian apologetics ===
Of the Orthodox Russian works in Apologetics, noteworthy are the classic work of:
* the Moscow Metropolitan, Macarius (Bulgakov), ''An Introduction to Orthodox Theology'' (6th edition, St. Petersburg, 1897);
* a remarkable two volume textbook for religious academies by Professor N. P. Rozhdestvensky, Christian Apologetics--A Course of Fundamental Theology, (2nd edition, St. Petersburg, 1893); and
* an original investigation of dogmatic theology from an apologetic point of view, by the Professor V. Rev. P. Y. Svetlov, Experiment of Apologetical Exposition of the Orthodox Christian Doctrine, Vol. I and Vol. II (Kiev, 1898).
These remarkable works have not lost their meaning even up to the present time.
Also deserving attention are some other Russian textbooks. For instance, Father Augustine's, A Manual of Fundamental Theology; Professor V. Rev. D. A. Tichomirov's, A Course in Fundamental Theology, St. Petersburg, 1887; Professor V. Rev. Kudryavtsev's, Short Course of Lectures in Orthodox Theology, (2nd edition, Moscow, 1898); Piatnitsky's, Fundamental Theology; Eleonsky's, Brief Report on Fundamental Theology; Petropavlovsky's, In Defence of Christian Faith Against Unbelief and several other works.
== Legături externe==
'''Orthodox Apologetics:'''
* [ '''Monachos''' Orthodox apologetics thread]
* [ '''OrthodoXCircle''' apologetics site, started in 2006]
'''Interactive Apologetic'''
* [ Jay Dyer debates reformed baptist Josh Brisby on the '''Nicene Truth'''], debatte commenced January 2008.
==A se vedea și==
* Pr. Prof. Dr. Ion Bria, ''Dicţionar de teologie ortodoxă'', EIBM al BOR, București, 1981, art. ”Pronie”
* ''Orthodox Apologetic Theology'' by Ivan M. Andreyev, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1995
== References ==
Birocrați, interwiki, renameuser, Administratori
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