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Cel între sfinţi părintele noastre Mitrofan de Constantinopol a fost episcop de Byzantium între anii 306 şi 314. A fost cel dintâi patriarh de Constantinopol, şi este prăznuit la 4 iunie. Tatăl său, Dometius, şi fratele său, Probus, au slujit şi ei ca episcopi de Byzantium.

It has been said that Constantine the Great, moved by Metrophanes' piety, was inspired to choose Constantinople as the new capital of the Eastern Empire.

Due to poor health, Metrophanes was unable to participate in the First Ecumenical Council, and reposed in 326 at the age of 117.


Tropar (Tone 1)

You proclaimed the great mystery of the Trinity, O good shepherd,
And manifested Christ’s dispensation to all,
Dispersing the spiritual wolves who menaced your rational flock,
Saving the lambs of Christ who cry:
Glory to him who has strengthened you!
Glory to him who has exalted you!
Glory to him who through you has fortified the Orthodox Faith!

Tropar (Tone 4)

In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith,
An image of humility and a teacher of abstinence;
your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you.
Hierarch Father Metrophanes, entreat Christ our God
That our souls may be saved.

Condac (Tone 2)

You clearly taught the faith of Christ,
And by keeping it you truly increased your faithful flock to a multitude;
And so, Metrophanes, you now rejoice with the angels
And unceasingly intercede for us all.

Casetă de succesiune:
Mitrofan al Bizanțului
Precedat de:
Patriarch of Constantinople
306 – 314
Urmat de:

Legături externe