This Această '''timeline of Orthodox Christian and cronologie a relațiile dintre [[Roman Catholic ChurchBiserica Ortodoxă]] și [[Biserica Romano-Catolică|Roman CatholicRomano-Catolicism]] relations''' chronicles major dates which concern the relationship between the two communionspune în evidență date importante care privesc relația dintre aceste două comuniuni creștine.
==Perioda apostolică și ante-niceeană==
*67 Alegerea lui [[Linus de Roma|Linus]], primul episcop al Romei.
*135 Prima oară când a fost folosit termenul de Papă de către un episcop roman (Hyginus).
*210 [[Hippolytus of RomeIpolit Romanul]], bishop and martyr and last of the Greek-speaking fathers in Romeepiscop și mucenic, writes ultimul sfânt părinte din Roma vorbitor de limbă greacă, scrie lucrarea ''[[w:Refutation of all Heresies|Refutation of All Heresies]]Respingerea tuturor ereziilor'' (''Philosophumena''), and și ''Apostolic TraditionTradiția Apostolică''.*255 [[Cyprian of CarthageCiprian al Cartaginei]] rejects Pope respinge decizia papei [[Stephen I of Rome|Stephen Ștefan Ial Romei]]'s ruling on the în ceea ce privește [[Donatism|Donatistcontroversa donatistă]] controversy.
==Perioada sinoadelor ecumenice==
*325 [[Crezul Nicean]] inițial ratificat la [[Primul Sinod Ecumenic]].
*330 Începutul Constantinopolului ca Noua Romă, renumirea orașului Bizanț / Byzantium.*357 Papa [[Liberius of Rome|Liberius]] al Romei semnează crezul [[Semi-Arianism|Semi-Arian]] (posibil sub constrângere).*379 Împăratul Gratian Grațian permitei papei Romane de la Roma autoritate asupra episcopilor vecini.*381 Crezul Nicean extins la [[Al Doilea Sinod Sinodul II Ecumenic]].*382 First use of Prima folosire a titlului papal title ''[[w:Pontifex Maximus|Pontifex Maximus]]'', as Emperor [[w:Gratian|Gratian]] relinquishes the former pagan imperial religious title and bestows it on Pope [[w:Pope Damasus I|Damasus I]] of Rome.<ref>Alan Cameron. ''Gratian's Repudiation of the Pontifical Robe.'' '''The Journal of Roman Studies'''. Vol.58, Parts 1 and 2. 1968. pp.96-102.</ref><ref group="note">Although it was not until the fifteenth century that ''"Pontifex Maximus"'' became a regular title of honour for Popes.</ref>
*395-405 Series of correspondences between Augustine of Hippo and Jerome, where [[Augustine of Hippo|Augustine]] maintains the validity of the [[Septuagint]], while [[Jerome]] favours the Hebrew (Rabinnical) Bible which becomes the OT basis for the Latin [[Vulgate]].<ref group="note">See: ''Letters of Augustine'' (No. 28, 71, 81) and the ''Letters of Jerome'' (No. 112), in:<br>
''A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Translated into English with Prolegomena and Explanatory Notes under the Editorial Supervision of Henry Wace and Philip Schaff''. Oxford: Parker; New York: Christian Literature Co., 1890-1900.</ref>
*417 Pope [[Zosimus of Rome|Zosimus]] waffles on [[Pelagianism]].
*447 Pope [[Leo the Great|Leo I]] wrote to the bishops of Sicily, rebuking them for permitting [[baptism]] at [[Epiphany]], as the Greeks did, and ordering them to observe the Roman custom of baptizing on [[Pascha|Easter]] and [[Pentecost|Whitsunday]].<ref name=SICILY>White, Lynn, Jr.. ''"The Byzantinization of Sicily."'' '''The American Historical Review.''' Vol. 42, No. 1 (Oct., 1936). p.5.</ref>
*451 [[Fourth Ecumenical CouncilSinodul IV Ecumenic]] notes that Rome's [[primacy]] is because it was "the imperial city"; ''Tome'' of Pope St. [[Leo of Rome|Leo I]] endorsed by Council after review.
*455 Rome sacked by Vandals.
*476 Fall of the Western Roman Empire as [[w:Romulus Augustulus|Romulus Augustulus]], the last Western Roman emperor, is deposed by the German Odoacer, leaving the emperor in the Greek East as the sole imperial authority, and an unstable political environment in the West where the [[Church of Rome]] slowly developed a centralized structure, concentrating religious as well as secular authority in the office of the [[Pope]], the Bishop of Rome.<ref group="note">After the fall of the Western Empire, the terms "Greek East" and "Latin West" are applied to areas that were formerly part of the Eastern or Western Empires, and also to areas that fell under the Greek or Latin cultural sphere but which had never been part of the Roman Empire. In this sense, particular attention is given to differences in Christianity in the two parts, specifically between Western Christianity and Eastern Christianity.</ref>