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Printre cei care şi-au arătat respectul faţa de Daniil şi i-au cerut rugăciunile au fost şi Împăratul Leon şi [[Ghenadie I de Constantinopol|Patriarhul Ghenadie I de Constantinopol]], cât şi membri ai curţii imperiale. Sf. Daniil avea darul vorbirii frumoase şi a călăuzit pe mulţi transformându-le vieţile.
Dorind să reflecte ateste multele daruri pe care Leon le-a primit prin rugăciunile lui Daniil, Împăratul i-a cerut Patr. lui Ghenadie Patriarhul ca Daniil să fie onorat cu rangul de [[preot]]. Iniţial, Daniil nu şi-a dat consimţământul, dar după o rugăciune de [[hirotonire]] Daniil a consimţit şi a primit sfântul dar al preoţiei.
Among his prophesies was his prediction, that had been made known to the emperor and to the patriarch, of the great fire in Constantinople. The sainted Daniel stood firm through all types of weather through all seasons. It was through his initiative that the relics of the St Symeon were brought from Antioch to Constantinople. Daniel defended the Church against the [[heresy|error]] of the Eutychians.
Printre prorociile sale a fost şi prezicerea marelui foc din Constantinopol pe care a făcut-o cunoscută Împăratului şi Patriarhului. Îndumnezeit fiind, Daniil a stat cu tărie pe stâlp pe orice fel de anotimp şi vreme. Prin iniţiativă lui, moaştele Sf. Simeon au fost aduse din Antiohia la Constantinopol. De asemenea, el a aparat [[Biserica]] de [[erezie|erezia]] [[monofizism|eutihienilor]].
In 475, during the reign of the Emperor Zeno, the senator Basiliscus, Leo's brother-in-law and a [[Monophysitism|Miaphysite]], usurped Leo's throne. As he had championed the Miaphysite position, Patriarch [[Acacius of Constantinople|Acacius]] opposed Basiliscus, who then ventured to Daniel to obtain his blessing. Instead Basiliscus received Daniel's condemnation. With the Orthodox faith in question, Patr. Acacius begged that Daniel come down from his pillar and travel to Constantinople, to the [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Great Church]], and confront Emperor Basiliscus on the question of his faith. Then, for the only time in his 33 years on the pillar, Daniel came down from it to travel to the Great Church, there to confront the emperor on his faith. Having received Daniel's condemnation and now in Daniel's presence, and among the faithful in Hagia Sophia, Basiliscus was asked to state his belief. With Abp. Acacius kneeling beside him, and in response to Daniel's counseling that they seek the way of peace, Basiliscus affirmed his orthodoxy.