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Reflecting on the many benefits that came through Daniel's prayersDorind să reflecte multele daruri pe care Leon le-a primit prin rugăciunile lui Daniil, the emperor requested of Împăratul i-a cerut Patr. Gennadius that the holy Daniel be honored with the rank of Ghenadie ca Daniil să fie onorat cu rangul de [[priestpreot]]. Initially Iniţial, Daniil nu şi-a dat consimţământul, he did not consent to dar după o rugăciune de [[ordinationhirotonire]], but after Daniil a consimţit şi a prayer of ordination Daniel consented by receiving the Holy Gifts from Gennadiusprimit sfântul dar al preoţiei.
Printre cei care şi-au arătat respectul faţa de Daniil şi i-au cerut rugăciunile au fost şi Împăratul Leon şi [[Ghenadie I de Constantinopol|Patriarhul Ghenadie I de Constantinopol]], cât şi membri ai curţii imperiale. Sf. Daniil avea darul vorbirii frumoase şi a călăuzit pe mulţi transformându-le vieţile.
Among his prophesies was his prediction, that had been made known to the emperor and to the patriarch, of the great fire in Constantinople. The sainted Daniel stood firm through all types of weather through all seasons. It was through his initiative that the relics of the St Symeon were brought from Antioch to Constantinople. Daniel defended the Church against the [[heresy|error]] of the Eutychians.