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23 de octeți șterși, 8 decembrie 2006 22:29
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===Imnurile celor 12 apostoli===
[[Troparul]] (Glas 3)
:O holy Apostles of Christ:Pray to our merciful God,:That he may grant us remission of our sinsSfintilor Apostoli rugati pe milostivul Dumnezeu ca sa dea iertare de pacate sufletelor noastre.
[[Kontakion]] (Tone 2)
:We glorify him who has glorified them!
==Cei 70 apostoliApostoli==The Seventy Apostles are those whom the Lord chose Cei Şaptezeci apostoli sunt ucenicii aleşi de Dumnezeu (described in descriere în [[Gospel of LukeEvanghelia dupa Luca|Luke]Luca] 10:1-16) in addition to the Twelve and sent forth to assist in the work of preachingalături de cei Doisprezece şi trimişi să predice. Over timeDupa o vreme, the Twelve added others to their number, who were sent out with the original Seventy to preach the gospelcei Doisprezece apostoli au mai adăugat câţiva celor Şaptezeci pentru a predica Evanghelia. Although this number eventually exceeded seventyDeşi în cele din urmă numărul lor a depăşit şaptezeci, they were all nevertheless referred to as toţi vor fi pomeniţi ca "of the Seventycei Şaptezeci Apostoli" out of reverence to the number which the Lord originally chose. Their collective [[feast daySoborului sfinţilor măriţilor apostoli, cei şaptezeci la număr]] is este [[January 4Ianuarie]].[[Image:Apostles Communion.jpg|right|frame|[[Eucharist|CommunionObştea Apostolilor]] of the Apostles]]It is difficult to determine Este dificil de întocmit o listă completă şi exactă a comprehensive and accurate list of the Seventy, but here are some of their namescelor Şaptezeci Apostoli. Vom aminti aici câteva nume:  
[[Apostle Achaicus|Achaicus]], [[Apostle Agabus|Agabus]], [[Apostle Alphaeus|Alphaeus]], [[Apostle Amplias|Amplias]], [[Apostle Ananias|Ananias]] (who baptized [[Apostle Paul|Paul]]), [[Apostle Andronicus|Andronicus]], [[Apostle Apelles|Apelles]], [[Apostle Apollo|Apollo]], [[Apostle Apphia|Apphia]], [[Apostle Aquila|Aquila]], [[Apostle Archippus|Archippus]], [[Apostle Aristarchus|Aristarchus]], [[Apostle Aristobulus|Aristobulus]], [[Apostle Artemas|Artemas]], [[Apostle Asyncritus|Asyncritus]], [[Apostle Barnabas|Barnabas]] (leader of the Seventy and companion of [[Apostle Paul|Paul]]), [[Apostle Caesar|Caesar]], [[Apostle Carpus|Carpus]], [[Apostle Cephas|Cephas]], [[Apostle Clement|Clement]], [[Apostle Cleopas|Cleopas]] (who accompanied the Lord to Emmaus), [[Apostle Crescens|Crescens]], [[Apostle Crispus|Crispus]], [[Apostle Epaphroditus|Epaphroditus]], [[Apostle Epenetus|Epenetus]], [[Apostle Erastus|Erastus]], [[Apostle Evodus|Evodus]], [[Apostle Fortunatus|Fortunatus]], [[Apostle Gaius|Gaius]], [[Apostle Hermas|Hermas]], [[Apostle Hermes (bishop)|Hermes]] (bishop of Dalmatia), [[Apostle Herodian|Herodian]], [[Apostle James the Just|James]] (the Brother of God, also called "the Less"), [[Apostle Jason|Jason]], [[Apostle Junia|Junia]], [[Apostle Justus|Justus]] (brother of the Lord), [[Apostle Linus|Linus]], [[Apostle Lucius|Lucius]], [[Apostle Luke|Luke the Evangelist]] (companion of [[Apostle Paul|Paul]] and author of the [[Gospel of Luke|Gospel]] that bears his name), [[Apostle Mark|Mark the Evangelist]] (companion of [[Apostle Paul|Paul]] and author of the [[Gospel of Mark|Gospel]] that bears his name), [[Apostle Narcissus|Narcissus]], [[Apostle Nathaniel|Nathaniel]], [[Apostle Nicanor|Nicanor]] (one of the original seven deacons), [[Apostle Olympas|Olympas]], [[Apostle Onesimus|Onesimus]], [[Apostle Onesiphorus|Onesiphorus]], [[Apostle Parmenas|Parmenas]] (one of the original seven deacons), [[Apostle Patrobas|Patrobas]], [[Apostle Philemon|Philemon]], [[Apostle Philip (of the Seventy)|Philip]] (one of the original seven deacons), [[Apostle Philologos|Philologos]], [[Apostle Phlegon|Phlegon]], [[Apostle Priscilla|Priscilla]], [[Apostle Prochorus|Prochorus]] (one of the original seven deacons), [[Apostle Pudens|Pudens]], [[Apostle Quadratus|Quadratus]], [[Apostle Quartus|Quartus]], [[Apostle Rodion|Rodion]], [[Apostle Rufus|Rufus]], [[Apostle Silas|Silas]] (companion of [[Apostle Paul|Paul]]), [[Apostle Silvan|Silvan]], [[Apostle Sosipater|Sosipater]], [[Apostle Sosthenes|Sosthenes]], [[Apostle Stachys|Stachys]], [[Apostle Stephen the Protomartyr|Stephen the Protomartyr]] (one of the original seven deacons), [[Apostle Terpnus|Terpnus]], [[Apostle Tertius|Tertius]], [[Apostle Thaddeus|Thaddeus]] (sometimes confused with [[Apostle Jude|Jude]] of the Twelve), [[Apostle Timon|Timon]] (one of the original seven deacons), [[Apostle Timothy|Timothy]] (companion of [[Apostle Paul|Paul]]), [[Apostle Titus|Titus]], [[Apostle Trophimus|Trophimus]], [[Apostle Urban|Urban]], [[Apostle Zacchaeus|Zacchaeus]], and [[Apostle Zenas|Zenas]].
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