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Adrian I al Romei

356 de octeți adăugați, 12 decembrie 2012 16:33
început traducere
'''Adrian I al Romei''' a fost un [[Papă al Romei ]] între anii 772-795. I-a urmat lui [[Ștefan al IV-lea al Romei|Ștefan al IV-lea]]. Scrierile sale dogmatice pun în evidență o erudiție patristică cu totul deosebită. În ele abundă citarea Părinților greci, lucru foarte rar în occident în timpul Evului Mediu.
{{Traducere EN}}
Papa '''Adrian I al Romei''' was the [[Pope]] of the [[Church of Rome]] from 772 to 795. Backed by Charlemagne, Pope Adrian ended the threat by the Lombards to the Papal States and signified papal independence from the Eastern Empire by dating his documents by the reign of Charles, king of the Franks instead of by that of the Emperor in the east. His pontificate of over twenty three years was the longest until that of Pope Pius VI in the late eighteenth century.
Backed by Charlemagne, Pope Adrian ended the threat by the Lombards to the Papal States and signified papal independence from the Eastern Empire by dating his documents by the reign of Charles, king of the Franks instead of by that of the Emperor in the east. His pontificate of over twenty three years was the longest until that of Pope Pius VI in the late eighteenth century.
Grigorie al III-lea, papă al Romei (731-741), prin naștere sirian, a urmat papei Grigorie al II-lea în martie 731.
The date of Adrian's birth is unknown, but is believed to be about the year 700. He was the son of Theodore, a Roman nobleman, but little else is known of his youth. He served under Popes Paul I and [[Ştefan al IV-lea al Romei|Ștefan al IV-lea]]. He ascended to the papal [[cathedra]] on [[1 februarie]], 772 with the support of the Frankish party in Rome. Adrian's policies thereafter were determined generally by the Frankish alliance rather than by his relations with emperors of Constantinople.
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