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Ghenadie I al Constantinopolului

215 octeți adăugați, 7 decembrie 2011 10:50
Cel între [[sfânt|sfinţi]], părintele nostru '''Ghenadie I''' (grec.: Άγιος Γεννάδιος), a trăit în secolul al V-lea şi a slujit ca [[Listă a patriarhilor de Constantinopol|Patriarh al Constantinopolului]] între anii 458-471. Printre altele, este cunoscut şi pentru faptul de a fi fost un adept al [[Biserica Ortodoxă a Antiohiei|şcolii antiohiene]] de exegeză.<br>
[[Prăznuire|Prăznuirea]] sa în [[Biserica Ortodoxă]] se face pe [[31 august]].
{{Traducere EN}}
Our father among the [[saint]]s '''Gennadius I of Constantinople''', (Greek Άγιος Γεννάδιος), was the Patriarch of Constantinople from 458 to 471. He was a follower of the Antiochene school of literal exegesis. His [[feast day]] is [[August 31]].
The early life of St. Gennadius is largely unknown. Gennadius was a [[presbyter]] at [[Constantinople]] before he succeeded Patr. [[Anatolius of Constantinople|Anatolius]]. He ascended the throne of the [[Church of Constantinople]] as Patriarch of Constantinople in the year 458, during the reign of emperor Leo I the Great. From the beginning of his episcopate Gennadius proved his zeal for the Christian faith and the maintenance of discipline.
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