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Leon al IV-lea

3 octeți adăugați, 22 decembrie 2022 21:16
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Leon al IV-lea s-a născut în ianuarie 750 ca fiu al lui Constantin al V-lea cu prima sa soție, o prințesă chazară botezată [[botez]]ată cu numele de Irina. He was crowned A fost încoronat co-emperor by his father in împărat de către tatăl său în 751. In December În decembrie 769 he was married in the [[chapel]] of St Stephen in the Daphne Palace to [[Irene of Athens]]s-a căsătorit cu Irina din Atena - viitoarea Irina Împătăreasa -, a member of the din familia nobiliară binecredincioasă ateniană Sarandapechys family. Their only sonUnicul lor copil, ConstantineConstantin, was born on s-a născut pe [[14 ianuarie]] 771. The choice of Irene as Leo's bride was to prove surprising, as Irene later displayed a reverence for [[icon]]s.
Leo succeeded to the throne at the age of twentyLeon a urcat pe tron la vârsta de 25 de ani, după moartea tatălui său, Constantin al V-five after the death of his fatherlea, Constantine, in August în august 775. He had his fiveCa și tatăl său, l-yeara făcut co-old sonîmpărat pe fiu său minor, în vârstă de 5 ani, Constantine Constantin al VI-lea, crowned as co-emperor on la [[April 14aprilie]], 776, a în [[PaschaSfintele Paști|Duminica Paștilor]] Sunday, after having the army, senate, and people swear that they would accept no other emperor than himself, his sondupă ce a făcut să jure și armata și senatul și poporul adunat că nu vor accepta alt împărat decât pe el, and their descendantspe fiul său și pe descendenții lui. In spite of this action, conspiracies erupted among Leo's younger brothers. These Leo put down easily, although the conspiring brothers would later reappear in opposition to Irene's regime.
During the early part of his reign, Leo appeared to take a more moderate position than his father on suppression of veneration of icons and [[monasticism]]. When [[Patriarch]] [[Nicetas I of Constantinople|Nicetas]] died in 780, Leo appointed as patriarch Paul of Cyprus, who may have had a more moderate iconoclastic position than his predecessors. But soon Leo appeared to renew the persecution of [[iconodule]]s that his father had initiated in the 760s. When Leo found that his wife Irene had icons in her possession, he rebuked her, then turning her aside, no longer had marital relations with her. Many courtiers, iconophile sympathizers whom Irene may have brought to the palace, were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured, and some may have died. Relations between Leo and Irene before these renewed persecutions appeared to have been fine.
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