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38 de octeți șterși, 29 mai 2011 13:04
+imnografie, dupa ceaslov
His [[feast day]] is celebrated on [[October 17]]. He is also remembered on the Sunday of the Holy Fathers which is the Sunday before the celebration of the Nativity of the Our Lord.
==Apolytikion in the Second ToneImnografie==As we celebrate the memory of Thy Prophet Hosea, O Lord,<br>through him we beseech Thee to save our souls.
==Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone==Initiated by divine illumination[[Tropar]],<br> thou wast deemed worthy of the lofty gift of prophecy<br>and foretoldest of the promise of grace, O Prophet.<br> O Hosea, since thou dwellest in God's glory now,<br> do thou rescue from all manner of adversity us who cry to thee[[glas]]ul al 2-lea:<br> Rejoice, thou vessel of grace divine.
:Prăznuind pomenirea proorocului Tău Osia, Doamne, printr-însul Te rugăm, mântuieşte sufletele noastre.  [[Condac]], glas 4 plagal: :Luminându-se cu Duhul curat, inima ta vas de proorocie prea luminat s-a făcut, pentru că mai înainte ai grăit cele ce erau departe, ca şi cum ar fi fost acum. Pentru aceasta te rog pe tine, fericite Osia, mărite, pe Hristos Dumnezeu roagă-L neîncetat pentru noi toţi.  ==SourcesSurse==
* OCA. [ Prophet Hosea].
* Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. [ Hosea the Prophet].
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