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Dreptul Zaharia

13 octeți adăugați, 12 februarie 2011 08:09
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[[Image:Zacharias (Father of St. John the Baptist).jpg|frame|right|'''Dreptul Zaharia''']]
Dreptul '''Zaharia''', [[sfânt]] şi [[prooroc]], a fost tatăl Sf. [[Ioan Botezătorul]], ''înainte-mergătorul Domnului''.<br>
[[Biserica Ortodoxă]] îl [[prăznuire|prăznuieşte]] pe [[5 septembrie]], precum şi pe [[24 iunie]] („''soborul drepţilor Zaharia şi Elisabeta''”).
{{Traducere EN}}
[[Image:Zacharias (Father of St. John the Baptist).jpg|frame|right|Dreptul Zaharia (Father of St. John the Baptist)]]
Dreptul '''Zaharia''', the father of the holy [[Prophet]] St [[John the Baptist]] is commemorated by the Church on [[September 5]] along with his wife [[Elizabeth]]. He is also remembered, in the Greek tradition, on [[June 24]] with the Nativity of St John the Baptist.
The holy Prophet Zachariah, a priest in the Jerusalem Temple, was the son of [[Barach]], from the lineage of [[Aaron]]. St Zachariah was told by an [[angel]] that his elderly wife would bear him a son named John, but he doubted this prediction. For his weakness of faith, Zachariah become mute. When Elizabeth gave birth to a son, motivated of the [[Holy Spirit]], she announced that his name was John. When Zachariah confirmed the name in writing, speech returned to him, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, he began to foretell about his son as the Forerunner of the Lord.
King Herod began to slaughter the children of Bethlehem after the Lord [[Jesus]] had been born. The king sent men to find and kill the son of Zachariah because he had heard all that had happened to Zachariah, and how John had been born. Elizabeth fled with John when she saw the soldiers. Herod was enraged that the child John had not been found and ordered Zachariah to be slain before the altar in temple.
[[Tropar]] – ([[glas]]ul 2) []
:Therefore we praise him as a divine initiate of the grace of God.
==External linksSurse==  ==Legături externe==
*[ Prophet Zachariah the father of St John the Baptist] – [[OCA]] website
*[ Zacharias the Prophet & Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist] - [[GOARCH]] website
*[ The Holy Prophet Zacharias] (Prologue of Ohrid) [[Category:Saints]][[Category:Biblical Saints]] [[Category:Prophets]]
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